Paccsu – Namu’s Journey is a LEWD RPG game set in a fantasy world called Paccsu. You take control of a Muh’kean girl called Namu, who was taken away from her birth parents at a young age to be a part of a holy ritual in Muh’kea’s desperate attempt to fight The Undying King, the King of Zombies.
: MORE She was taken to the Kingdom of Ruo’ho by a human refugee couple to live by the shadow of the mystical Tukeva Tower, where she would live her life, train and grow strong. 18 years later, Namu is ready for the adventure with the help of her adoptive parents. Namu has no idea what happened in her past or has any memory of it or what kind of power she holds inside her. Soon, Namu finds herself in the middle of a crisis that threatens the whole world.
Namu’s journey begins when she is sent to investigate the mines where dangerous and bootylicious snakes from the Clan Tiss’i have been attacking the innocent human workers. It’s Namu’s job to save the world.
Thread Updated: 2020-05-20
Release Date: 2020-05-18
Developer: Zem Patreon – Newgrounds
Censored: No
Version: 0.22
OS: Windows
Language: English
2D game, 2DCG, Adventure, Anal sex, Animated, Big ass, Big tits, Creampie, Fantasy, Female protagonist, Furry, Monster, Monster girl, Oral sex, Rape, RPG, Turn-based combat, Vaginal sexShortstack
New Areas:Vaina’jaThe BattlegroundsThe Grand ArenaVaina’ja LocationVaina’ja EntranceVaina’ja SouthVaina’ja South InnVaina’ja NorthVaina’ja North – Healer TentThe BattlegroundsThe Battlegrounds Item ShopThe Battlegrouns Weapon ShopNew weapons, rings and shields!The Battlegrounds InnThe Battlegrounds BarAssortment of drinksThe Grand ArenaThe Grand Arena Fighting GroundsGrand Arena Market – Fighter EnlistingThere is a very SPECIAL Orb SPECIALIST in here, who can turn your tier 3 Orbs like Lich’s Orb, Inferno Orb, Avalanche Orb etc. into a better version! These Supercharged versions have better stats and more powerful spells. Spells will cost more tho.Namu will participate in 5 fights in the arena:Fight 1: Bandit Martial ArtistFight 2: Veteran Undead GladiatorFight 3: Clan TIss’iFight 4: Vera "The Murderer" GlarionetteFight 5: Rumpus The DestroyerGrand Arena VIP AreaGrand Master Danoer’s OfficeClan Tiss’i VIP AreaSnake Princess Tits!Namu and her friends talking with Princess Fancy-Tail-New Lewd Scenes:Kiva’s Creamy Surprise, Animated (Gfycat) Kiva gets tricked by a guy in Sata’ma, who promises a creamy treat for Kiva.LocationYou can witness the scene in Sata’ma as many times as you want.Viewing the scene in the gallery will also give you an option to remove Kiva’s clothes!-Misc:Ran’ta Special Shop in Town of Ran’ta (Muh’kea) now sells a Ran’ta Teleportation DeviceMaria Elfenbooben has her own standing picture nowAbsorb Willpower (Namu, lvl 20), Damage increased. Increased TP cost from 10 to 22.Buffed Mighty Blade of Awesomeness a littleFixed Nethersword (Now actually applies Agility and Evasion debuffs)Small changes to existing weapons (Mostly buffs!) Also, updated the descriptions.Fire Slash, Flame Slash and Scorching Slash cost now less, like the other Elemental attacks.(8,16,24)Encourage (Namu,lvl 31) Now buffs Namu’s stats by 33% instead of 25% and also lasts 5 turns instead of 4.Namu receives a new power called Challenge!