"Yukikoi Melt" is a visual novel about a young man’s life in the Winter Country. Miharu, a winter hater, and the girls of the Winter Club find their lives intertwined when he moves to snowy Yubane. Can their warmth melt his heart?
Thread Updated: 2020-04-30
Release Date: 2020-04-30
Developer/Publisher: Frontwing | Store
Censorship: No | Patched
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
Voice Language: Japanese
Title: Yuki Koi Melt
Original Title: ゆきこいめると
Aliases: yukimel
Length: Medium (10 – 30 hours)
Genre: 2dcg, handjob, male protagonist, oral sex, vaginal sex, big tits, bukkake, creampie, dating sim, fantasy, monster girl, romance, school setting, virgin, voiced
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