Hi everyone, I’m Sonpih, and I’m creating an adult game called Lust for Adventure, this is a 2D RPG game based on the world of Warcraft where you are an adventurer in search of fame, fortune and obviously sex! The inspiration for this game came from other adult games like "Corruption of Champions" or "Trials in Tainted Space", games where you have a sense of freedom in a world of monsters and sex. In this game you can create a character with some customisation options, complete quests for NPCs, fight (or fuck) different enemies in turn-based combat, and experience multiple events.
Thread Updated: 2020-05-13
Release Date: 2020-02-06
Developer: Sonpih Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 3.9
OS: Windows
Language: English
3DCG, Female protagonist, Male protagonist, Character creation, Monster, Fantasy, Adventure, Combat, Gay, Lesbian, Furry, Bestiality, Monster girl, Parody, Rape, RPG, Text based, Turn based combat, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Anal sex, Group sex, Urination
v3.9 changelogv3.6
Audio has been implemented into the game, that is ambient, effects, sex, and sex partner sounds. The first time you open this version you will have the volume of everything at 0, you need to open the options and choose the volume for every type of sound. Wrestling with Ryan
A new NPC, a high elf named Ryan is available now exclusively for male characters in the weights room of the gym, you can wrestle with him if you are at full energy, starting a mini-game like rock paper scissors where you’ll see an animated scene with him once one of you wins 3 times. There is a special armor that you can get if you defeat him in the three different ways possible. Hide/Skip Scenes
Now you can press the H key on your keyboard to hide the text of the sex scenes, both the normal scenes and the "graphic novel" scenes, and to skip the scene entirely just press Escape on your keyboard. Brothel Currency
The brothel has been changed to work only with a specific currency called Lustone, the follower’s missions now reward you only 5 gold and an amount of Lustone based on the skill of your follower. This currency is necessary to buy training resources and gifts for your followers. Scenes
6 softcore scenes with Ryan (M/M) 6 animated scenes with Ryan (M/M) Misc.
The Rest and Sleep options give you less lust now. Now your mana will be fully recharged after every battle. The attack of most enemies has been reduced. Tauren transformations added to the Transfig NPC. The gym’s shower now recharges 1 portion of your energy each time you use it. Now after you watch a scene from the Cheats menu you will return to that menu without having to write the password again.
Westfall has been added into the game, you can go there from Goldshire, using the arrow at the bottom-left, and there you will find the Barn, where Ordina is waiting for you. NPCs
Ordina is a Night Elf female that awaits inside the Barn of Westfall, she will offer you a new quest, and rewards you with a new set of armor. Encounters
The Harvest Bots can be seen in the Fields of Westfall, be careful not to lose against them when you lower their health below 50% The Tauren Male is a new encounter in Westfall, using the Place Holder (PH) button, enjoy the milky scenes with him. Events
The milking chair inside the barn can be used after completing the quest from Ordina. Scenes
2 Scenes with the Harvest Bot (1M/1F) 2 Scenes with Ordina (1M/1F) 8 Scenes with the Tauren Male (4M/4F) Misc.
Ordina, Jamal, and Nelphs have animated sprites now, bear in mind that this is the beginning of my experimentation with the 2D animation system of Unity.
