So this game is heavily inspired by Akabur’s work and is built in RPG Maker MV.
The game is still in progress. I haven’t played it in awhile and honestly someone who has needs to write a better Overview.
Updated: 2017-09-05
Developer/Publisher: Logan – Patreon | Site
Censorship: No
Version: 2017-09-05
OS: Windows, MacOS, Linux
Language: English
Genre: Rpg, adventure, all sex, blowjob, sexy babes, sexual training, parody, hades, erotic adventure, adv
: Build 2017-09-05 Drawn:
– Sex scene with Mavis;
– A few new icons (3);
– New chibies for Lola and Hades during "Farmers hay task";
– Touching a hip prelude dialogue busts (5);Improvements/Added:
– Farmers task;
– Function to update old saves;
– "Allowed to have sex" marker is added in Affection Data;
– Sex scene for Mavis;
– Mavis’s "Get sexual with her" option requires at least 2 completed tasks now;
– Touching Mavis’s hip;
– Corrected text from Lyk;
– Saves are now excluded from the build and putted on the website separately;
– Number of prisoners at Bounty Hunter’s HQ will decreease during your progress with Kord’s tasks;Fixes:
– "You have Lola in the party" tip is now displaying the right image;
– Corrected typos;
– Lola’s heal ability is increeased to make it more effective;
– After choosing Kord’s side, you will fight Roth in his tent, instead of Kord and his men;
– Fixed Personality displays for Lola and Rapunzel;
– If you give porn mag to kids it will be removed from your inventory now;
– "Stairs guard" will not going to approach Kord if you re-enter Bounty Hunter’s HQ after taking Roth’s counter-deal;
– Drain SP damage effect is reduced from 10% to 2.5%. : Build 2017-07-28 Drawn:
– Redrawn Silene, the slave’s dualogue bust (17) (+ in the robe, naked, displaying her at the sale from the front (2 variants) and from the back);
– New emotions for Hades (2);
– Items (Apple, Bitch’s diary, Woodsman’s wife’s diary).Improvements/Added:
– Added interactions for Rufus and Silene;
– Added 2 quests: "Get a room for Silene", "A cure for Silene";
– If chatting with NPC, lead you into proposing to pay for something, a window with amount of your gold appears. The same goes for Dark Enegry using;
– Added red apples, that being affeced by Red Hood’s perk;
– Added and placed apple trees in some parts of the game’s world, with possibility to gather apples from it;
– Added grilled meat;
– Added new magic skill for Hades "Drain SP";
– Now you can cook meat at the fire place at the Thieves camp;Fixes:
– Range of clicking on Ladders at Lily’s house, Bounty Hunter’s HQ, Woodsman’s house and Bouncing Pony hotel is now wider;
– Fixed displacing of Woodsman’s dialogue bust if you refering to him for the fist time, without Lola;
– "Daisy’s Father" quest: Fixed bug when Krandus appears again after walking away to talk to his daughter;
– "Daisy’s Father" quest: "Speak to Daisy" objective can be completed now if Lola isn’t in your party;
– "Possessed doll" quest: You can finish "Possessed doll" properly now;
– "Possessed doll" quest: Jerry’s dialogue bust dissappearing after you hit "Not yet" while you talk to him;
– Candies are showing how much HP they can recover;
– Sense of danger close to bridge post won’t activate if you dispelled Rider’s face;
– "Ice sting", "Sturdy Leather Armor", "Scout Iron Armor", "Dark Knight’s Helm", "Strengthened Wooden Shield", "Shabby Shield" costs more now;
– You can’t call disabled dialogue choiced by using hot-keys anymore;
– Killing guards at Corona’s bridge posts clears the guards "talk zone";
– Dialogue options doesn’t cover guard’s bust, after you chosing "Let me through or else" option;
– Farmer on the left is not outside during the night now;
– Mysterious grandma doesn’t re-appear after you answered her questions without Lola;
– Fat Lily’s quest about cat is automaticly being tracked now after you take it with "Trak Question" option being activated.Coding:
– Lola’s heart icon popups indicating affection towars Hades is being fixed;
– Dev stuff: Dialogue variants texts are now changing according of number of specific variables;
– Dev stuff: Variable’s dialogue text can move a string on the next line now;