(Lvl 34). Defense Increase, Attack Decrease. Tank Ability. Instant CastNamu learns a passive buff called Defiance at lvl 35. Permanent 10% HP Increase.Purnima receives a new power called Flash Bomb (Lvl 33). Blind, Paralyze, Stun. Physical Damage to All Enemies.Purnima receives a new power called Dance of the Shadows (Lvl 34). Massive Damage to all enemies.Purnima learns a passive buff called Nimble at lvl 35. Permanent 5% Evasion Rate IncreaseKiva receives a new power called Slime Parasite (Lvl 33). Paralyze, Massive Damage-Over-Time.Kiva receives a new power called Slimewall (Lvl 34). Enemy Damage and Hit Chance debuff.Kiva learns a passive buff called Reinforced at lvl 35. Permanent 10% Physical Defense Increase.Kiva has an extra Ring slot now and you can unequip her special ring aswell.Itty bitty thingsBug Fix:Fixed the Gallery version of Namu Butt Tentacle Sideway(Bandit Warlock) View-scene so it won’t remove the Battle HUDPurnima’s Sucker Punch (Lvl 32) damage is now based on Attack not Magic Attack. (oops)Ray of Dog (Ring) actually applies "Illuminated" to enemies now.Sarianne will now actually vanish correctly after taking enough damage. (lol)
There is a distraught elf girl called Maria Elfenbooben in Ran’ta and she is looking for help. A Thief stole her family heirloom from her home and she needs help retrieving it from the Bandit Hideout.This sidemission is available after you’ve finished the Temple of Shadows, Maria Elfenbooben is in Town of Ran’ta – South.New Areas:- Tower of Memories, Bandit Hideout- Maria’s Location- Bandit Hideout LocationNew Enemies (Bandit Hideout):- Bandit Warlock- Bandit Knight- Bandit Martial Artist- Summoned Battlegolem (Boss)New Lewd Scenes: – Namu Kaupun’ki Bar Scene 2 Extended, Animated (Kaupun’ki, Bar) (Gfycat)
Remember, when you have completed the first scene, you need to go sleep at the Kaupun’ki Inn to make this scene available! – Namu’s butt tentacled, sideway view, belly bulge, animated (Bandit Warlock, Bandit Hideout)(Gfycat) – Lohik’s Buttslam (Male, Female) Lohik’s Special Attack in the Tower of Lohik’Misc:Increased the price of Elixir from 500g to 1200gIncreased the TP cost of Lightning Reflexes from 18 to 25Increased the TP cost of Heightened Reflexes from 8 to 10Kiva receives a new power called Motherly Slime (lvl 28), Regeneration, Ally Debuff removerKiva receives a new power called Slimediho (lvl 29), Debuffer, Physical DamageKiva receives a new power called Slime Cascade (Lvl 30), High Physical DamageKiva receives a new power called Crushing Slime Prison (Lvl 31), Paralyze, Physical Debuff, High Physical DamageKiva receives a new power called Plagueslime (lvl 32), High Physical Damage, Applies Plague’d (DOT)Namu receives a new power called Glacial Slash (Lvl 28), Tier 3 Ice SlashNamu receives a new power called Blessing of the Blue Dragon (lvl 29), Party heal, Defense buffNamu receives a new power called Storm Slash (lvl 30), Tier 3 Lightning SlashNamu receives a new power called Encourage (lvl 31), Party Damage & Defense boostNamu receives a new power called Meditation (lvl 32), TP and MP regenerationNamu receives a new power called Judgment of the Golden Dragon (lvl 33), Light Defense Debuff, DOTPurnima receives a new power called Massacre (lvl 29), 2 Random target, Bleed, ShreddedPurnima receives a new power called Throat Cut (lvl 30), Deep cut, Rupture (Massive DOT)Purnima receives a new power called Smoke Bomb (lvl 31), Party Evasion Buff, Blind ImmunityPurnima receives a new power called Sucker Punch (lvl 32), Disorient, ConfusionSlightly Increased the damage of Slimeburst, Slimespit, Slimespike Barrage and Massive Slime Bomb. (Kiva)Increased Damage of Hellfire (Inferno Orb)Stormcharge is no longer Instant Cast (Storm Lord’s Orb), Magic Attack Bonus increased from 25% to 30%.Decreased the TP cost of Namu’s elemental slash attacks (Fire Slash, Ice Slash, etc.)Changed the music of Town of Ran’taIncreased the prices of items that increase statsParty members will now receive Experience Points even if they are defeated at the end of the battleLightning Reflexes and Heightened Reflexes can no longer be stacked (They will remove one another)Some itty bitty thingsBug Fix:none (whaaat??)