Receptionist: a new job available in the Brothel. Assigning this job to one of your followers will add 3 extra missions in the Strip Club. Adan, the poor boy from the beginning of the game, to get it as a follower you need to complete his quests in Northshire, and just talk with him during the night at the back alley of the Old Town in Stormwind. Eva, a woman expelled from Stormwind’s cathedral, once you unlock the Brothel she will appear at the Cathedral Square, and you just need to talk with her so she can join your Brothel. New gifts have been added in the Gift Shop to increase your Affection with the new followers. 4 New follower missions added to the pool of the ones that can appear daily in the Strip Club The background of the missions now has a color based on the sex of the follower needed to complete it. Scenes
6 Scenes with Adan (3M/3F) 6 Scenes with Eva (3M/3F) The Sex scenes that happen in the Brothel now have a new illumination, blending your character with the rest of the scene. Fixes
There was a problem with some followers appearing in the Training Room even if you didn’t have them, that should be fixed now
Sexuality is now fluid. Every character starts at bisexual, and it will change depending on the sex of the characters you voluntarily fucked more. (If you are a guy and had sex with more woman than men, you will be heterosexual) Maybe I’ll change it in the future a little more, so that you will stay bisexual if you had sex at least once with each sex, tell me what you think about it. Zone
Old Town added to Stormwind, here you will find the Gift Shop and the Sex Shop NPCs
Helga, the Gift Shop vendor. She sells gifts for your followers of the Brothel (Coming in 2.8) and won’t mind having some private time with you. Robert, the Sex Shop vendor. He sells you Brothel Supplies (Coming in 2.8), and a dildo shaped after his privates to unlock a new masturbation option, and of course you can try the real thing too. Dela, this High Elf will offer you blowjobs in the middle of the street, for a price. Adan, the Poor Boy from Northshire has returned, if you completed all his quests back in the Abbey, he will be in the back alley of the Old Town, at night, ready to remember the old days with you. Once you speak with him once, his old self will disappear from the abbey, and the random scenes in the forest of Northshire won’t happen anymore, but don’t worry, if you ask him he will let you see those scenes again. Scenes
2 scenes with Helga (1M/1F) 2 scenes with Robert (1M/1F) 2 scenes with Dela (1M/1F) 2 scenes with Adan (1M/1F) 1 scene at the Old Town at night UI
Appearance tab revamped. Now you can see all the transformation stats at the right of the window, adding body size, and the tauren transformation that will be implemented in the future. Statistics Tab. This window will show you how many times you had sexual encounters in the game, and what type of encounter, I would appreciate feedback on this, I’m not quite happy with the way the statistics look. Other than this, you can see how many Brothel Supplies you have, and your Key Items, like Robert’s Dildo. Option to rest until night added. As I implement more stuff that happens at night, it is a little annoying to spam the rest button until it is night time, so here you go. Added scroll bar to the inventory.
Stormwind Keep added, here you will find the King sitting on his throne, with a friend standing by his side that will change based on your sexuality. Encounters
Hogger, a vicious gnoll with a special ending, if you defeat him lowering his health. NPCs
The King of Stormwind, he will give you a quest to defeat the three prisoners inside The Stockade, with a fat reward of 1000 gold coins (you will need them to open the brothel in the future), and of course, a juicy sex scene if you want to. Scenes
10 scenes with Hogger (5M/5F) 2 scenes with the King (1M/1F) Inside Stormwind Keep, at night, the door that leads to the King’s room will be half open. If you peek inside you’ll see a special sex scene of the King with the friend that was standing beside him during the day, there are 2 sex scenes, but each one has 3 images that change as you move forward into the scene. This is something I wanted to experiment with, hope you guys like it. UI
During combat, male characters will have a special bulge when their lust is over 30. Bug Fixes
Time now works correctly inside the Echo Ridge Mines and The Stockade Nile Blazingrod text has been changed to no longer refer to you as human. There was a big problem with your character’s sexuality not saving, it’s fixed now, but I would recommend you all to CREATE A NEW CHARACTER, if you don’t do it and keep playing with your old character it won’t have a sexuality, and the game will behave as if you were bisexual, sorry for the inconvenience.
The Stockade dungeon added in Stormwind with 2 new encounters. Encounters
Saurfang, an honorable Orc that will only attack you, not tease you. Talanji, the Zandalari princess. Scenes
8 scenes with Saurfang (4M/4F) 8 scenes with Talanji (4M/4F) Systems
The combat system visuals have been updated, now your character appears on the screen with your current equipment, and both you and your enemy change poses when performing different actions, including some basic effects for some abilities. UI
The combat UI has been changed to accommodate the new visuals. Misc
The game now keeps running while minimized.
Cathedral Square added to Stormwind, with the Town Hall in it. NPCs
Sophie, the mayor’s secretary inside the Town Hall, she will offer you three different jobs to earn money. Stormwind Guards, they appear when you touch yourself in any district of Stormwind. Jailer, the creepy guy that guards the Stormwind Jail. Jobs
You are able to choose between three different jobs in the Town Hall, and each of them has a chance of showing you a sex scene, with a different theme, depending on the job you choose. You spend 1 energy each time you work, earning 5 golds. Jail
From now on, if you touch yourself in any district of Stormwind, a couple of guards will catch you, and will try to put you in jail, you can try to escape, bribe them with 10 gold coins or sex, or just go with them. If you have sex with them wearing the Horde Boxers a watersports scene will trigger. Inside the Jail you have three options to get out, you can either bribe the Jailer with 20 gold coins, take care of the problem in his pants, or wait until is night time and steal his keys to escape. UI
Changed details on the item descriptions, and now the underwear you can buy in Stormwind has green quality. The pointer of the game has been changed into something more custom. The arrows that you use to move between zones should be more noticeable now. Misc
The game is smaller in size now, even after decompressing it. The sex scenes should load faster now.
