“After the passing of your estranged Great Uncle, you learn that he has left his estate to you in his will. Unsure of what to do, you decide to visit the mansion you have just inherited, only to discover that not only was your Great Uncle an owner of slaves, but that two of them still remain at the mansion, . . . anticipating your arrival. You meet Anna (21), an emotionally damaged woman who is haunted by the horrors she has experienced. As well as her sister Eve (18) who embodies the wonder of a child and who has been largely sheltered from the harsher realities of her situation. It is up to you how you proceed, do you use them as you please, following in your Great Uncle’s footstep? Or do you nurture them, giving them a brighter life than they have ever known, . . . and perhaps fall in love along the way?”
Thread Updated: 2020-04-18
Release Date: 2020-04-18
Developer: Aftermath Team Patreon – Subscribestar
Censored: No
Version: A40 Cheat
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
2DCG, Adventure, BDSM, Creampie, Male domination, Male protagonist, Oral sex, Romance, Slave, Text based, Vaginal sex, Virgin
A40 Cheat
A40* Wrote and added a new scene for Eve that can take place in the afternoons in her bedroom in the servant’s area. Requires highish stats. 10.2k words of content generously sponsored by Braidborn.* Wrote and added a new scene including Anna, Eve, and Yami to the servant’s area in the evenings. 2.4k words of content.* Meal time content has started to see it’s overhaul. Got a single meal done for breakfast. For the time being this has been added to the original breakfast content until that can be converted as well. This includes around 8.5k words of content.* Wrote and added three "Feather Play" intros to the St Andrew’s Cross. .3k words of content.* Wrote and added eleven "Feather Play" scenes to the St Andrew’s Cross. 1.5k words of content.* Wrote and added a new pregnancy related scene for Anna to the sleep function. Requires 22 weeks pregnant or more, plus ok or higher stats.* Wrote and added two new scenes for Anna when she’s pregnant. One in the Bathing Room, the other appearing in most places with a couch or where you can assign her to sleep. .4k words of content.* Wrote and added a scene to Mid Main where you can buy an engagement ring for Anna. Happens at very high relationship levels and between 8am and 8pm. .8k words of content.* Added Casual Talk option to Sidra. Currently includes 13 small scenes and which scenes appear are subject to relationship stats. 1k words of content submitted by hospoguy76* Added three new meal time events for Sidra to the lunch and dinner meals. These will later be worked into the new meal time content but for the time being they fire as their own events. All three require that you have Anna, Eve, and Sidra eating with you, the third requiring that you have middling or higher relationship values with both Eve and Sidra. 2.5k words of content submitted by hospoguy76* Added a new scene to the Youkai Emporium for if you own Mitsuko. 8k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.* Added a new karaoke scene for Mitsuko to the karaoke function in the game. 1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.* Added a new scene for Jenna (Jen) to the game that introduces the character. Takes place in the evening if you drive into town. This is a fairly rare event and requires that it be raining or storming. 2.6k words of content submitted by The Exile.* Added a new conversation for Mitsuko to her Casual talk. .2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.* Added a new NPC, Jen, to the game.* Added the framework for dog and horse breeding to the game. Mostly this is code and has little content at this point in time. Thanks to Anenn and Principle Chorus for all the work they’ve put into this.* Added a ton of supporting code to the meal time content. EVERYONE should see either increases or decreases in stats according to whether or not they eat with you in every meal now even if the scene doesn’t depict the character. Characters not yet in the mansion will not be affected by these stat changes. Meal time has officially become a way to grind for stats. In most cases, eating with you will will move every stat for the affected character one point in the positive direction, sometimes more. If you have lots of characters in the mansion, then it can be very effective in giving a small blanket increase to everyone. This probably accounts for about 10k words of raw code. It’s proving to be a nightmare to set up, but it’s going to be SO worth it when it’s done! (NOTE: Anna doesn’t mind serving table, especially if Eve has a place at it. But it’s going to upset her if she’s at the table and you make Eve wait table.)* Added a cheat option to the Cheat Menu so you can increase or decrease the MCs Alchemy score.* Added a cheat option to the Cheat Menu to allow players to change the name and gender of babies. This is in response to an earlier misfire situation with the birthing where babies were being created but you weren’t given the option to name them.* Added placeholders for three types of movie to the Theater. This includes art. Nine new images added to the game.* Added five new images to the west grounds location. This includes the winter weather image set.* Added five new images to the east grounds location. This includes the winter weather image set.* Added six new images to the boathouse location. This includes the winter weather image set.* Added six new images to the kennels location. This includes the winter image set.* Added six new images to the pond location. This includes the winter image set.* Added nine new weather themed images to Gaia’s apples content. This includes both the winter and rain weather sets.* Replaced Mistuko’s intro image with a revised image.* Minor revision to the Submission Guide.* Fixed a missing link that was preventing Misaki’s pregnancy announcement from appearing.* Fixed an issue where Misaki’s intro through Bruce wasn’t actually purchasing her properly. She should be joining the household properly now.* Fixed a lunch time scene involving Maki and Bubbles that wasn’t displaying properly.* A ton of small fixes. Dialogue box problems, spelling and grammar isshes..* Updated the Special Thanks area 4/17/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn’t there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.
* Wrote and added the first of three birthday scenes for Eve. This is a followup to the birthday planning scene with Anna that’s been in the game for a long time now. Takes place between 7am and 11am and requires that you have selected the party in the previous scene. (Party option is only available if you have $1000 to pay for the party.) Eve’s birthday is on the 15th of April, and the scene that unlocks this one takes place on the 14th. 4.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna to the bathing room when she’s heavily pregnant. 6.9k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene with Eve and Gaia at the pond. Requires warmer months, have to have met Gaia, good relationship with Eve, and daylight hours. 3.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new apples scene where Anna joins you to give apples to Gaia. .6k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new branch to the scene where Anna is dancing with the mop. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added six small scenes in the evening hours for the servant’s area. Three are for Anna and Eve, two involve Anna and Mitsuko, and the final one involves Anna and Misaki. .6k words of content between them.
* Wrote and added a new location to East Street in Pendleton. The Dojo includes five ambient scenes. .7k words of content between location description and early scenes.
* Added Money to the sidebar so players know how much money they have.
* Added a display to the Lab Book to show your current skill in labwork.
* Added a scene for Rey in the mansion forest. 5.2k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey and Anna in the kitchen. Takes place in the hour leading to either lunch or dinner. Somewhat rare. 1.3k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey and Eve to the entry hall. Takes place during working hours. 1.1k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a Valentine scene for Yami the day before Valentines Day in the Kitchen. .2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a Valentine scene for Yami on Valentines Day. Can appear in Living Room, Lounge, or Study. 2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the driving content late at night when you’re driving to town. This introduces a new character to the game, Elizaveta. .7k words of content submitted by Joker.
* Added Claire to the Cheat Menu.
* Added some Sawhorse/Wedge content to the Dungeon in the mansion. This is somewhat bare bones at the moment and like everything in the game is intended to grow in time. This content was submitted by Mathias. Breakdown follows:
-Sawhorse includes 5 "Start" scenes spanning 1.7k words of content.
-Sawhorse includes 24 "Whip" scenes spanning 3.6k words of content.
-Sawhorse includes 11 "Wait" scenes spanning 2.7k words of content.
-Sawhorse includes 7 "End" scenes spanning 3k words of content.
* Added a display for pregnancy to the Cheat Menu to tell you whether or not Anna, Eve, Misaki, or Mitsuko are pregnant.
* Had added Bubbles’ and Maki’s cheats to the Cheat Menu a long time ago, forgot to include access to those cheats. You should now be able to access those cheats if you have met them.
* Added a LOT of new NPCs, most of which do not yet have content, but these will save us a lot of work moving forward. I don’t have an exact number for now much content this is, but I think it’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 7.5k (I glanced at a couple, they looked to be about 150-160 words each for the moment.)
* Added a new NPC, "Elizaveta" to the game.
* Added a new NPC, "Party Planner" to the game. Currently only appears in Eve’s birthday party scene.
* Added a new NPC, "Clown" to the game. Currently only appears in Eve’s birthday party scene.
* Added a new NPC, the owner of the Bookworm in Pendleton.
* Added the code for the "Slutty Clubber" NPC in Pendleton.
* Added the code for the "Shy Clubber" NPC in Pendleton.
* Added four new "Officer" NPCs. Two male and two female. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added two new "Baby" NPCs. One male, one female. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added three "Nun" NPCs to the game. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added six new "Biker" NPCs. Three male and three female. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added six new "Child" NPCs. Three male and three female. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added six new "Employee" NPCs. Three male and three female. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added six new "Stranger" NPCs. Three male and three female. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added six new "Thug" NPCs. Three male and three female. These are filler NPCs for when we need random people in the game.
* Added a new image for Mitsuko’s shower scene.
* Added a new image for Mitsuko’s valentines scene.
* Added three new images to The Dojo in Pendleton.
* Added one new image to the Bookworm in Pendleton.
* Added one new image to the Doggy Style pet store in Pendleton.
* Added portraits for the following characters: Bubbles, Gaia, Maki, Misaki, and Yami.