After Namu and her friends completed the trials in the Temple of Shadows, the hunt for the other key artifacts continue, as Shaaden sents Namu to explore the remains of an old mansion. Only a small cottage remains on top of the remains, but what they find inside is something they never expected. It’s an adventure filled with mystery, tragedy… Human and animal experiments… Human sacrifice… Also puzzles!This mission continues the story! This mission is available from Shaaden, after you have finished the Temple of Shadows.New Areas:Palmenbutten Mansion New Enemies (Palmenbutten Mansion)Cultist Cerberus X (Boss) New Lewd Scenes:Kiva’s Boob sucked by a slug (Mainio Sewers) Namu’s Ass Tentacle’d, DP, Ass Spread, Anal (Palmenbutten Mansion, Ending) Namu’s Thigh Tentacle’d (Palmenbutten Mansion, Ending) Misc:Increased the chance of lewds events happening on all enemies. (As they HP goes lower, chance increases. *This was always the case, but the chance is increased now*) Adjusted Sarianne’s health so players can’t one-shot her lol Buffed enemies and the bosses in Temple of Shadows slightly. Adjusted the stats of most of the enemies and bosses. Stimulating Slime (Kiva) now plays animation, Cleavage Sand (Purnima) now plays animation aswell. Purnima receives a new power called Reflect at lvl 27. (Special block, counter attack) Cleansing Water now removes Scorched, Mind Drain, Souldrain, Plague’d and Ectoplasm’d too. Antidote removes Plague’d now too. Fixed random typos. Bug Fix:Vhetae Witchy’s Special Attack will now appear in the gallery once you have witnessed it lol BewbTek Shieldblaster can actually trigger the Kiva Anal Vibrator scene now lmffao (Removed Goliath Scene from this enemy) Namu can no longer get stuck in North Mainio house, while triggering the lewd event Save Included:Slot 20 (Temple of Shadows completed)
New Lewd Scenes
Namu Vaginal Tentacle (Temple of Shadows)
This scene can be found inside the Temple of Shadows, just look for the pink tentacles sticking out of the ground!
Purnima Anal, Zombie (Temple of Shadows, "Fists")
Namu’s butt fondled by a pervert (Sata’ma)Misc:
Lehava has new unique items once you have defeated The Undying King in battle
New shop in Ran’ta with unique itemsBug Fixes:
You will no longer get stuck while viewing the Auction scene in the gallery lmffao
Ass grabber in South Mainio will no longer get Namu stuck in the wallSave Included:
Slot 20 (Town of Ran’ta, Muh’kea)Hopefully you enjoyed this update! Till next time friends! v0.18
Muh’kea!Namu is finally travelling to Muh’kea with her friends and Namu is one step closer to defeating the Undying King once and for all! She still has a long way to go tho…Namu meets a mystic called Shaaden in Ran’ta. He sends Namu and her friends for their first task to collect the necessary artifacts to get inside the Castle Undying. Namu’s first task is to travel to Temple of Shadows to collect a ring called Ring of Valor. This ring is rewarded to anyone who completes the challenges within the Temple.New Areas:
Town of Ran’ta
Temple of ShadowsThe temple is filled with beefier versions of the Undead. They will use their usual lewd attacks on Namu. All of these enemies have new loot!
New Enemies (Temple of Shadows)
Shadow Namu
Shadow Kiva
Shadow PurnimaNew Lewd Scene:
Kiva’s Bewbs Fucked by a Vine (Tower of Lohik’)
This scene has 2 looping parts. This scene can be found inside Tower of Lohik’.Misc:
Adjusted the volume of many of the skills
Namu receives a new power called Scorching Blade at lvl 27
Kiva receives a new power called Stimulating Slime at lvl 27 (Party Revive)
Purnima receives two new powers: Viper’s Fangs at lvl 25, Cleavage Sand at lvl 26
Purnima also gets Lightning Reflexes at lvl 28. I forgot to mention this at the last update lol
Slimopolooza now heals 25% instead of 20%. (Kiva)
Kiva has her own unique sprite now!
Some tiny things that I don’t remember right now lmffaoBug Fixes:
"Scorched" (DoT) actually debuffs target’s fire defense instead of buffing it lmao (-5%)
"Electrify" also debuffs the magic defense of the target instead of buffin it LOL OOPS (-5% all elements, -10% magic defense)
"Disorient" now works too and debuffs target’s physical defense (-10%)
The music button in Namu’s memory room now works correctly and the music continues into the second room too
New Areas:
Tower of Lohik’, Harbor Town Sata’ma (Main Mission) The Undying King is still the biggest threat to the lives of everybody in the world
of Paccsu, so Jasquel is sending Namu and her friends to Muh’kea to face the King of
Zombies face to face. Namu is sent to the Harbor town of Sata’ma to look for a
captain who will take her to Muh’kea. The captain needs help tho, and Namu needs to
recover his maps and his sword from Tower of Lohik’.New Enemies:
Lohik’ (Boss, Tower of Lohik’) BewbTek Shield Blaster (BewbTek Facility) New Lewd Scenes:
Kiva’s butt drilled by a huge vibrator (BewbTek Shield Blaster) Kiva’s butt rammed (BewbTek Goliath) Lohik’ Tower Vine Trap (Namu Anal, animated tentacle) Misc:
Lewd scenes can be skipped with numpad0 now too. FOR YOU LEFT HANDED FAPPERS You can now relock the lewd scenes in Namu’s Memory Room by pressing the red button again Added a music button in Namu’s Memory Room. You can choose to play one of the 3 Battle Musics. Itty Bitty things that are not so noticeable Save Included:
Slot 20 (Purnima’s Quest done, in front of Mainio Castle)
Paccsu 0.16 is here with following additions and changes:
New Areas:
Tuho-Tapa Forest (Side Mission)Professor Humbledorf has a new task for Namu and her friends. This time Namu needs to head deep inside the mystical Tuho-Tapa Forest and locate the ancient tree called Tree of Tuho-Tapa and drain some sap from it. The forest is filled with mysterious, but dangerous creatures.