– Compass dissappears now if current objective has no waypoints;
– Ability to change clothes for NPC’s;
– Blured images while you open the menu are removed in order to reduse cache memory overload. : Build 2017-07-10 Added 11 quests:
Mavis – "Mavis meeting humans", "A new friend for Mavis";
Woodsman’s daughter – "Possessed doll";
Woodsman – "Woodsman’s job";
Gossiping bitch – "A Diary for a gossiping bitch";
Krandus, retired warrior – "Daisy’s Father";
Kord, bounty hunter’s leader – "Bring in an ex-thief", "Find Pope", "Eradicate criminal’s hideout", "Silent the Snake";
Roth, thieves camp leader – "Hidden sides".Other stuff:
– Robber Axeman drawn;
– Mavis in robe;
– Credits renewed.Fixes:
– Bounty Hunter’s HQ: Bounty Hunter on the left doesn’t dissapears anymore after interaction with him;
– Crystal mine, Underground river: Lola won’t talk with you if you don’t have her in the team;
– Test Room – Statues Puzzle: Slave trader and Warlord statues won’t move from it’s spots anymore, after you pull the reset lever;
– Interaction with Lola: Right click during "Give her something" options sends you back into interaction choices, instead of giving Lola chocolade;
– If you go back from Alwin’s Tasks options, "I need Crystal" option will not appear again if you already got it;
– Fixed bug that allowed you to get down from the cliff at the cemetery;
– Fixed compas pointing at Marlin’s mission;
– Fixed text that had been blocked by dialogue busts (the one I discovered, anyway);
– Getting of Alwin’s password is more obvious.Coding:
– Fixed a bug where you entering Lola’s Quipment window instead of Hades’es;
– Night ambient sounds and music are now plays at every non-house localion;
– Cemetery: The bridge is not blocking the path now if you teleported somewhere after crossing it. : Build 2017-07-03 World:
– Added 45 maps:
Hotel 2nd floor,
Krandus house,
Woodsman’s Residence,
Woodsman’s Residence – 2nd floor,
Bounty Hunter’s HQ,
Bounty Hunter’s HQ – 2nd floor,
House with laundry,
Alwin’s Residence,
Alwin’s Residence – 2nd floor,
Damcus village East / Crossroad,
Hidden Stash turn,
Road to Feritatem – 1,
Road to Feritatem – 2,
Road to cemetery – 1,
Road to cemetery – 2,
Road to cemetery – 3,
Cemetery mountain cave,
Crypt 2,
Catacombs 2,
Underground river,
Underground river 2,
Hidden Underground Warehouse,
Warehouse Secret Room,
Thick forest,
Test rooms,
Room 1,
Room 2,
Room 3,
Pier, road to Kingdom of Corona capital bridge
Kingdom of Corona Bridge Post,
Thieves Camp,
Roth’s tent,
Storage Tent,
Barely maps: Big tent, Tent1, Tent2, Tent 3
Abandoned Crystal Mine,
Abandoned Crystal Mine Deeper ungerground.– Drawn 29 dialogue busts and added emotions for them:
Abelard, the Blacksmith (2),
Alwin (18),
Barney, the farmer (2),
Gibson, the farmer (3),
Old boatman (4),
Creepy doll and Jerry (6),
Daisy (12),
Emma, the woodsman’s wife (5),
Lana, the woodsman’s daughter (4),
Manfred, the woodsman (3),
Gerd, the woodsman (6),
Mysterious Granny (6),
Hannah, the gossipy bitch (8),
Jacob, whimpy guy (6),
Jimmy (6),
Kord, the Bounty Hunter’s leader (4),
Krandus, retired soldier (4),
Mavis Dracula (18),
Pope (3),
Guard, posted on the bridge (10),
Red Cultists Followers,
Roth (4),
Defeated Roth (1),
Rufus (11),
Silene, the slave (13) + 2 checking her body from front and from the back,
Snake (6),
Some kids (7),
Mavis in bat form in the cage,
Ubel (3).– New emotions for:
Lola (+ 14),
Hades (+ 11),
Merlin (+1).– Drawn 144×144 Avatars for non-important NPC’s:
11 thieves,
6 villagers.– Drawn 52 new items:
4 accessory, 4 armor, 6 helmets, 5 shields, 13 weapons, 3 potions, 3 keys,
4 gifts (box of chocolade, dildo, porn, flowers),
8 quest items (3 crystal keys, Purple Crystal, Dark Lord’s Mark, Mavis in Bat form, Glowing flower, Milled Crystals),
Candies, Grilled meat.– Drawn 20 new enemies:
3 types of zombies, 2 types of ghouls, a new robber type,
Bounty Hunter, Butch, Corona Guard Cavalier, Red Cult Follower, Ghoul Behemoth, Crystal Golem, Kord, Posessed Water, Roth, Snake, Spider, Wolf, Gert, Jacob, Predator Flower– Drawn Images for column puzzle.