* Rebuilt the Park in Pendleton so that the Halloween themed content should trigger properly now.
* Fixed an issue that was preventing Yami’s cheat options from appearing properly for people with the Cheat Build.
* Fixed a host of small errors. We’ve had a couple of fans recently who’ve been submitting reports the last month or two. Largely spelling and grammar stuff, but some bugs as well. Thank you to everyone who took the time to report these bugs so I could get them fixed. You know who you are, and I can’t thank you enough for all the effort you invest in helping make the game better. A36
* Wrote and added a new Christmas scene for everyone in the lounge on Christmas Morning. 7am to 11am. Requires that you have bought gifts for Anna and Eve and the scene takes into account most of the major characters currently in the game. A special thanks goes out to both asaucedev and Batman from our Discord server for the poetry submissions. Additionally, both Irish Major Tom and Asura contributed content to this scene for their respective characters. 8.7k words of content.
* Wrote and added a threesome scene with Anna and Misaki that takes place in the master bedroom. 7k words of content Sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added two small shower scenes to the Servant’s baths (Actually trigger from the common area upstairs.) One for Anna, one for Eve. Anna’s will trigger at high relationship values and Eve’s should be available all the time. .2k words of content between them.
* Wrote and added a small scene for Mully and Mitsuko in the living room. Takes place only if you own Mully. .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a scene for Mully and Misaki that tales place in any of the hallway locations. .6k words of content
* Wrote and added a new apples scene for Gaia at high relationship values. 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new entry for Belle’s diary. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new version of the Entry Hall for those who decorate that location for Christmas. Also includes new imagery. .3k words of new content.
* Wrote and added a new version of the Dining Hall for those who decorate that location for Christmas. Also includes new imagery. .3k words of new content.
* Wrote and added a new version of the Lounge for those who decorate that location for Christmas. Also includes new imagery. .3k words of new content.
* Expanded the current descriptive text for the Lounge. It felt,. . . . lacking, . . . .
* Added a new scene for Yami and Bubbles that can play out in the lounge. 1.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new bed time scene for Yami. 3.7k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new bed time scene for Yami. 2.3k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the pond for Yami and Gaia for once they’ve built a good relationship. 4.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added several ambient scenes related to Yami and Gaia to the mansion grounds. 7 scenes in total, details follow. 1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added two ambient scenes to the forest trail for Yami and Gaia.
* Added five ambient scenes to the back yard for Yami and Gaia.
* Added a host of swimming pool content related to Yami. 22 scenes in total, details to follow. 6k words of content between three core scenes and 2.9k words of content between nineteen insert scenes and their supporting code, all submitted by Asura.
* Added one interactive scene for Yami and Anna to the pool side.
* Added one interactive scene for Yami and Misaki to the pool side.
* Added one ambient scene with Yami and Mitsuko to the pool.
* Added three insert scenes with Yami entering the pool.
* Added three insert scenes with Yami exiting the pool.
* Added five insert scenes for Yami on the poolside.
* Added three swimming insert scenes for Yami.
* Added one insert scene for if both Yami and Anna are on the poolside.
* Added one insert scene for if both Yami and Eve are on the poolside.
* Added two insert scenes for both Yami and Eve in the pool.
* Added two insert scenes for both Yami and Misaki in the pool.
* Added a late night scene to the living room that includes both Yami and Eve. Requires highish relationship values for Yami. .6k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added an alternate scene for Yami and Gaia’s first meeting. Takes place in the back yard. 2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added one new image to the ballroom scene where you catch Anna dancing with a mop at high relationship levels.
* Added one new image to the sauna for the threesome scene with Anna and Mitsuko.
* Added three new images to the entry hall to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Added four new images to the dining hall to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Added eight new images to the lounge to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Added seven portraits for the new dialog box system. We currently have art for Anna, Eve, Mitsuko, Rei, the main character, and both a male and female placeholder that should appear if you encounter a character who we do not yet have art for.
* Added four new images to the lounge to reflect alternate holiday descriptions for that location.
* Some major code work by Anenn1. They’ve been busy implementing the dialog boxes the last few weeks. The dialog function isn’t going to be working everywhere, it takes a lot of time to implement something like that to a game this size, but they’re making great headway. They’ll be plugging away at some other exciting stuff soon as well.
* Fixed a bit of broken code in one of Yami’s bed time scenes.
* Fixed a host of minor issues that were reported.
* Fixed a ton of small spelling/grammar errors along with a host of minor code issues. Reports came from several sources, but a special thanks goes out to freodhoric for the massive bundle of reports along with details that helped make it easy to find everything. Everyone who reports something helps to make the game better for everyone, and I appreciate it more than words can say. But every once in a while someone goes above and beyond, and this is one of those times.
* Added code to handle gender pronouns related to gender swapped characters. A35
* Wrote and added a new bed time scene to the sleep function. This scene triggers if both Misaki and Anna are sleeping with you and requires Misaki to have middling or higher relationship stats and Anna to have somewhat high relationship stats. 4k words of content sponsored by Braidborn.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Eve, Gaia, and Rey that takes place in the back yard. 1.6k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added a new scene to the mansion that can potentially include every character currently capable of staying in the mansion. This is a Christmas themed scene that can only appear in December. 5.2k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added a new scene to mid main in Pendleton. Requires that it be December and that you own Mitsuko. .4k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added the option to take surveys for money on the computer in the study. You can now earn money in the game! Very bare bones now but will be expanded in the future. Now I just have to make a way to spend it. .6k words of content.
* Added a new scene for Anna and Yami in the sauna Requires middling or higher relationship stats with Yami. 9.4k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami to the library. 1.3k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added another new scene for Yami to the library. 1.8k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a third new scene for Yami to the library. Late n ight and rare. 1.5k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami and Misaki in the living room of the mansion. Appears in the evenings.. 1.2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Shanaya to the Joker in Pendleton. 2.7k words of content submitted by The Mysterious Stranger.
* Added a new scene for Rey to the lounge. 1.4k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added eleven small ambient scenes for Rey. .6k words of content submitted by Ser Laz. (Details follow)
* Added two ambient scenes for Rey to the front yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the East yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the West yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the back yard.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the garage.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the greenhouse.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the Kennels.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the pool.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the shed.
* Added one ambient scene for Rey to the stables.
* Added an image of Yami to her intro scene.
* Added eight new images to the Joker in Pendleton. Four are related to Shanaya.
* Fixed an issue with "Misaki Mitsuko 1" where the options down the Misaki branch were switched.
* Fixed a broken image related to Mitsuko’s Intro.
* Fixed (I hope) a bug that was causing Misaki’s intro scenes to trigger out of order. WILL REQUIRE A FRESH SAVE TO FIX.
* Fixed an assortment of minor spelling/grammar errors.
* Added a "Troubleshooting" file to the game bundle for players. It’s got likely solutions for some of the most common problems people have reported with the game. We will be trying to update this as needed. A34b
* Expanded part of Yami’s intro scene.
* Fixed an issue that was allowing players to go through Rey’s transformation event chain without actually having met Rey before hand.
* Fixed Misaki’s broken breast massage.
* Fixed a broken bed time scene, Eve Bed Scene 2.
* Fixed an error in Submitted Yami Scene 4.
* Fixed a broken link in one of Submitted Mitsuko Scene 8.
* Fixed several reported spelling errors. A34
* Wrote and added a new function to the master bedroom for Misaki. You can now give her a massage. 15.1k words of content sponsored by Braidborn.
* Wrote and added a new function to The Joker in Pendleton. This allows you to mingle and pick up girls in the club. 5.7k words of content sponsored by He Who Remembers All.
* Wrote and added a new set of branches to Anna Interactive Scene 10 for players who own Misaki. 1k words of content sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added the Park location to North Main in Pendleton. .9k words of content spanning the description of the location and sight small scenes.
* Wrote and added the "Mating Press" sex position for Anna in the master bedroom. 3k words of content sponsored by Matty
* Wrote and added content to the Pendleton Park during the month of October for Halloween. 2.4k words of content between descriptions and twelve small scenes.
* Wrote and added a new scene to West Street in Pendleton during the month of October that allows you to purchase a costume for Eve. The costume is later used to allow you to take her Trick-or-Treating. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Eve where you can give her the Halloween costume you buy in town. 1.5k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new function on Halloween that allows you to take Eve Trick or Treating in the Afternoon/Evening. 2.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a small Halloween themed scene to Doggy Style Pets and Supplies in Pendleton during the month of October. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added five ambient scenes to Pendleton. All five are available on West Street, three are available at the other street locations. .3k words of content.
* Added an "Apple Bobbing" function to the game. Can enjoy the activity in the park during the month of October. Includes scenes for Anna, Eve, Yami and Misaki. 3.8k words of content created by LFN Park, Asura, Irish Major Tom, and GateKeeper.
* Added a "Haunted Trail" function to the game. Can enjoy that activity in the park during the month of October. 6.7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Yami and Gaia to the Apples function in the game. Requires highish relationship stats with Gaia to trigger. 1.5k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami and Gaia at the pond. 1.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami that can appear in any room overlooking the back yard.. Submitted Yami Interactive 4. 1k words submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for Yami to the N/S hallway locations. Submitted Yami Interactive 5. 2.7k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the sleep function related to Yami at low relationship levels. .2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a bunch of new ambient scenes related to Yami to the game. 2k words of content submitted by Asura. (Details to follow)
* Added one Yami ambient to the pool that includes Yami and Eve.