Tuho-Tapa Forest is an optional side mission. This mission is available right after you’ve finished Purnima’s Quest, in front of the Mainio Castle.Misc:
Namu gets a new power called Dragon Fire Cyclone at lvl 26 Kiva gets a new power called Slime Disaster at lvl 26 Replaced Leg Sweep with Steel-Buns Strike (Namu, lvl 11) Rumpus’ Buttslam now displays damage dealt to Namu One Thousand Cuts now hits 15 times and the damage has been adjusted (Namu) Kunai Storm now hits 10 times all targets and the damage has been adjusted (Purnima) Slimopolooza heals 20% of party hp instead of 15%. (Kiva) Shredded is no longer removed by damage and it lasts 3 turns (Shredded decreases target physical resistance by 10%) Mind Drain now drains 3% hp every turn instead of 4%. Disorient now actually lowers defense lmffao Buffed Dragon’s Gaze once again lol Added Namu’s character portrait in the first Booby-Snake encounter and made the snake talk Increased the drop chance of most loot in the game Many ittybitty things that are not that noticeable Known Issues:
Game Over screen will always display Purnima’s Game Over scene. Sometimes you need to hold the X button longer to advance the scenes that loop. This is because it needs to loop atleast once while you are holding the X key. Save Included:
Slot 20 (Purnima’s Quest done, in front of Mainio Castle)
Purnima’s Quest:As Namu is getting ready to battle The Undying King, Purnima is fleeing Mount Tapett’ava with the Voice of Light. Everything seems to go relatively well, but then she runs into trouble.When you have completed this mission, Purnima will join your party!New Areas:Tapetta’va Forest Tapett’ Village (Village, cemetary, tunnels)
New Enemies:Tiss’i Mercenaries Leah Mean-Tail the Bounty hunter (Boss)
New Lewd Scenes:Purnima Double Penetration Tentacles (CG, Tiss’i Sorcerer) Purnima Anal Penetration (CG, Animated, Tiss’i Sorcerer)
Misc:Reduced the amount of Evasion % of Heightened Reflexes (33% to 30%) and Lightning Reflexes (66% to 60%). Buffed Dragon’s Gaze (Namu) Removed MP gain from Slimopolooza (Kiva) Buffed Absorb Lifeforce (Kiva) Adjusted the Mainio Auction Lewd Event a little (Namu, Mainio) Slightly nerfed The Undying King (Stats and HP reduced. Now takes increased damage from Wind and Earth) Wind and Earth powers can now miss the target (But damage slightly buffed!) Added a new option in the menu that allows you to change the speed of Battle Animations (Access via Options) One Thousand Cuts now ignores target defense and hits 19 times (from 15) (This one ignores also your ATTACK, so lets see how that goes lmffao) Adjusted lightning effects in Deadlands and Ancient Underground City Added Heart icons for most lewd events so you can’t miss them
Saves Included:Slot 15 (Invasion begin) Slot 16 (Sewer Mission/Robot Facility) Slot 17 (Ooze mission) Slot 18 (Message from Dad, Burial Site) Slot 19 (Battle with The Undying King) Slot 20 (Purnima’s Quest)
Purnima’s Skills:Level 22 (Starting Level)Quickslash Backstab Heightened Reflexes
Level 23Kunai Storm
Level 24Shredding Claws
Known bugs:Saves from 0.13 MIGHT NOT WORK FOR SOME GOD DAMN REASON. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is an unfortunate effect from the updates. This is why I added 5 saves in this update.
New Areas:Hall of Fallen Heroes/Burial Site
– Someone is tampering with the Seals of Ruo’ho and Namu is sent to this ancient burial site
called Hall of Fallen Heroes by her Dad to investigate.
