Project Indigo: Epsilon Breech [v0.4 Demo] [SparKing Tournaments]

Project Indigo: Epsilon Breech [v0.4 Demo] [SparKing Tournaments] Project Indigo: Epsilon Breech [v0.4 Demo] [SparKing Tournaments] Project Indigo: Epsilon Breech [v0.4 Demo] [SparKing Tournaments] Project Indigo: Epsilon Breech [v0.4 Demo] [SparKing Tournaments] Project Indigo: Epsilon Breech [v0.4 Demo] [SparKing Tournaments] Project Indigo: Epsilon Breech [v0.4 Demo] [SparKing Tournaments]
Epsilon Breech (Basic) will be free-to-play throughout its lifecycle. There will be a separate version launched under the same name. Available through my Patreon and in the future a Subscription service, both at $1 per month to maintain Online Matchmaking Services for those games and to fund future development of other games such as Warzone and Indigo Run. Currently there are 4 characters​Updated: 16/08/2018
Developer/Publisher: SparKing Tournaments – Patreon
Censorship: None
Version: 0.4 Demo
OS: Win
Language: English
3D Game, Female Protagonist, Fantasy, RPG
Demo v0.4
N/ADemo v0.3

Demo v0.2


Demo v0.1

Left Click | Attack (Chain 3)
Scroll Wheel | Toggles 1st/3rd Person view
Right Click | Zoom inWASD Movement
Shift | Sprint
Spacebar | Jump (Chain 3)
Ctrl | CrouchT | Get in Vehicle
F | InteractSimply Jump to get down from climbingQ Opens Build Menu
E Closes Build Menu
G Place
R Toggle Removal
H/J Rotate