– Preparing the fast travel map – A little drawing of it.– Some other little drawings, like icons, pointers, and so on…– 224 + 33 pages of text are written;
– Added 32 NPC chibis;
– Added 2 “no-so-chibis” graphic for two bosses;
– Added new music (about 5 new track) for locations and fights.
– New events + quests.Coding:
– Affection Data: Added a “Personality” button with text block;
– Affection Data: Slight re-design, added perks logic and valuable of the affection;
– Complexity on mouse diagonal pathfinding is nerfed down in order to increase performance;
– Battle screen: Fixed HP gauges bug, where value dropped on “Null”;
– Coin game update – not it has an option where you always can loose for the story, added buttons for interaction with mouse and description window;
– Fixed a bug that crushed the game after you enter “Skills and Equipment” section and press “left” or “right” on a keyboard;
– Compass is dissapearing as it shoud if you take tracking of a quest down;
– Quest-Log showing only 3 first goals now, no matter how many goals is in the quest and scrolls down ones that you completed;
– Journal marks completed goals with different color as well as Quest-Log;
– Added a command that allows to remove compass from the screen and show it back. So I can hide it during sex screen or something like that;
– Same added for the Quest-log window;
– Now “click” sound plays after you clicking on icons at the top-left corner of the screen;
– Added an additional window that I can call during dialogue choices, showing information that I need to clarify (used in the coin game so far);
– New plugin written, that adding Column puzzle in the game and processes it’s logic;
– Now Hades and Lola can have description of their “proffesions” in two rows, when you chosing one of them in the inventory;
– New tag is added that helps to put manually written description in items to bypass restrictions of the engine (used for displaying earlier restricred “SP +100” for Stamina Potion so far);
– Fixed bug that shows black square in the text baloons making it impossible to read;
– Text baloons are now don’t stick at the side of the screen and goes behind the screen borders;
– Fixed a bug where you can’t change music volume after winning a battle;
– States effects during battle (poison, confusion and so on) are now shows higher in order to not overlap characters;
– New vital function for the story is added. That changes look of Hades and Lola in dialogues, Skills, Inventory sections and battles, after Hades puts on new uniform and Lola starting to wear adventurer cape;
– Now Lola stands in defense pose if you giving her “Guard” command;
– Lola’s healing spell can harm undead now;
– Added a possibility to accidentally heal an enemy, watch with what you clicking;
– Lola’s “Lovestruck” spell dosen’t affect non-organic foes and undead now;
– Lola’s normal attack includes additional magic damage;
– Feature that shows steps order during battle is now working for Lola too, if she’s partisipates;
– Some bug fixes for steps order feature;
– Now item images, that you can see at the inventory, shows in shops as well;
– While you looking at the item in a shop screen and if you already have this item – you can see a number how many do you have;
– Added an icon for that, instead of “Possetion” word;
– Fixed and issue that showed possetion of an item in inventory like it doing in shops;
– In the steps order, both Hades and Lola are now stands out from the line when it’s their turn to move;
– Changed size font of “A, B…” letters in steps ordes portraits;
– Fixed vital bug when you can’t select a party member from “Skills and Equip” window after you choose him and closed the window;
– Added condition function in items description in order to dependially change it’s description during the game (used for Red Hood’s perk that affects red colored heal items);
– Achievements screen re-desing;
– Recoding of achievement plugin in order to change it’s fonts size for specific lines;
– Achievements works with 48×48 px icons now;
– Removed “Reward” phrase from Journal, processing logic of this part was returned if for it’s probably use in the future;
– Now quests that you can’t complete in the current build marked with icon and according text;