Someone is disturbing the sleep of the dead, so the halls are filled with ghosts!Guardians of Light Temple
– Voice of Light Orb is guarded here by the Orb GuardianMount Tapett’ava
– Gateway for the Undying KingNew Enemies (Hall of Fallen Heroes, Mount Tapett’ava)
– Homicidal Soul
– Undead Priestess (Boss)
– The Undying King (Boss)All the enemies have new and exciting loot to dropNew Lewd Scenes- Maht’ava (Final Form, Boss)
Huge Anal Tentacle (Animated)- Ghosts/Disturbed Souls (Hall of Fallen Heroes/Burial Site)
Namu Futa Ghost Blowjob (Animated)Misc:
– Made some adjustments to skills/powers/stats
– BewbTek Facility, Imprisoned in Ooze are now part of the main storyline and need to be completed
to continue the story.
– Kiva receives a new power at lvl 23 called Slimopolooza. (All Allies recover 15 Hp and MP, also 15TP)Bug Fix:
– Removed the message in the throne room that said "here ends 0.12 version" lmfaoSaves Included:
– Slot 5 (Mainio after completing the Ooze mission)
– Slot 6 (The Undying King Battle)
New Areas:Van’ki Prison/Clan Mus’tah Hideout (Side Mission)
– Namu gets an interesting job offer from a catgirl named Purnima. She needs Namu’s help to retrieve a valuable
family heirloom from Clan Mus’tah, the weird latex clan ooozing with evil~.This mission is available right after you’ve finished the BewbTek Robot Facility, from the Mainio noticeboard.New Enemies (Clan Mus’tah)
– Mus’tah "Tank"
– Mus’tah Striker
– Mus’tah Battlemonk
– Mus’tah Eye
– Mus’tah Ooze Priestess (Boss)All the Ooze Enemies have exciting and awesome loot.New Lewd Scenes:
– Backstreet Dive Bar (South Mainio)
Namu gets a bit tipsy and invites people to ravage her butt. (Animated)Clan Mus’tah scenes ("Tank", Striker and Ooze Priestess):
– Namu Double Tentacle (Anal)
– Kiva All the Way Through
– Kiva Triple Tentacle (Anal)
ANAL ANAL ANAL!!!All 3 are animated scenesANAL!!!!New Hud (wip):
– Paccsu has a new battle HUD now, which looks alot more fancy and includes both Kiva and Namu’s portraits.Misc:
– Slightly increased the Loot Drop Rate for enemies
– Kiva gets new powers called Slimethium (lvl 20), Slimeburst (lvl 21) and Protective Slimebubble (lvl 22)
– Namu gets a new power called Soulcleanse (lvl 24)
– Increased the duration of all (most lol) lewd animations (I still needs to make some scenes longer like the second bar scene in Kaupun’ki)
– Added Vhetae Butt Witch’s Special Attack to the gallerySave Included
– Slot 4 (North Mainio, Everything done except for the new mission)
Paccsu 0.12 is here with following new additions:Mainio Sewers (Main Mission)- Some remnants of the invasion are still lurking in the sewers. People have seen weird slugs and they seem to be multiplying. Namu is sent to investigate.New Enemies in Mainio Sewers:MouthslugTentacle Mother (Boss)-BewbTek Facility (Side Mission, optional)- This long abandoned facility located in Kulma’la is filled with amazing machinery and artifacts. Professor Humbledorf hires Namu to fetch a valuable artifact. This mission is available in Mainio (new Mainio Notice Board) after you have defeated Maht’ava.New Enemies in BewbTek Facility:BewbTek GuardbotBewbTek TurretBewbTek Goliath 69-New Lewd Scenes:Mainio Auction- The Clown Auctioneer is in Mainio and Namu gets a chance to buy some amazing items! (just kidding) Namu gets touched in the butt and also blasted inside her butt. (Hotdoggin + Doggystyle vaginal, animated). This scene is available after you’ve defeated Maht’ava.-Mainio Sewers, Mouthslug- Mouthslug will spread a weird chemical in the air which makes Namu’s boobs grow! These slugs will then attach themselves onto Namu and suck her breasts dry. (Breast Expansion, Milking)schlorp-BewbTek Facility, Robots (Guardbot, Goliath)- These robots will use their robotic extensions to give Namu a hard time. (Anal, Deep penetration, Huge Penetration, animated)Guardbot SceneLINK TO ANIMATED SCENEGoliath Scene (Boss)LINK TO ANIMATED SCENE-Temple of Kulma, Snowskull Moth Babby- These baby moths now have a chance to knock Namu down and shoot spikes into her butt and vajajay. Baby moths can also penetrate Namu with their spikes! (Anal penetration)-Misc:Made some of the lewd scenes longer (Will lengthen the rest of the scenes in the next version)Namu and Kiva will now preserve their TP from battle to another (no longer randomized TP)Kiva gets a new set of equipment once you complete the Sewer mission!Adjusted Kiva’s stats a bit (buffed defense, agility a tiny bit)Added some tutorials in some maps to make it easier to navigate and understand the game and its mechanicsPlenty of new gear n loot added (Check the shops after the invasion!)After the Invasion; Lehava Skinny-Tail now has her own shop in South Mainio with powerful items for sale.Mainio Notice Board-Saves Included:Slot 5 (BewbTek Facility)Slot 6 (Right after Invasion, defeat of Maht’ava)