* Added three Yami ambients to the living room in the evenings and late into the night.
* Added one Yami ambient to the living room that can appear anywhere from late morning to the wee-hours of the night. VERY rare appearance.
* Added one Yami ambient to the bathrooms. Uncommon appearance.
* Added one Yami ambient to the gym.
* Added one Yami ambient to the back yard that includes both Yami and Eve.
* Added a new scene for Gaia on the forest trail. .5k words of content from Braidborn.
* Added a new scene for Shanaya to The Joker. .8k words of content submitted by The Mysterious Stranger.
* Added three new pieces of art to the Park location in Pendleton.
* Added three new pieces of art to the Love Shack in Pendleton.
* Added three new pieces of art to My Neighbor’s Closet in Pendleton.
* Added four new images to West Street in Pendleton.
* Added nine new images to East Street in Pendleton.
* Added one image to Eve’s kitchen sex scene for when she looses her virginity.
* Added four new pieces of art to Eve’s trick-or-treat content.
* Fixed an issue where Shanaya’s initial scene wasn’t triggering.
* Fixed a broken condition preventing Mitsuko 4 from playing as intended.
* Fixed a minor bug that was hanging up one of Yami’s late night scenes. This one associated with the sleep function.
* Fixed a bug with one of Claire’s early scenes that was hanging up much of her content.
* Fixed a hand full of minor spelling and grammar errors that were reported.
* Resized a bunch of too-large images.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 10/22/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn’t there, please let me know so I can get it fixed. A33
* Wrote and added a new location in town, "Spitz" is a high class restaurant in Pendleton on North Main. .9k words of content between the location description and eight small ambient scenes.
* Wrote and added a new location in town, "Udder Delights" is a fast food place that specializes in frozen treats. Can be found in Pendleton on East Street. .6k words of content between the location description and eight small ambient scenes.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Anna. Requires that you have bought the travel book at the Bookworm in Pendleton. .9k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new missionary position scene for Anna that requires that you have creampied her recently. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new doggystyle position scene for Anna that requires that you have creampied her recently. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new pregnancy themed scene for Eve in the Living Room and Servants Area. Third trimester. 1.2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new pregnancy themed scene for Eve to most locations except bedrooms and bathrooms. Mid pregnancy on. .8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new pregnancy themed scene for Eve to the "hall" locations. Third trimester on. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new pregnancy themed scene for Eve to the "hall" locations. Mid pregnancy on. .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new pregnancy themed scene to the Living Room location for Eve. Under 18 weeks and she has to know she’s pregnant. .8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new conversation for Eve if you’ve asked her to call you "GateKeeper" .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new couch related scene for if Eve is having her period. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new eavesdropping scene for if Eve is having her period. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added the code for Eve’s insert scenes. What this means is that like Anna, smaller scenes can appear inside of other scenes. So far it’s just work time events, but it covers the whole range of characters and such. 1.3k words of new content before you factor in the scenes that can cross over from what was already written.
* Wrote and added two new insert scenes for Eve with the pool function. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Missionary position scene for Eve’s bedroom sex content. 17 weeks pregnant or more to trigger. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Doggystyle position scene for Eve’s bedroom sex content. 24 weeks pregnant or more to trigger. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added two new bed time events for Eve that involve her being pregnant. They start appearing at 17 weeks and 24 weeks respectively. .9k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new conversation with Eve related to the book you can buy for Anna. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new ambient scene to Anna & Eve’s servant’s bedroom related to the book you can buy for Anna. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a little short story to the Theater Mode in. This story explores the kind of relationship that might some day be possible with Yami. .8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a small ambient scene to the back yard involving both Eve and Gaia .4k words of content.
* Added a new scene for a freshly creampied Anna to the game. .8k words of content submitted by Astra
* Added a new scene to the grounds for Yami. 2.2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the back yard for Yami. Fairly rare and requires relatively high relationship stats. .7k words of content submitted by Asura
* Added a new scene to the grounds involving Yami, Gaia, and Eve. One time scene. 3.7k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new bed time scene related to Yami. 3.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new work time scene to the mansion for Anna and Yami. 4.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the mansion for Anna and Yami. Takes place during waking hours, either before or after working hours. .6k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the ball room for Anna and Yami. Takes place before noon. 4.3k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new pregnancy themed scene to the mansion that includes Yami and a pregnant Anna. Third Trimester. .9k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the back yard during daylight hours for Yami. 2.2k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for sleeping related to Yami. Requires very high relationship stats. 3.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene in the gym for Yami during the day. 6.5k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the gym that involves Yami and Anna during work hours. 4.1k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene to the back yard for Yami and Gaia. Requires very high relationship with Gaia, and Yami must have met Gaia before. 5.8k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a new scene for non-virgin Eve. Starts in the Master Bedroom. 4.4k words of content submitted by Mathias.
* Added a new scene to the Love Shack in Pendleton. .3k words of content submitted by evilgenius97.
* Added a new scene to The Joker in Pendleton for Shanaya. 3.9k words of content submitted by The Mysterious Stranger.
* Added nine new images to Udder Delights in Pendleton.
* Added three new images to West Street in Pendleton.
* Added nine new images to Spitz in Pendleton.
* Added twelve new baby pictures to the game for once babies are a thing.
* Added a new image to the Love Shack in Pendleton.
* Added a new image to Mitsuko’s intro in the Love Shack in Pendleton.
* Created a new cheat option that allows you to completely reset the Maki/Bubbles content so that you have not met them yet.
* Fixed an issue where a scene in the kitchen wasn’t appearing for non-virgin Eve.
* Fixed an error that was potentially locking out a very large portion of Yami’s content.
* Fixed a bug that was preventing a big part of the Mitsuko and Anna Sauna content from playing.
* Fixed an issue where one of Mitsuko’s scenes was not appearing in her conversations. This was actually preventing nearly all of the Mitsuko’s content related to Maki and/or Bubbles from playing.
* Fixed a couple of broken links in one of Eve’s sauna scenes.
* Fixed an issue with one of Misaki’s scenes not appearing at the pool as intended.
* Fixed a snip of broken code in the second episode of the Wanton Cove documentary. It was causing an error to throw around the middle of the scene.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 9/27/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn’t there, please let me know so I can get it fixed. A31
* Wrote and added the first of Rey’s bedroom sex content. Includes one intro, two oral sex starts, five core scenes, two facials, and two oral cumshots. More will be coming in future updates. 1.7k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Doggystyle sex scene for Anna. Requires that she be 12 weeks pregnant or more. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Missionary sex scene for Anna. Requires that she be 12 weeks pregnant or more. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new sex scene that can appear in either Doggystyle OR Missionary sex for Anna. Requires 12 weeks pregnant of more. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added the drinking function for Misaki into the game. 4.1k words of content in total.
* Wrote and added one Intro scene for Misaki’s drinking content.
* Wrote and added two Start scenes for Misaki’s drinking content.
* Wrote and added five Drinking scenes for Misaki’s drinking content.
* Wrote and added two Reject scenes for Misaki’s drinking content
* Wrote and added four Stop Drinking scenes for Misaki’s drinking content.
* Wrote and added two Tucked Into Bed scenes for Misaki’s drinking content.
* Wrote and added two Laid on Couch scenes for Misaki’s drinking content.
* Wrote and added sixteen new "Business Advertisements" ads to the computer. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added three new "Personals" ads to the computer. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added two new "Help Wanted" ads to the computer. .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added six new "Other Ads" ads to the computer. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and added four new Apple scenes for Gaia. There was a gap in her scenes, and this should close it so that no matter your relationship stats with her, there’s a chance she’ll appear. 2.5k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new location into the game named the Pendleton Arms on East Street in Pendleton. .6k words of content spanning the location and six ambient scenes for it.
* Wrote and added seven small scenes for Willy at the Love Shack. You can now talk with him. .7k words of content.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out most anywhere inside the mansion if Maki is visiting and Maki won the fight previously. Mitsuko and Maki Fun Scene 1. .8k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko and Maki that can play out outside of Maki’s guest room in the mansion if Maki is visiting and she won the fight previously. Mitsuko and Maki Fun Scene 2. 2.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Rey at the boathouse. Submitted Rey Grounds 6. 2.1k words of content submitted by Sir Laz.
* Added the ability to view Misaki’s stats and summon her to locations.
* Added the ability to view Rey’s stats and summon him to locations.
* Added two new images for "Gaia Submission 1" for the late night scene in the woods.
* Added nine new images to Daddy’s Diner in East Street in Pendleton.
* Added three new images to Sharky’s Billiards and Bowling on East Street in Pendleton.
* Added Pregnancy Cheats to the Cheat Menu. You may now adjust pregnancy speed to 10x, 5x, 2x, Normal, .5x, or Paused. That means instead of a 40 week pregnancy, you can actually speed it up to as little as 4 weeks, or slow it down so they forever remain pregnant at the state you pause the pregnancy at.