Energy system implemented, now you can see 3 icons on the upper bar of the interface that represents your energy, energy is used in specific activities, for now it’s what you use to exercise inside the gym. To recharge your energy you need to sleep. Sleep and Rest have been changed, rest now takes you 2 hours and restores 1/5 of your health and mana. Sleep now moves the time forward to 8 am, restoring your health and mana completely. Gym
From now on, to enter the Gym, you’ll have to pay 5 golds each day, or just one big payment of 250 golds. The Running Room and the Weights Room have been added to the Gym, and now you can exercise inside them, including the Pool Room. Exercising in each room will increase, decrease, or move towards the middle the muscle mass bar on your appearance tab. Your body now will look more or less muscular depending on your muscle mass, once it reaches 20, 80, or 50. The Locker Room now has the option to take a shower, with 3 random sex scenes. NPCs
Tiara, a black female Human inside the Running Room, will only have sex with people with muscular bodies. Dremy, a flamboyant male High Elf inside the Running Room, will only have sex with people with muscular bodies. Xerna, a female Kultiran inside the Weights Room, will only have sex with people with soft bodies. Trevon a black male Human inside the Weights Room, will only have sex with people with soft bodies. Misc.
Now you can add or remove Addiction in the Cheats screen. Fixes
Fixed text references to only humans in some sex scenes of the Orcs of Northshire. The female models (Human and High Elf) have been edited to make their private parts deform better in the different poses of the sex scenes. Illumination on the models should look far better now, if you see graphical errors, please let me know.
Added High Elves as a playable race You can choose between a variety of options like skin color, hair color, beards, body hair, body size, faces, and hairstyles. No eye color tho, blue forever! All the sex scenes are available for the High Elves. Sex Scenes
Added a cum texture for your character to blend it more with the scene. Misc.
The way sex scenes work internally has been changed, the game is a little bit smaller in size because of that, and from now on every new version shouldn’t increase the size too much. All the textures have been fixed, now they should be seamless, without cuts or weird lines. Some graphical bugs have been fixed, especially on the human female. A bug with the save files that was saving the same character all the time has been fixed. Cheats
A cheats menu has been added inside the options menu, you can enter by writing the code that is available for the new bracket, the Slips ($15). Inside this new menu you’ll be able to see every single sex scene in the game, and add gold to your character.
Dwarven District added to Stormwind, with a weapon shop and a gymnasium NPCs
Lokelda, the weapon vendor, she will sell you the three weapons available in the game. Vartan, a douchebag Dwarf, owner of the gym. Katie, a Lightforged Draenei that enjoys good a company in the pool room inside the gym, especially people with toned bodies. Nelphs, a Night Elf that relaxes in the pool room inside the gym, he loves toned bodies too. Events
Male Draenei, Female Human, and Female Gnome in the Dwarven District at night. Male High Elf and Male Draenei in the Locker Room inside the gym. Male Human and Female High Elf in the Locker Room inside the gym Misc. Info
You don’t need gold to enter the gym in this version, everything is free, but once is completed in 2.4, things will be different.
Mage Quarter added in Stormwind, with a Transfiguration shop and an Underwear Shop NPCs
Etheria, the transfiguration vendor, she will allow you to change your body type, face, skin color, and Breast/Penis size, for a prize. She accepts DNA "donations" for her studies too. Silerion and Noirelis, brother and sister, these void elves will sell you underwear, you can ask them for a demonstration of their products, or for something more…intimate. Items
Added 4 new underwear to the underwear shop, the Horde Boxers, Stormwind Trunks, Legion Slip and Old god Jockstrap. Events
Voyeur Female Draenei in the Mage Quarter at night Male Worgen and Male Night Elf in the Mage Quarter at night Changes
scrollbar art updated
First part of Stormwind added, the Trade District, with an Armor Shop and a Barbershop. You can reach Stormwind from Goldshire. NPCs
Jamal, the armor vendor, he’ll offer you a discount if you take care of his ”problem”, but be careful, if you try to do something funny too many times you’ll have a watersports scene coming at you, and kissing him will turn him off. Toky, the hairstylist, she’ll change the color/style of your hair, beard and body hair. There are two new hairstyles and two new colors. She looooves the color pink. Events
Mannequin in the Armor Shop Sleeping Night Elf in the Barbershop Voyeur Blood Elf in the Trade District at night Human Guard and Night Elf in the Trade District at night Changes
Veldam, inside Echo Ridge Mine, will now ask you for 5 Addiction instead of 10, as originally intended. Map button art updated to make it more noticeable
Dughan, the blacksmith, awaits you in Goldshire with a new quest that rewards you with a weapon. A Succubus/Incubus has been added on the upper floor of Lion’s Pride, inside a new room. Events
Inside the new room at the tavern, you’ll be able to summon a Succubus/Incubus and feed her/him with your Addiction, unlocking up to three sex scenes. you’ll need 5 Addiction for each unlock, 15 in total. Changes
Now you won’t appear outside some places after having sex with an NPC inside that place.