Mainio is under attack by the Undead and it is Namu’s job to save the kingdom!New Areas:Undead Portals: "Skullcrush", "Souldrain", "Mutilation"- The Undead are using these massive portals to transport their minions to Kingdom of Ruo’ho. These portals are controlled by the Undead Generals; The Vhetae.New Enemies:Elite Undead
– Elite Hulking Zombie – Elite Zombo – Elite Undead Sorcerer – Undead Knight – Elite Vhetae – Slicer, Pummeler, Witchy (Boss) – Evil Eye Tentacle – Maht’ava Final Form (Boss) Skullmoths:
– Skullmoth Babbys All the new enemies have new and exciting loot.New Lewd Scenes:– Eldritch Tentacle All the way Through (Namu, Animated)This scene can be triggered by Evil Eye and Elite Undead Sorcerers- Namu Looting A BoxNamu is looting a box she found in Kulma’la Market District and she doesn’t realize thatshe is mooning somebody.Misc:
– Buffed almost every weapon, ring, Orb and shield in the game and adjusted them – Healing Powers/Magic are now more powerful – Healing Items are now more potent aswell – Increased the loot drop chance for every enemy in the game – Skullmoths speed adjusted, now some of em move a bit slower – Kiva gets a new powerful single target attack at Lvl 17 called Slimespike Barrage and at lvl 18 Slime Armor (50% Physical damage resistance for 5 turns, instant cast) – Namu gets a new power at lvl 22 called Precise Double Cut (Better version of Double Strike) and at lvl 23 Thunder Slash (Old Thunder Slash is now called Electric Slash) – Maht’ava has her own unique sprite now – Lots of little things that are not that noticeable gameplay wise. (Dialogue changes, notices for readable books, etc.) Bug fixes:
– All the powers that use HP absorb now work and they won’t heal the enemy anymore lol – Learning Magic in Kulma’la and Mainio won’t get you stuck anymore
Future plans:
– More lewdsI think that’s it. I got the super-serious Undead invasion out of the way. Now I will focus more on lewds. I think you all might appreciate that.
New Lewd Scenes:Kiva Vine Tentacle Anal animated scene (Tiss’i Vine, Snake Shaman – Mainio Excavation Site)
Kiva Vine Tentacle Titjob animated scene (Tiss’i Vine, Snake Shaman – Mainio Excavation Site)
Namu Anal animated scene (Hulking Zombie – Deadlands/Ancient Underground City)
Gallery Unlock ButtonThis button will unlock ALL THE SCENES in the gallery (Namu’s Memory Room).
Performance Issues, framerate drops, lagI have installed a new plugin which should help you if you are experiencing framerate drops in the game, just go to the options and turn Synch Monitor FPS ON! It is off by default.Misc
– Namu’s passive skills are now Instant cast and will not lose your turn (Heightened Reflexes, Dragon’s Claw, etc. (Excluding Concentration).- Added a skip scene- option for the lewd scenes (You still need to witness the scene once, then it will ask you if you want to skip the scene).- Many little changes to the numbers- Added a new attack for Key Keeper "Slasher"- Kiva gets a new power at level 16 called Massive Slime Bomb- Namu gets a new power at level 17 called Precise Swing (Better version of Reckless Swing). Namu also gets new powers at level 20 (Freezing Slash) and 21 (Lightning Reflexes)- Save included (Slot 5)Bug fixes
– Namu will no longer dodge her own buffs lol- Examining the billboards in Kaupun’ki will no longer turn your screen permanently black- Key Keeper "Slasher" won’t ignore the Lewd Immunity anymore
New lewd scenes:
Snakes (2 scenes): Snake Spear Warrior and Snake Spear Guard (normal and elite versions) have two new tongue scenes (Anal tongue/Rimming and Pussy penetration with tongue). Tongue and head animated. Ghosts (1 scene): Animated scene Busty Ghost and Busty Ghost Sister (Pelotta’va Mansion) have a chance to curse Namu and make her grow a ding dong, which they will take advantage of. The ghost will give Namu a full release and the curse will be broken. (Namu’s ding dong is not a permanent thing, this will only happen in battle) Namu, for some reason, decides to work in the Bar Short & Stacked again. This time she’ll be serving drinks, but she doesn’t realize that she is on the menu aswell. Some mysterious fellow in purple casts some sort of spell to turn all the men of the bar in sex crazed maniacs. This scene is available after you are done with the first scene and slept at the Inn, next to the bar. -Mainio Mastermind/Perverts in Mainio
There is an evil mastermind in Mainio, using treasure chests as decoys. Namu is hoping to find loot in these boxes, but gets something different instead.