* Added a link to the Changelog in the sidebar since it seems a lot of people are not noticing it on the opening page of the game.
* Unbroke the oral sex option for Anna in the master bedroom.
* Unbroke some code related to Claire in the Drinking Donkey.
* Unbroke a ad on the computer that wasn’t appearing before.
* Filled some gaps in Gaia’s "Apple" content, there was a pretty big gap in a couple of places making it hard to trigger her content there at times. This is in addition to the new scenes.
* Fixed a small mountain of minor spelling/grammar/continuity issues. Largely thanks to Astra.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 8/01/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn’t there, please let me know so I can get it fixed. A30a/b/c
Bug fixes A30
*Wrote and Added the first of Anna’s dating content. Can trigger during the late afternoon in the hallways, ball room, or gym. 6.9k words of content.
* Wrote and Added a drinking function for Anna. Can be found during the 8pm and 9pm hours in the evening at any relationship level. Yes, you can get her drunk now. 9.8k words of content.
* In the background, the drinking function required a bunch of code. What this means is that we also have the code to support drinking content for all other characters as well (Intoxication levels, hangovers, the long drawn out process of sobering back up, . . . )
* Wrote and Added one scene for Anna in the mansion bathrooms for when she realizes she missed her period. .2k words of content.
* Wrote and Added one scene to most of Anna’s favorite rooms where she tells you she is pregnant. 2.6k words of content.
* Wrote and Added one pregnancy related scene at high relationship levels starting at the third trimester. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and Added 20 small insert scenes related to pregnancy. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and Added a poolside function into the game. Can be accessed from the sidebar in the Pool location on the Mansion Grounds. Five smallish scenes at this point, one of them associated with Anna being pregnant.. 1.5k words of content.
* Wrote and added 86 small scenes in the form of mini-scenes that appear within larger scenes at the pool. 5.9k words of content between them. Written by LFN Park, Irish Major Tom, and myself.
* Added twenty two scenes in the form of mini-scenes that appear within larger scenes to the pool area. .9k words of content.
* Added eight small scenes related to Anna to the pool. One of these is related to her pregnancy content.
* Added eight small scenes related to Eve to the pool.
* Added seven small scenes related to Gaia to the pool.
* Added six small scenes related to Misaki to the pool.
* Added four small scenes related to Rey to the pool.
* Added three small scenes related to Maki to the pool.
* Added three small scenes related to Bubbles to the pool.
* Added eleven small scenes related to Mitsuko to the pool.
* Added two small scenes related to Mitsuko and Eve to the pool.
* Added nine small scenes related to Claire to the pool.
* Added one small scene related to Anna and Misaki to the pool.
* Added one small scene related to Anna and Eve to the pool.
* Added one small scene related to Eve and Claire to the pool.
* Added one small scene related to Eve and Mitsuko to the pool.
* Added three small scenes related to Eve and Bubbles to the pool.
* Added two small scenes related to Eve and Maki to the pool.
* Added one small scene related to Maki and Mitsuko to the pool.
* Added two small scenes related to Mully to the pool.
* Added three small generic scenes to the pool.
*Wrote and Added a new location to the East side of Pendleton. Daddy’s Diner. At present there are a total of 6 small scenes that can play out in this location. .6k words of content.
* Added a new scene for Bubbles in the Ballroom during waking hours. 1.1k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new scene for Bubbles and Mitsuko in the Ballroom in the afternoon/evening. .7k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new branch to Submitted Anna Scene 8. .3k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new sauna scene involving both Anna and Mitsuko. Submitted Mitsuko and Anna Sauna Scene 1. 5.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene in the front yard for Rey. 1.9k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a new scene in the stables for Rey. 1.5k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a new scene for Anna to the study. 1.6k words of content submitted by evilgenius97.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko to any room that can be mopped. .5k words of content submitted by evilgenius97.
* Added the option to turn fertility on and off in Anna, Eve, and Mitsuko’s character information under "Assignments" Only Anna currently has pregnancy related content at the moment though.
* Unbroke all of Misaki’s content. Had forgotten to set a switch that was preventing her content from playing.
* Unbroke one of Rey’s scenes at the pool. Wasn’t plugged in so it wasn’t appearing.
* Major rebuild of the game’s character code.
* Added pregnancy code. This includes birthing that takes into account both parents’ physical characteristics. This code will also be adapted for healing, plant growth, weather, intoxication, . . . . anything that involves something that happens over time rather than being contained within a single scene or short set of scenes.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 7/03/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn’t there, please let me know so I can get it fixed. A29a
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki in the Master Bedroom during work hours. Available for all but very low relationship stats. Misaki Interactive Scene 8. 1.7k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Eve at middling or higher relationship in the kitchens during daylight hours. Eve Interactive Scene 21. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene involving both Misaki and Mitsuko. Takes place in the evenings in the kitchens. 3.4k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added one new Missionary sex scene variant for Anna. Eve makes a guest appearance. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added one small scene for Misaki and Mitsuko that takes place late in the evening in the Living Room. .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added two new Hide and Seek scenes for Eve to the game. .7k words of content between them.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Bubbles in the gym during waking hours. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added five small scenes to Pendleton related to the Heritage Festival. .4k words of content.
* Five new small scenes added to Main Street in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in East Street in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in Mid Main in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in North Main in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in South Main in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in West Street in Pendleton.
* Added the Maki/Bubbles commentary to the third installment of the Wanton Cove Documentary. This appears when Maki and Bubbles are visiting and the scene plays out. .8k words of content.This is a collaborative effort between myself and LFN Park.
* Wrote and added the fourth and final installment in the Wanton Cove documentary series on the television. 2.3k words of content. This is a collaborative between myself and LFN Park.
* Added a new scene for Anna and Bubbles in the ball room during work hours. Submitted Anna Bubbles Ineractive 1. .5k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a scene for Gaia to the forest late in the evening. Submitted Gaia 1. 4.4k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a scene for Rey at the pool during work hours. Submitted Rey Grounds 2. 1.4k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey at the Kennels during work hours. Submitted Rey Grounds 3. 2.7k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey in mist non-hallway locations in the mansion. Submitted Rey Mansion 3. 1.2k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey in the N/S hallways in the mansion during work hours. Submitted Rey Mansion 4. 3.3k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey to the Attic in the Mansion during waking hours. Submitted Rey Mansion 5. 3.4k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Reworked some code in Rey’s intro to hopefully catch the bug that’s been hanging up the later scenes.
* Fixed a bit of incorrect code that was hanging up a couple of the Maki/Bubbles scenes.
* Added five new images to Wet Willy’s Titty Trap and extended the hours it is open.
* Added three new images to West Street in Pendleton.
* Added one new image to Needle Point Tattoo and Piercing in Pendleton.
* Added one new image to Isawu Cumming’s Occult Shop in Pendleton.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 6/07/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn’t there, please let me know so I can get it fixed. A26
* Wrote and added a new entry to Belle’s Diary. It’s toward the middle of the entries and all have been renamed to make it fit. .7k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new scene to the Back Yard location on the mansion grounds. Takes place during work hours during the winter months. 1.4k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki to the mansion. Takes place in the evenings. Misaki Interactive Scene 4. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Hide and Seek scene for players who own Mitsuko. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new "Work Talk" scenes for Anna for if you tell her to call you "Slave." .1k words of content.
* Wrote and added six start scenes for Eve related to the St Andrew’s Cross in the dungeon. 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added three "Whipping" scene starts for Eve related to the St Andrew’s Cross in the dungeon. .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added twelve core "Whipping" scenes for Eve related to the St. Andrew’s Cross in the dungeon. 1.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added three "Ending" scenes for the Whipping portion of the St Andrew’s Cross related to Eve. Also have placeholder content in place for four more. 2.9k words of content.
* Wrote and added the ability to play RISK with Eve. This includes a scene to unlock the ability to play, two repeatable starter scenes, three scenes for if you accept her offer to play, two scenes for declining her offer to play, and eighteen scenes that are randomized related to the board game. 4k words of content in total. Generously Sponsored by Matty.
* Added Season 2, Episode 1 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 2 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 3 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added Season 2, Episode 4 of Futa Apocalypse to the TV in the living room. 1.2k words of content.
* Added a new scene to the kitchen in the hour leading up to meal times involving both Anna and Mitsuko. Scene evolves based on Anna’s cooking skill and is the first scene in the game that is capable of raising a character skill. .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added an extention to Mully’s intro content to include his arrival at the mansion and to see some first reactions. .4k words of content by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mully in the Living Room. .6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko that starts in the Dining room and ends in the Kitchen. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 24. 2.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the Back Yard during evening hours. Submitted Mitsuko Grounds Scene 2. 1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for the Laundry area for Anna. Requires middling or higher relationship. Submitted Anna Scene 8. 3.1k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new interactive scene related to Bubbles in the library. Can trigger at any relationship level. .8k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new scene for Misaki in the Kitchens. Plays out during work hours. Submitted Misaki Scene 1. .6k words of content submitted by (Unknown, trying to figure out who sent it in. If it’s yours, say something so you can get properly credited for your work.)