– If you can’t complete a quest, it shows a little icon at the corner of Quest-Log and it was done in Journal with big one;
– Major change for “Skill and Equipment” screen. Now “Attack”, “Defense” “Agility”, “Luck” was moved left and changed by it’s font size. To leave space for values that shows value summary that your equipment provides;
– Values of your equipment summary now displayed with different color;
– Changes in MOG’s sensor plugin that can allow a NPC to react on you differently after he sensed you. Used for “Catch 10 rabbits” achievement so you don’t have to kill a rabbit in order to gain achievement score, after you catch the animal;
– New side menu was added, that shows new icons. Fixed some issues in it;
– Some tweaks in Fast Travel plugin to change it’s calculations considering found portals;
– Mavis window was added in Affection Data;
– Terrax Lightning plugin tweaks in order to change shading strengh;
– New plugin written that changes music and ambient sound that cycling during night;
– Changed chibies speed walking animantion to match RPG Maker VX Ace standards;
– Some events graphic dosen’t reacts on night darkness now (used for displaying lights on windows at the village during night);
– Events graphic that dosen’t reacts on night won’t overlap icons at the top-left corner;
– New plugin written for a Mavis’es quest logic considering constructing her greetings replic (quest isn’t implemented in the game yet);
Some tweaks to optimize the game for engine 1.5.0 update:
– A little preloading plugin tweak to optimize it for 1.5.0 enginne update;
– Choises are now displaying graphic which was broked due 1.5.0 update;
– Achievement menu displays icons now;
– Side menu displays icons now too;– Now gained achievements popups at the right-bottom corner of the screen, displaying according icon;
– Added a sound to achievements popup.
– Items attributes shows in red color now if it’s lowers some of your parameters.– Other minor and not so minor tweaks.Changes/additions that wasn’t implemented by coding:
– Constructing animation for Lola’s spells. Adding sounds for it;
– Red Hood’s perk effect is implemented;
– Now you can load from the Game Over sreen;
– Added MOG Hunter’s boss HP gauge plugin;
– Different sounds for clicking and going back in menus. New buzzer sound;
– Different equip slots for Lola and Hades;
– Night time for each non-house and non-cave map was set;
– Now you can turn off tips;
– Now you can turn off automatic Quest-Log appearance;
– Added effect that warns you about a danger ahead;
– Added achievements: “Catch 10 rabbits”, “Sex Law Origins”, “Find all the stashes in Damcus village”, “Kill all of the Undead at the Cemetery during night”;
– Night/Day toggle,
– Interaction with Lola is implemented:
Giving her commands,
Giving her presents,
Asking what she thinks about all of the maps,
Asking what she thinks about someone.
– Fast Travel function;
– Lights at Damcus village, thieves camp and corona bridge are now glow and producing light during night time;
– Hotel provides a place for a sleepover now that heals and refreshes your party entirely;
– If an NPC provides more than 1 quest, they’re listed in a NPC’s “Tasks” option now;
– Undeads are twice stronger at night;
– A new sound of finding a secret location is added;
– Some fighting balance fixes;
– Windows at Hotel and Bounty Hunter’s HQ don’t glow with sunlight during night time;
– Battle screen: Bosses don’t display it’s HP in a little gauge like ordinary enemies due his personal boss HP line at the top of the screen;
– You can save the game in Fat Lily’s house now;
– Edges of maps that you can’t cross are now marked with a floating icon;
– The same icon marks every option in dialogues that isn’t implemented in the build yet;
– Puzzles in the Test Rooms are simplified;
– Some changes in maps for easier navigation. : Build 2016-10-06 Some time ago I got a request from Reepyr to make a crossover with the main character of his nsfw game Adventures of Tara. I played this game and i think it’s freaking awesome, so i thought it’s should be fun to give a quick ride for Tara in The Dark Lord’s Trip story. So we made a script, trying to stay faithful to Tara’s personality and not to mess with the lore of my game.