-A lot of perverts in the streets of Mainio, so Namu should watch out for em hands trying to grab some of Namu’s goodies.
Currently there are 3 of these perverts in the street of Mainio. They come out of the woodwork after you are done with the Excavation Site and talked with -the Emperor.
The "QUEST JOURNAL"- There is an item placed in your inventory under "Quest Items" (Formerly "key items") that you can use to check your progress if you get lost or don’t remember what to do.
MISC:- Defeating the dungeon boss(Or just finishing the dungeon) unlocks all the lewd scenes in Namu’s Memory Room (example; Defeating Rumpus unlocks snake tentacle and the rimming & tongue penetration scenes)BUG FIXINGS:- Vines in the Excavation Site should no longer get you stuck in the wallsSAVE INCLUDED (SLOT 5)
New areas:- Capital City Mainio, Castle Mainio
The story continues! Namu journeys to the capital city of Ruo’ho called Mainio to meet the emperor for an urgent matter. Mainio has all the shops for your needs (Magic Shop, Inn, General Store, Bar). The city is still under construction so expect things to be added!- Mainio Excavation Site
The booby-snakes are back and bringing more trouble! Namu is tasked by the Emperor to take care of the snakes and stop whatever they are planning to do.Mainio Excavation Site Traps
Weird vines have sprung up from the dead ground. Booby-snakes have used their magic to make these vines to protect themselves from any intruders. These vines are also accompanied with the Snake Sorcerers.New Enemies- Vhetae Assassins
Vhetae is a group of three Undead assassin sisters specializing in brutally killing anyone who stands in the way of The Undying King.-Elite Snake Guards
New elite versions of the booby-snakes!
And a new addition (Snake Shaman)
Vine trap/Tiss’i Vine (Can be summoned by Snake Shaman)New Lewd animations!
– Namu Trapped (On the map/Tiss’i Vine)
Link to animated scene (Gfycat)
– Namu Held (Tiss’i Vine)Misc:
– Casting Lewd Immunity spell is now instant and will not lose your turn during battle. (or removing the immunity).
– Magic power "Heal" (Adventure Orb) heal is increased to 18% from 15%.
– Chi Recovery (Power, Namu lvl 14) Now heals Namu for 30% instead of 20%
– Cleanse (Power, Light Orb, Kiva lvl 12) heals you for 15% instead of 10%
– Orb Specialists (Mainio, Kaupun’ki) now support all Orbs.
– Many small tweaks
Save included (Slot 1)
This is kind of a small update, but includes a few things that make your journey a bit easier. I’ve spent a lot of time planning for the future, so expect the next update to be bigger.1. New monster:
– Hulking Zombie (Deadlands, Ancient Underground City)
This huge zombie comes up with 1 new lewd animation(Standing doggystyle, vaginal)2. New Bar in town: Short & Stacked.
– This new bar in Kaupun’ki, next to the Inn, comes with 1 new scene of public butt touching3. Magic Shoppe, Orb Specialist:
– There is now an Orb Specialist inside the Magic Shoppe, where you can use your old and unwanted Orbs to learn their magic! For a small fee, of course. You can use this person to learn spells from the Orbs without wearing the Orb, but this will destroy the Orb in the process.4. Lewd Immunity Spell:
– You can use this magic spell to prevent from any lewd stuff happen to Namu. You can remove the Lewd Immunity with the "Remove Lewd Immunity" spell, that you automatically obtain if you are using the Immunity.5. Lewd Enemies:- Those enemies who want to have their way with Namu will have a speechbubble with a heart over their heads when they approach Namu. Enemies that don’t have anything lewd will just have the regular Exclamation Mark.6. New Items:- Scholar’s Orb (Magic Shoppe) with a new power called Light Blast (Deals Light Damage)- Templar’s Orb (Magic Shoppe) with a new power called Light Wave (Deals Light Damage)7. Bug Fixing:- Hurricane Orb now actually gives you powers lol8. Misc:- Zombie Enemies take 30% more damage from Light Attacks (new) and 20% more from Fire Attacks (from 10% to 20%)- Animations added to Goo Goo and Nature’s Call. (Swords dropped from Slimes)- Slimes and Zombies have a slightly higher chance to drop loot now9. known buggy things:-Key Keeper "Slasher" ignores your lewd immunity for the initial attack. After the first animation plays, the immunity works.-After applying Lewd Immunity, you still have access to it. It does nothing unless you remove the lewd immunity with Remove Lewd Immunity spell.