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the guest bedrooms. Submitted Mitsuko Interactive Scene 23. 1.4k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a new scene for Anna in the laundry area. Requires fairly high relationship stats across the board. Submitted Anna Interactive Scene 9. 2.2k words of content submitted by phalicobject
* Added an ambient scene for Anna in her servant’s bedroom. Appears late afternoon/early evening on warm months at any relationship level. .9k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a small interactive scene to the servant’s bedroom. Can happen at any time during waking hours. .2k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added an ambient scene for Eve in the entry hall. Can happen at any time during waking hours at mid or higher relationship. .3k words of content submitted by phalicobject.
* Added a new scene to the Sauna for Eve. Contest Eve Sauna Scene 2. 3.8k words of content submitted by AbyssalEros.
* Added a late night scene for Anna in the living room, Requires mid/high relationship level. Submitted Anna Scene 7. 1.4k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added an interactive scene for Mitsuko late at night with very good relationship stats. Submitted Mitsuko Grounds Scene 3. .7k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added a new lunch time scene to the game. Requires that you own Mitsuko and that both Anna and Eve are sharing meals with you. Submitted Lunch 2. .4k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added an ambient scene for Rey to the greenhouse during work hours. .1k words of content submitted by Gil Lionaire.
* Added six new images to the Apples content for Gaia.
* Added three new images to the Kennels location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added three new images to the Stables location on the Mansion Grounds.
* Added one new image to the scene where you first meet Claire in Pendleton.
* Wrote and added the Pond location to the Mansion Grounds. Can reach it through the forest. Between the location and twelve small scenes for it, this location adds about 1k words of new content and will become the home of several new functions within the game.
* Wrote and added the House Boat location to the Mansion Grounds. Can reach it through the Pond location. Between the location and six small scenes for it, this location adds about .5k words of new content.
* Added a small alternate version for Rey’s ad on the computer for if you’ve hired them.
* Did some rework to Rey’s scenes, everything should be appearing when and where it’s supposed to now.
* Had somehow locked out one of the four core Stargazing scenes. The fourth one should be appearing correctly now.
* Fixed a pair of errors in the scene where you confront Mitsuko over her bad behavior around Bubbles.
* Fixed a couple of misnamed links in Anna’s Sauna content that was preventing players from reaching some of the content in that area of the game. A25
* Wrote and added a new Valentines Day themed scene for Anna in the Kitchen the evening before Valentines Day. Requires good relationship. 2.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new Valentines Day themed scene for Eve to the library. Good relationship and evening required. 1.8k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new location to East Street in Pendleton. Doggy Style Pets and Supply. between the location and seven ambient scenes, the location currently stands at 1.3k words of content.
* Wrote and added six new ambient scenes to Pendleton. .4k words of content. These are all Valentines Day themed scenes. About half of them play out between the 1st and 14th of Valentines Day. About half of them appear only on the 14th.
* Added two Valentines Day themed ambient scenes to West Street in Pendleton.
* Added four Valentines Day themed ambient scenes to East Street in Pendleton.
* Added three Valentines Day themed ambient scenes to North Main in Pendleton.
* Added three Valentines Day themed ambient scenes to Mid Main in Pendleton.
* Added three Valentines Day themed ambient scenes to South Main in Pendleton.
* Added two Valentines Day themed ambient scenes to the entering Pendleton hub.
* Wrote and added sight new smbient scenes to the mansion forest location on the mansion grounds. Eventually this location will lead to the pond you can find curing Gaia’s intro. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added one new interactive scene for Gaia Gaia Interactive Scene 3. Appears in the woods during daylight hours. .6k words of content.
* Wrote and added the ability to go Stargazing with Eve. Appears in Study and Library at high relationship values in the evenings. New function and all current content related to it is generously sponsored by Matty.
* Added three intros for the Stargazing. One of them unique to the first time she asks you to stargaze with her. .6k words of content between them.
* Added four core scenes to the Stargazing. 2k words of content.
* Added thirteen small scenes that insert into the core Stargazing scenes. .7k words of content between them.
* Added two small "Decline" scenes related to the Stargazing content. .2k words of content between them.
* Added a short extension to Mitsuko’s intro. .3k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko at the Doggy Style Pets and Supply store in Pendleton. 1 of 3. .7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko at the Doggy Style Pets and Supply store in Pendleton. 2 of 3. .7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Mitsuko at the Doggy Style Pets and Supply store in Pendleton. 3 of 3. 1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a Valentines Day themed event to the Kitchen in the morning hours in the Mansion. Involves Mitsuko at any relationship level. 1.5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added one new intro and three more follow up scenes for Mitsuko’s Missionary sex position. The first is to fill the current gap in the intros, the others add more mid-range sex scenes. .5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene to the Living Room in the evening for Mitsuko. All relationship levels. 1.8k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene to the Muffin Top in the town of Pendleton with Mitsuko. Requires good relationship to trigger. (Eventually I’ll lock this scene so it only appears if she is following you to town.) .7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added an evening scene in the Library for Mitsuko. Requires fairly high stats to trigger. 1.7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a scene for Mitsuko in the gym. Can play out at any relationship level and appears either early morning or in the evening. 2.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added five more "Personal Talk" scenes for Mitsuko. This should fill the gaps that were triggering errors previously. .8k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new scene for Eve related to Bubbles in the Laboratory. Requires slightly good relationship with Eve to trigger. .8k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added five new ambient scenes to the Bathing Room that require Maki and Bubbles to be visiting. .4k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added one new ambient scene to the Library that requires Maki and Bubbles to be visiting. .2k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a new arrival scene for Maki for if you own Mitsuko. .7k words of content. Scene was a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added a new exit scene for Maki for if you own Mitsuko. .4k words of content. Scene was a collaborative effort between LFN Park and Irish Major Tom.
* Added the "Blowjob" branch to the Contest entry. .7k words of content by AbyssalEros.
* Added high relationship scene to the sauna. Part of the Contest Entry from our first writing contest. 1.9k words of content submitted by AbyssalEros.
* Hopefully fixed an issue with Eve’s virginity not tracking properly.
* Had an extra line of code that was breaking some of the Maki/Bubbles content. Specifically the arrival scene.
* Moved a misplaced link in Anna/Eve sauna scene.
* Locked the first scene in Eve’s birthday scene set so it now only appears the day before her birthday.
* Added a new NPC to the game. Mulder the pet fox. You can gain this pet through an event chain related to Mitsuko when you go into town. The only content for this character after purchasing it is a single short scene associated with stargazing. More content will appear in future builds of the game.
* Added one image to Mitsuko’s intro in the Love Shack.
* Added one image to Maki & Bubbles’ intro in the front yard of the mansion.
* Added one image to the Love Shack in Pendleton.
* Added three images to the pool area in the back yard of the mansion.
* Replaced the old Front Yard art with new images. Three new images.
* Fixed an error in Anna/Eve sauna scene that was throwing an error.
* Fixed two broken links down the handjob path of the Anna/Eve sauna scene that was preventing players from reaching a couple of small pieces of content.
* Fix for missing Misaki conversation.
* Fix for two of Mitsuko’s night time sex endings.
* Bubbles and Maki visiting the mansion before you meet them should be fixed for future builds. You will need to either meet Bubbles and Maki, or start a new game in order to fix this issue.
* Fixed an assortment of spelling errors and other small non-game breaking issues.
* Added some information for people interested in contributing content to the game. Link can be found on the opening page of the game. A24c
*Wrote and added a new scene that appears in the early evening if you’re in your study and have mid to high range stats with both Anna and Eve. 7.1k words of content. Sponsored Scene 5. Generously sponsored by Matty.
*Wrote and added five new "decline" scenes for when Eve comes looking for sex. Somehow I had forgotten to write content for that when I created her new sex content (Seriously, who’s going to tell her "No" anyway?) .5k words of content between them.
*Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki that appears during work hours in pretty much any room with a picture on it’s walls. Misaki Interactive Scene 2. 2.5k words of content.
*Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki that appears during daylight hours. East side of the mansion in the AM, West side in the PM. Appears in every room with a window on the first two floors. Misaki Interactive Scene 3. 1.3k words of content.
*Wrote and added a new scene for Eve that appears late night through the Couch function at high relationship ranges. Eve Couch Scene 2. .7k words of content.
*Wrote and added two small "Casual Talk" scenes for Mitsuko in an effort to fill a gap in her scenes. .2k words of content.
*Added a new scene that involves both Mitsuko and Bubbles late at night in the kitchens. Mitsuko Kitchen Interactive Scene 1. 2.3k words of content. Written by LFN Park & Irish Major Tom
*Added two new "Casual Talk" scenes for Mitsuko that help fill a gap in her scenes. (This is in addition to the two I wrote above.) .2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the dining room at night. 9pm to midnight. Submitted Mitsuko Interactive Scene 8. 1.7k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in any of the hallway locations. Evening hours. Submitted Mitsuko Interactive Scene 12. 1.2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the kitchen during work hours. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 13. 1.1k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the laundry area during work hours. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 14. .5k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new scene for Mitsuko in most of the mansion locations that include more than one exit. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 15. .2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new scene for Mitsuko that appears in the guest rooms during work hours. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 16. .6k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can appear in any room with a window during work hours. Includes a nice little bit of naughtyness. Submitted Mitsuko Scene 17. 1.4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added two new scene sets to the sleeping function related to Mitsuko. Requires that you are sleeping only with her. These scenes open up the "Sleepy Sex" options that were coded into the the previous build. Includes 1.2k words of content for the full spectrum of relationship values. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new karaoke scene for Mitsuko, "Asymmetry." .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added a new karaoke scene for Mitsuko, "Still Here." .4k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.