As usual, two saves are there. First one – before village, second one – after speaking with Merling for the first time.I included Tara into the previous buld, since the big one is incomplete. You can find her quest by getting a job from Merlin. A sex scene with her included. Aside Tara’s quest, the build itself expands The Dark Lord’s Trip lore a little bit. I planned to hold this for the big one, but I didn’t want Lola and Merlin continue to stand idle. In the other new features, you can notice a new quests mechanic – two combined plugins Compass and Quest log. Couldn’t handle this type of coding, had to hire a programmer for that one.I got a few messages from you, guys, worrying if i died from lacking of sleep there . The project and me are okay, sorry guys for making you worry. I’ll try to post for you more often, but with my schedule, i can’t make promises. Please, keep in mind that I’m HEAVILY loaded with work that i have to do, so i rather work than talk.About future plans. I’m going to look for an artist to help me out with my workload, like Dahr helped to Akabur sometime. I’ll keep you posted about that.Thanks again you guys for kind comments and support! I couldn’t ask for a better feedback. Take care! : Build 2016-09-1, 2016-09-08 Build 2016-09-08 after beta testing fixes/impovements:
– The top of Lola’s and Merlin’s dialogue busts doesn’t cuts off when the choices appears;
– When you letting go the rabbit, you no longer have to wait till he runs off the screen;
– Fixed incorrect displaying of equipment: Equipment items are now displayed in a line, instead of a column;
– Added a button to remove an equipped item on the equipment screen.
– Some minor improvements in inventory’s code to avoid unexpected bugs;
– Rapunzel leaving the tower when you went too far;
– Guards are leaving the woods when you dispelling the Rider’s face.
– Lola stops repeating her line, after you spoke with Merlin.World:
– Added 11 new maps:
Thicket 1 (960×3200), Thicket 2 (2880×1920), Thicket 3 (3600×1680), Crossroad (1440×960), Damcus Village (2967×3936), Fat Lily’s Residence 1st floor (1248×960), Fat Lily’s Residence 2nd floor (1248×960), Merlin’s house (1248×960), Merlin’s Residence (1248×960), Secret Cave 1 (1248×960), Secret Cave 2 (1248×960);
– Added 37 pages of text for continuation of a storyline;
– Added new 8 dialogue busts for: Andreas, Marlis, Corona Guard Captain, Fat Lily, Lola, Red Riding Hood, Stabbington Brothers;
– New emotions: 23 for Lola, 11 for Red Hood, 11 for Hades, 8 Andreas, 3 for Marlis, 10 for Merlin the Wizard, 3 for Guards Captain, 5 for Fat Lily, 3 for Stabbington brothers;
– Added 2 girls for Affection Data;
– Added a sex scene for Red Riding Hood;
– Added 17 chibis NPC;
– Added 5 chibis scenes;
– New chibis blowjob animation;
– 6 new items drawings + item icons;
– Added audio plugin for playing audio at a certain location in order to give a better atmosphere. The audios volume will be determined based off the players distance from the audio location;
– Added sounds for waterfall and Nymph’s river;
– Added jump plugin. Now the player can jump over small obstacles (short fences, recumbent logs, stumps, etc) by clicking on them;
– Added new sounds and music;
– Added new 5 types of enemies;Fixes:
– One of the vitals plugins has been updated, fixing the rare bug that caused disabling of savings.Changes/Improvements:
– New dialogue bust for Hades during the dialogue with Rapunzel;
– New replics for Hades during battles;
– New sound for using items in inventory.Other Tweaks:
– If Hades was spotted, time of response from guards is now shorter;
– One of the thicket’s stashes is more easy to spot;
– Some other minor tweaks…
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