1. Slime Forest & Slime Swamp + Kallo Tower!- Namu is going after the Head Sorceress Maht’ava to secure the Earth Orb before the evil forces get to it first.
New monsters:– Slime Corrupted, Slime Spawn, Slime Sisters, Slime Warrior and Slimewall "The Mommy"These slimes have new lewd scenes! (2 animated, 1 non-animated, 1 special boob squirt attack) (Regular green slimes have lewd scenes aswell)All the slimes have a chance to drop new and rare loot!2. Spooky Pelotta’va Mansion (Optional quest!)– There are some spooky things going on this ancient mansion and Namu is there to investigate! After you’ve talked to mayor after coming back from the Ancient Underground City, check out the park’s messageboard for more information!New monsters: – Busty Ghost, Busty Ghost Sister, Ghost Momma and the spooky lady who wanders the mansion; Sarianne. All the ghosts have a chance to drop rare loot!(The ghosts don’t have lewd animations at the moment)3. Plenty of new weapons, rings and orbs available for Namu! Check out the Magic Shoppe and the Blacksmith!4. Kiva the Slime Girl!Kiva is a friendly slime girl who was tasked to guard the Earth Orb and taking care of the Temple of Maa’, where the Earth Orb is located. Kiva joins Namu to retrieve the Earth Orb!5. New standing picture for Namu!6. Experimental Magical Teleportation device is now available in Magic Shoppe for 1000g. This device will teleport you to Kau’punki from everywhere.7. Plenty of tweaks to powers, weapons, armor.Save included (Save slot 5, end of the Ancient Underground City)
Ancient Underground City!
-Story progresses as Namu heads deep down to the underground city to find more information about the zombies and their masterplan.Dragon Temple! (Optional guest!)
-After Namu is finished in the Ancient Underground City, there is a new side mission available on the town’s messageboard which is located in the park. Test your might against The Sleeping Dragon!New Monsters! (Ancient Underground City)
–Key Keeper "Slasher" (1 New lewd animation)
–Key Keeper "Mommy Sorcerer" (1 New lewd animation. She will summon a tentacle pod. If you want to witness the scene, do not kill this)
–Nimble Mummy
–Head Sorceress Maht’ava makes an appearance.New Auction Scene!
-After you are finished in the Ancient Underground City, go back to city of Kau’punki and head to the park.
There is a new auction scene available!NOTE: If you haven’t seen the first scene, this new scene kind of overwrites it, but you can view the first scene from the Memory Room.Namu’s Memory Room!
-Every Lewd scene you have witnessed in the game will be available in Namu’s Memory Room, which you can access in Kau’punki’s park and Namu’s Room. Look for the pink crystal near the dragon statue.MISC
-Most of the swords now have custom animations.
-Numbers have been tweaked (stats, damage, defense, etc.)
-Increased the exp gain slightly from defeating monsters
-Lewd animations should happen more frequently now
-More control in the lewd animations
-Namu has a proper actor picture now
-Small changes to HudBUG FIXES:
– Weapons can be unequipped now lol
– Optimize/clear now works on all slots
– Debuffs now work lol (Disorient, Electrify)It is recommended to start up a new save. (inconvenient, but might prevent more bugs from happening)
Save included (Before the first Undead Sorcerer encounter)- Deadlands (new playable maps)- Two new Zombie enemies, Zombo and Undead Sorcerer (Undead Sorcerer uses tentacle attack, and follows up with another special attack. She also tries to jam her dong in Namu’s mouth on low health)- New lewd scene in town! (After defeating Rumpus, talk to mayor and head to the park, there is an auction going on)- Numbers have been tweaked (stats, damage, defense, etc)- many little things added (Powers, animations, butt statues in the snake dungeon)coming in future releases:- More maps- More monsters and scenes
IF your save is from older version of the game (0.12 or earlier) your save might not work properly. It’s because of the fancy HUD I implemented in 0.13. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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