*Added "Mourning" to Theater Mode. .8k words of content by LFN Park.
*Added two new images to the Servant’s Bath. Unless I’m forgetting something, we now have background art for every location inside the mansion now.
*Added two new images to the Garage on the mansion grounds.
*Had broken the new Eve sex scenes. Ended up having to create a little work around in the form of a mini scene that leads to the content so that it would work correctly. .1k words of content.
*Did some minor rewrite to Belle’s 7th diary entry to fix some consistency issues.
*One of our blind players mentioned that their text reader doesn’t always recognize dashes. Because of that, we have started replacing the dashes with asterisks in the changelog starting with the A24 testing phase. Short of this change somehow completely breaking the game for someone, this will be the new norm.
*Broke most of the Maki & Bubbles content from the previous build with a typo in the code. Has been fixed.
*Broken daylight image in Library has been fixed.
*Huge number of spelling fixes thanks to rogue886 from f95zone.
*Did a minor rewrite of "Submitted Anna 3" to clarify a little bit of content.
*Added a "Back" link to the "Special Thanks" passage to make it easier to return to the game.
*Updated the Special Thanks area 1/16/19 A23
-Wrote a new scene for bed time that involves both girls NOT sleeping with you and their relationship stats being middling or better. Happens late at night related to the sleep function during the last half of April and the first half of May. 4.5k words of content. Generously Sponsored by Matty.
-Added a new scene related to a new slave named Misaki. Starts through the couch function in the living room. 1.5k words of content. Part one of three. Submitted by Irish Major Tom
-Added a new scene related to a new slave named Misaki. Triggers after the first event in the chain and can trigger at any "Hallway" location. 1.1k words of content. Part two of three. Submitted by Irish Major Tom
-Wrote a new scene introducing the new slave Misaki. Picks up from part two. 4.4k words of content. Part three of three.
-Wrote and added three ambient scenes related to Misaki. All take place during work hours in the mansion. .3k words of content.
-Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki in the Master Bedroom. Will eventually lead to her sex function in the next build. .4k words of content.
-Added one new ambient scene for Gaia to the back yard. Dakes place during daylight hours. .3k words of content.
-Wrote a new sex function for Eve. Eve can now come to you looking for sex if she’s not a virgin and doesn’t hate you. Six intro pieces written so far that play out depending on relationship stats, and in one case what you have asked her to call her. Can play out in several places within the mansion and can either lead to a new sex position or you can alternately take her to bed where the current sex options can play out. .9k words of content. NOTE: Some of the content related to this sex function was adapted from other content already in the game.
-Wrote "Wall sex" for Eve. Two intros and ten followups. Much of the content depends on relationship values. 1.6k words of content.
-Wrote external cumshot scenes for the new sex function for Eve. Two scenes in total. .3k words of content.
-Wrote creampie scenes for the new sex function for Eve. Three scenes in total. .4k words of content.
-Wrote endings for the new sex function for Eve. Four scenes in total. .4k words of content.
-Wrote a new Missionary sex start for Anna for high relationship stats. .2k words of content.
-Wrote a new Missionary sex continuation for Anna at mid range relationship stats. .1k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Maki and Bubbles arriving to visit the mansion. If you agree to let her visit during your initial meeting, she will now show up on the second weekend of the month and stay until Sunday. .7k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added one new interactive scene related to Maki’s visits to the North Hall Upper. Requires ownership of Mitsuko. 1.4k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added a new interactive scene for Maki at the Pool on the mansion grounds. Plays out in the early evening. 2.9k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added a new interactive scene for Bubbles at the pool on the mansion grounds. Plays out in the early evening. One branch is inaccessible at this time as it deals with a piece of content not yet in the game. 1.9k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added one new interactive scene related to Maki’s visits to the Pantry. Requires Eve to have mid-high relationship stats. .3k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added a new scene for Maki and Bubbles having dinner at the mansion. Can be found in the dining room among the usual meal time events. .6k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added a new ambient scene involving Anna and Bubbles. .2k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added three new ambient scenes to the Gym involving Eve and Bubbles in the evening. .4k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park
-Added a new ambient scene to the living room in the late evening. Involves Anna, Eve, Bubbles, and Maki. .2k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added four ambient morning scenes to the Master Bedroom involving Maki and/or Bubbles. 1.2k words of content between them. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added one ambient scene in the evening to the Sauna related to Maki and Bubbles. .2k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added three new ambient scenes to the lounge in the evening related to Maki and Bubbles. .4k words of content between them. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added a new ambient scene to the pool related to Maki and Bubbles. .1k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added a new scene for Maki and Bubbles leaving the mansion. If they come to visit, they’ll stick around until Sunday and leave then. .3k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that takes place in the "hallway" locations during work hours. .7k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko and Eve that takes place during daylight hours in any of the "yard" locations. .8k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that involves Eve at mid or higher relationship values (Yep, Mitsuko scene, Eve relationship stats.) 1k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Claire where she comes to the mansion for a short visit. Requires mid to high affection and mid to low fear. .7k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that is related to Maki and Bubbles’ visits. .9k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added the "Standing" start for Mitsuko’s sex content. Includes four scenes that can trigger based on relationship stats. .9k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added the "Bed" start for Mitsuko’s sex content. Includes ten scenes that can trigger based on relationship stats. .8k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom. NOTE, There is currently no event to trigger these intro scenes, however this accesses the same content as the standing starts.
-Added "Missionary" position for Mitsuko’s sex content. Three intros and eleven primary pieces based on relationship stats. 1.4k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added "Cum Inside" option to Mitsuko’s sex content. Three scenes in total, two of which depend on relationship stats. .5k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added "End Sex" scenes to Mitsuko’s sex content. Twelve scenes in total depending on both relationship and time of day. 1.4k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added supporting code for new NPC Misaki.
-Added supporting code for NPC Claire.
-Added one new episode to the Futa Apocalypse TV show. 1.1k words of content.
-Wrote a new scene for Gaia that can take place at good relationship levels on the grounds. 1.3k words of content.
-Wrote a new "Waking Up" scene for the sleep function. This one involves Eve NOT being a virgin and having fairly positive relationship stats. .4k words of content.
-Wrote "Shine" for Anna singing karaoke. .7k words of content.
-Wrote "Never" for Anna singing karaoke. .6k words of content.
-Wrote "Isolated" for Eve singing karaoke. .7k words of content.
-Wrote "Mr Grinch" for Eve singing karaoke. .5k words of content.
-Added "Farethee Well" for Bubbles singing karaoke. .6k words of content. Submitted by LFN Park.
-Wrote and added a Christmas themed scene related to Eve. Takes place in the dining room, late at night on Christmas Eve 1.5k words of content.
-Wrote and added a Christmas scene for Anna. Takes place between the 17th and 22nd of December in the game. .5k words of content.
-Wrote and added a Christmas scene for Anna. Should trigger naturally some time after the event above. 3.9k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko in the master bedroom in the evenings. .3k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Rey related to the eavesdropping content. 1k words of content. Submitted by FeatheMaid.
-Wrote and added three "Rainy Day" ambient scenes for the mansion. Appear in most rooms with windows within the mansion. One of them appears in most rooms excluding the basement. .2k words if content.
-Wrote and added two "Windy Day" ambient scenes for the mansion. Appear in most rooms with windows within the mansion. .1k words of content.
-Wrote and added two "Snow Day" ambient scenes for the mansion. Appear in most rooms with windows within the mansion and plays out between the months of November and March. .1k words of content.
-Wrote and added two "Fall" ambient scenes for the mansion. Appear in most rooms with windows within the mansion. Appear in the last half of October through the first half of November. .1k words of content.
-Wrote and added one "Fireworks" ambient event that can play out on either New Years or the 4th of July. Appears on the "Yard" locations on the mansion grounds. .1k words of content.
-Wrote and added six "Christmas" ambient events to the town of Pendleton. All take place in December, through some of them have specific windows where they appear based on day or time. .4k words of content.
-Two new driving scenes involving weather. Both appear regardless of which way you are going. .1k words of content.
-Added two new background images to the Dungeon location inside of the mansion.
-Added two new background images for the Laboratory location inside the mansion.
-Added four new background images to the North Upper Hallway in the mansion.
-Added four new background images to the South Upper Hallway in the mansion.
-Added five new background images to the Back Yard location on the mansion grounds.
-Added "Smile" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. First of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 2.2k words of content.
-Added "Plan" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. Second of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 1.7k words of content.
-Added "Freak" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. Third of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 1.8k words of content.
-Added "Quarrel" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. Fourth of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 1.5k words of content.