The Draenei Twins have new scenes depending on the sex position you are when you win/lose, and your upper armor will appear in the scenes if you still have it on. Character
Your character has a face now, you can choose between three of them, including beard options for the male one, and the sex scenes where you could see your face have been updated to show it. Systems
Classes added, you can choose between Gladiator, Scholar or Whore after creating your character, learning two abilities exclusive to your class, and starting the game with unique armor. Leveling system added, you can earn experience by defeating enemies, and increase your stats depending on your class each time you lvl up. Armor in the appearance window added, now you can see the armor you are wearing in the appearance window, you can take off your upper armor, lower armor, and your underwear, it doesn’t affect gameplay. New Save/Load system, the game no longer saves automatically, you have to save manually using the save icon in the lower interface bar, so now you decide if you want to save before doing something, the new system has 6 saving slots.
Female Bandit in Goldshire’s forest added. NPCs[/SIZE]
Fer’um and Me’ra, two Draenei twins in the basement of Lion’s Pride, have a quest for a new Underwear, involving a new system. Systems
Sexuality added, you can choose now in the character creation your sexuality, this will affect the % of male and female encounters for enemies that have the two genders available (Orcs, Bandits) Interactive Sex System implemented, The two Draenei in the basement of Lion’s Pride have a new system of sexual combat where the objective is to make them reach their orgasm before you do. (This is a complex system, so it will probably have some bugs, nothing game-breaking I hope, and I’m obviously open for feedback to make it better) Misc.
Combat UI updated.
Goldshire added, with the Lake, the Forest and the Lion’s Pride tavern, it gets a little wild at night. NPCs
Keryn, a High Elf barmaid has a quest for you inside the Lion’s Pride, in Goldshire, with a new armor as a reward. Encounters
Group of Murlocs in Goldshire’s Lake Male Bandit in Goldshire’s Forest Misc.
Updated UI (Upper outworld bar) Changes
Giant Spider Boss inside Echo Ridge Mine has been nerfed, now it’s easier to kill, and the Game Over mechanic that deletes your save file has been removed (This has been changed in 1.0 too)
Every sex scene has your character in 3D now! NPCs
Veldam in the Candle Chamber inside Echo Ridge Mine: you need to do things in a specific order to summon him, he has sex with you only when your addiction is at 5 or more and reduces that addiction by 5 Priestess Anetta has a new quest The Poor boy has a new quest Encounters
Giant Spider encounter inside Echo Ridge Mine, you’ll need the best equipment you can get to defeat her. Added 8 random events in the exploration zones, some of them activate depending on the quests you completed and the sex of your character. Misc.
Intro screen changed Button art changed Size of the game reduced
3D Implementations
3D Character Creation Body Hair option Appearance Tab Poor Boy Sex Scenes in 3D NPCs
Nile Blazingrod (Elf Slave) in the Orc Territory sells sex for gold Elise Starseeker Quest inside Echo Ridge Mine Encounters
Kobold Gang encounter inside Echo Ridge Mine Wolf Sex Scene added Misc.
New Addiction Icon
Day/Night Cycle Worgen Scene in the Forest at night Female Orc encounter BUGFIXES
Fixed a problem with Health and Mana when equiping items
This is the first version of the game with the following content, I hope you enjoy it:
Wolf Encounter Couple scene in the Forest Poor Boy quest 1 Anetta quest 1 Male Orc encounter KNOWN BUGS
Health and Mana break a little when equiping items if you have specific amounts of health or mana.
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