-Added "Regret" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. Fifth of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 2.6k words of content.
-Added "Reckoning" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. Sixth of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 2.4k words of content.
-Added "Church to the Theater Mode in Cheat Menu. Seventh of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 3.5k words of content.
-Added "Forgiven" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. Eighth of nine parts in a series by LFN Park. 1.9k words of content.
-Added "Apology" to the Theater Mode in the Cheat Menu. Ninth and final part in a series by LFN Park. 1.2k words of content.
-Added the new slave Misaki to the Cheat Menu. She doesn’t have any content beyond her intro right now, so they don’t really accomplish much, but they’re in place for when content starts getting added.
-Added a new set of Cheats to the Cheat Menu. These will allow you to change the month and date in the game which should make finding date specific scenes much easier to find.
-Did some work on the time system to make the handling of days/months easier to use when dealing with events involving specific dates, holidays, or seasons.
-Fixed the issue where karaoke songs sometimes displayed messages indicating missing content. Content should all be displaying correctly now.
-Fixed an issue where the St Andrew’s Cross wasn’t letting you exit properly. This will make available a wide range of exit scenes that you weren’t able to see previously. A22
-Fixed a host of typos in existing scenes as well as fixed a broken bed time scene.
-Added a scene for Eve in the bathing room in the evenings. Only appears 8pm-10pm in the evenings, at any relationship level. 3k words of content.
-Rebuilt the way some events work (Thank you HiEv for all the help. All credit for the rebuild goes to you!). Initially this will affect the karaoke content, but this same mechanic will be featured in the upcoming meal time rebuild, pregnancy, and had a lot of implications for other things as well.
-Added Cheat Menu options for Gaia, Mitsuko, and Rey.
-Wrote an intro scene for introducing a Karaoke machine to the lounge in the mansion. 1.4k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Added karaoke option to the sidebar in the lounge. Have to trigger the intro event before it becomes available, and you’ll want the girls present so their content can play. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote "Achy Breaky" for Anna singing karaoke. .5k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote "I will survive" for Anna singing karaoke. .8k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote "Like a Virgin" for Eve singing karaoke. .5k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote "Lollypop" for Eve singing karaoke. .7k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote "Wild Thing" for Eve singing karaoke. .4k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote "My Way" for the protagonist singing karaoke. .4k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote "My Girl" for the protagonist singing karaoke. .4k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Wrote twenty four mini scenes for use with the karaoke system. .9k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
-Updated saves information to hopefully avoid conflicts with old saves.
-Added a new diary from the Great Uncle. First two entries. 1.3k words of content.
-Added one interactive scene for Gaia in the forest. 1.1k words of content.
-Added three ambient scenes related to Gaia. 1.1k words of content.
-Added four more apple scenes for Gaia. Available at low relationship values. 1.2k words of content.
-Added Cheap Computer interface. .3k words of content.
-Added local advertisements to Computers. Includes six sections. .3k words of content.
-Added personals to Computers. Includes four ads. .2k words of content.
-Added help wanted ads to Computers. Includes one ad. .1k words of content.
-Added for sale ads to Computers. Includes four ads. .1k words of content.
-Added business advertisements to Computers. Includes four ads. .2k words of content.
-Added "Other" section to advertisements to Computers. Includes one ad. .1k words of content.
-Added new NPC to the game named Rey. NPC code in game.
-Added intro scene chain to game for Rey character. 2.7k words of content. Submitted by FaetheMaid
-Added a scene for Rey on the grounds. Can play out in several locations at any relationship level. .5k words of content. Submitted by FaetheMaid.
-Added a intro/followup scene for Rey in the entry hall. Can play out at any relationship level. 1k words of content. Submitted by FaetheMaid.
-Added cheat menu option to allow you to acquire Mitsuko and Rey for your home.
-Added two new images for the Attic.
-Added four new images for the hallway bathrooms.
-Added four new images to the gym.
-Added four new images to all of the servant’s bedrooms.
-Added core cheat menu interface for Gaia and Rey.
-Updated the Special Thanks area 11/09/18 A18
-Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. It’s a big one, spanning 11.9k words of content in total. Submitted by LFNPark.
-Added a new scene to the "Meeting Maki" story. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene. 1.8k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
-Added the final scene of the "Meeting Maki" story to the game. Temporary shortcut to the scene from the previous scene in the set. 1.7k words of content. Submitted by LFNPark.
-Billiards Content. Began fleshing out this content quite a bit. Added new text for the portion of the scene where the main character breaks. Probably tripled the amount of content there. .8k words of new content.
-Eavesdropping Content. Wrote two new eavesdropping events. .5k words of content.
-Punishments Content. Added a new spanking scene for Anna, requires very positive relationship stats to appear. .4k words of content.
-Conversation Content. Added "Work Conversations" to Anna’s conversation options. There are currently five small scenes, of which between 1-3 can play out at a time depending on your relationship stats with her. .6k words of content.
-Shower Content. Added two new small pieces to the Shower content. One for turning on the water, one for stepping beneath it. .2k words of content.
-Added the Anna and Eve sauna content. 8.9k words of content. Submitted as a contest entry by AbyssalEros.
-Added one new ambient scene that can take place in the back yard during daylight hours. .1k words of content.
-Added the "Forest" area to the Mansion Grounds. Includes six small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
-Added "Isawu Cumming’s Fortune Telling & Witchcraft" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .6k words of content.
-Added "My Neighbor’s Closet" to the Mid Main Street in Pendleton. Includes five small ambient scenes. .5k words of content.
-Added "Sharky’s Bowling and Billiards" to the East Street in Pendleton. Includes seven small ambient events. .7k words of content.
-Added "Needle Point Tattoo & Piercing" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .4k words of content
-Added "Wet Willy’s Titty Trap" to the West Street in Pendleton. Includes ten small ambient events. 1.4k words of content.
-Added "The Muffin Top" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .4k words of content.
-Added "Tricky Dick’s Pawn & Loan" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes four small ambient scenes. .3k words of content.
-Added "The Bookworm" to Mid Main in Pendleton. Includes three small ambient events. .3k words of content.
-Added a new slave named Mitsuko. This scene introduces her and makes it so you can add her to your household, but there is no followup content yet. 2k words of content. You can find the scene at The Love Shack in Pendleton. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at middling relationship levels in the livingroom during the evenings. .6k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added a new scene for Mitsuko that can play out at mid/lowish relationship levels in any room with a hard floor. .5k words of content. Submitted by Irish Major Tom.
-Added the first set of punishments for Mitsuko. There are currently two possible scenes for each style of punishment. 1.3k words of content. Irish Major Tom revised my work for this content (Their character, so I felt it was important that they have a chance to make adjustments to the content as needed to fit their vision for the character.)
-Wrote and added the code for displaying Mitsuko’s stats and to let you change her assignments.
-Added Cheat functions for Mitsuko.
-Couch content. .2k words of content for a single small scene for the interactive couch function. This is for the middle segment of that scene structure.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .6k words of content spanning ten small scenes for when you initiate sex while in bed.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for when you initiate sex while not in bed.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 1.7k words of content spanning fourteen small scenes for the missionary sex position.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 2.1k words of content spanning seventeen small scenes for the doggystyle sex position.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .7k words of content spanning four small scenes for cumming on her belly.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .3k words of content spanning two small scenes for cumming on her back.
-Sex scene content for Eve. .4k words of content spanning three small scenes for cumming in her pussy.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 1.2k words of content spanning ten small scenes that can end the interactive sex scene.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 2k words of content spanning twelve small scenes for oral sex.
-Sex scene content for Eve. 1.1k words of content spanning six small scenes for oral cumshots.
-Added the ability to initiate sex with Eve in the master bedroom.
-Added three background images to the Master Bedroom. The time of day will affect which image you see.
-Added three background images to the Entry Hall. The time of day will affect which image you see.
-Added the code for a new NPC. She won’t be appearing in game for a couple of builds yet, but the ground work has been done so all we have to do to get her into the game is to add content..
-Rebuild of the name system.
-Fixed a bug that was preventing two of the Love Shack scenes from playing.
-Had a couple of images improperly named in the intro, have been fixed.
-Implemented a new system in the background that should help minimize the number of broken saves we have between builds. It’s probably not going to catch everything, but it should be a big step in the right direction.
-One of our helpers did a rework of the Billiards code. Mostly it was a case of adjusting probabilities so it was much less likely that someone would run the table.
-Fixed a couple of minor bugs in the code, nothing game breaking though.
-Fixed a host of spelling and grammar issues.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 8/03/18 A17
-Added one new diary entry for the slave Nora. .3k words of content.
-Added a new scene to the back yard that only appears during the 10pm hour and involves mid/high relationship stats for Anna (Not high, not low.) Submitted by LFN Park. 2.2k words of content.
-Added the ability to drive in to town even though there’s barely any content there yet. Started laying the groundwork for future content in that area.
-Added "The Love Shack" location to West Street in Pendleton. Room description and six small ambient events in total. .7k words of content.
-Added "North Main" location to Pendleton. Includes three ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
-Added "Mid Main" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .2k words of content.
-Added "West Street" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
-Added "East Street" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
-Added "South Main" location to Pendleton. Includes two ambient scenes unique to this location. .4k words of content.
-Added "Main Street" location to the town of Pendleton along with three simple ambient scenes, two of which can play out at any given time. These scenes are shared across all street locations. .5k words of content.
-Wrote and added a scene that begins in the Kitchens and can only trigger in the 10am hour. Scene plays out at mid/high to high relationship values with both girls. Scene sponsored by Matty. 4k words of content.
-Wrote and added four small scenes for driving into town. .3k words of content.
-Wrote and added four small scenes for driving home from town. .3k words of content.
-Added the "Gate" location to the mansion grounds.
-Added three small events to the Gate location. .3k words of content between all of the "Gate" content.
-Added a unique scene that can be triggered if you have high relationship levels with both girls. This will trigger an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. .9k words of content.
-Added a unique scene that takes place in the front yard. This is the second scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 1.7k words of content.
-Added a unique scene that takes place in the dining room. This is the third scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 4k words of content.
-Added a unique scene that takes place at the pool. This is the fourth scene in an event chain. Submitted by LFNPark. 3.3k words of content.
-Completely rebuilt the meal mechanic behind the scenes.
-Wrote two new Breakfast scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .7k words of content.
-Wrote two new Lunch scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .6k words of content.
-Wrote two new Dinner scenes. One if only eating with Anna, one if only eating with Eve. .7k words of content.
-Wrote three new couch/television scenes. .2k words of content between them.
-Went through the meal scenes and updated them to include an exit.
-Went through the couch end scenes and added exits for them.
-Wrote two new eavesdropping scenes. Both are fairly small. In total, about .1k words of content between them.
-Went through the eavesdropping scenes and updated them to include an exit.
-Wrote a new sleep scene. Can play out if you are sleeping with Eve, she has very little fear of you, and very little affection. .6k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Anna that appears in any room with a hard floor. Can play out at any relationship level. .9k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Eve that appears in every East facing room with a window. Can play out at any relationship level. 1.5k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Eve that appears in every West facing room with a window. Can play out at any relationship level. 1.4k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Eve that requires high affection and low to middling fear and daylight hours. 1k words of content.
-Added twelve diary entries for the Great Uncle’s first slave, Belle. You can find the notebook in the nightstand in the master bedroom. 7.2k words of content.
-Added a new Personal Conversation for Eve. Requires very good relationship stats with Eve, have not kissed Eve, and having sex with Anna. 1k words of content.
-Wrote two new NPCs into the code. These characters will be added in a future update.
-Added an exit from the Entry Hall to the Front Yard. Thought I’d done this previously, . . . guess I was wrong.
-Updated the mansion blueprints in the image folder with improved versions as well as added some WIP art to the folder.
-Fixed a minor bug preventing one of the "driveway" scenes from playing.
-Fixed a wide range of small bugs, spelling and grammar errors.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 7/05/18 A16a
-Fixed a bug that was preventing Eve’s sauna content from playing properly.
-Fixed a bunch of minor bugs.
-Some spelling/grammar fixes.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 6/20/18 A16
-Added a new cumshot scene for Anna in the interactive sex in the master bedroom. Involves Anna having middling or better affection, and Eve to have middling or better affection and lowish fear. .4k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Anna in the lounge during work hours for low relationship values. Submitted by Irish Major Tom. 1.4k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Eve that takes place during the day in the servant’s area. Can play out at any relationship level. 3.8k words of content.
-Added the ability to play Billiards with both Anna and Eve in the lounge. My text editor tells me it’s 2.5k words of content, but about half of that is code. Big thanks to Rfpnj for writing the code and sharing it with me, only took a couple of hours to modify it for Inheritance.
-Added a new scene for Eve at middling to high relationship levels in the Library in the evenings. 1.3k words of content.
-Added the first portion of Eve’s Sauna scene that was submitted during our first contest (Seriously, I need to get my act together and finish putting all of that into the game.) Contest Entry by AbyssalEros. 2.5k words of content.
-Added a new interactive shower scene. Includes full content for Anna and some early content for the scene related to Eve. 3.5k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Anna that takes place in any of the guest rooms. Submitted by LFNPark. 2.1k words of content.
-Added a new bedtime scene for Anna. Submitted By LFNPark. 1.7k words of content.
-Added three diary entries for a new former slave named Valerie. 1.1k words of content.
-Added two diary entries for a new former slave named Nora. 1.9k words of content.
-Added three new diary entries by the Great Uncle for Katarina. .7k words of content.
-Added one new diary entry for Katarina, submitted by LFNPark. .9k words of content.
-Added the option in the assignments area of each girl that allows you to change what she calls you.
-Updated the "How to Play" area to include a note about changing what the girls call you in the game.
-Fixed the evening interactive sex with Anna so you wake up normally.
-Fixed a typo on the code that was preventing much of the poolside scene from playing properly.
-Fairly minor rewrite to the Kitchen sex scene that involves both girls.
-Fixed several print function errors in Anna’s scene in the living room.
-Fixed a bit of broken code that was preventing one of the starting sex scenes from playing with the bed sex option.
-Fixed several minor errors that were reported.
-Updated Cheat Menu to include Billiards.
-Updated Character Menu with Billiards skill for both girls.
-Made a small change to how the player’s name is handled.
-Fixed an issue where the pool scene was routing you through a different scene.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. A15
-Added one new scene for Anna that appears in any East facing bedroom in the house during work hours. .7k words of content.
-Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place in the evening hours in the living room. The scene involves Anna only. 3.2k words of content.
-Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place late at night if the girls share a room in the servant’s area. 1.9k words of content.
-Added a new scene submitted by LFNPark that takes place late at night at the pool outside. Requires fairly good relationship values with Anna to trigger. 4.7k words of content.
-Added a new scene submitted by Irish Major Tom that takes place in the late afternoon hours at the pool outside. Requires fairly good relationship values with both Anna and Eve. 2.9k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Eve submitted by LFNPark that can take place in any guest bedroom during daylight hours. Requires middling or better relationship to trigger. .5k words of content.
-Diary entries from a slave named Katarina were submitted by LFNPark. This diary can be found in the attic. .9k words of content.
-Diary entries that Great Uncle wrote related to Katarina have been added. The diary can be found in the study. 1.7k words of content.
-Did some more early work for the TF elements that will eventually appear in the game. .7k words of content.
-Spelling and grammar fixes. A14a
-Removed extra Library door.
-Added Living Room back to the game.
-Various spelling/grammar fixes. A13
-Added two new bed time scenes for when you choose to sleep. .5k words of content.
-Added new Personal conversation with Anna. Its an interactive scene. .3k words of content.
-Added two new Personal conversations with Eve that only trigger if you have her calling you very specific names. One is cute, the other pokes fun at myself. .4k words of content between them.
-Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at middling relationship levels in several rooms in the mansion during work hours. .4k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at any relationship level in any room with a hard floor during work hours if she is assigned to house work. .6k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Anna that can play out at any relationship level in the Library in the wee hours of the night. 1.1k words of content.
-Added a new scene for Eve that was submitted by CTCC42. Scene plays out at very high affection and low fear during waking hours. 1k words of content.
-Added one new interactive sleep scene involving both girls that was submitted by CTCC42. 1.5k words of content.
-Added one new general interactive event that was submitted by CTCC42. Scene plays out during work hours in the laundry area. .2k words of content.
-Added a new ambient scene to the Library that plays out only at fairly high Affection with Eve. Submitted by CTCC42. .4k words of content.
-Added an extension to one of Anna’s scenes that take place in the bedrooms. Adds one new option to an existing scene and about .2k words of content. Submitted by CTCC42.
-Added "Back Yard" location to the game. This location may be accessed through the Dining Room. .3k words of content. (This includes early ambient content for the location.)
-Added three small ambient events to the "Back Yard" location, two that play out at night, one that plays out during the day.
-Added "Stables" location to the game. .2k words of content. (This includes early ambient content for the location.)
-Added two small ambient events to the "Stables" location, one plays out at night, the other can play out any time.
-Added "Greenhouse" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added two small ambient events to the "Greenhouse" location. One plays out during the night and the other can play out at any time.
-Added "Pool" location to the game. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added three small ambient events to the "Pool" location, one plays in daylight hours, one plays at night, and the other can play out at any time.
-Added "East Grounds" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added three small ambient events to the "East Grounds" location, one for nights, one for days, and one that can play out at any time.
-Added "West Grounds" location to the game. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added three small ambient events to the "West Grounds" location, one for nights, one for days, and one that can play out at any time.
-Added "Front Yard" location to the game. This location may be accessed through the Entry Hall. .3k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added two small ambient events to the "Front Yard" location, one for nights, and one that can play out at any time.
-Added "Shed" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added two small ambient events to the "Shed" location, one for nights, and one that can play out at any time.
-Added "Garage" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added two small ambient events to the "Garage" location, both of which can play out at any time.
-Added "Driveway" location to the game. .2k words of content (This includes early ambient content for this location.)
-Added two small ambient events to the "Driveway" location, both of which can play out at any time.
-Added two new images to the game. One is complete, the other is a sketch.
-Updated a sketch in the game with the colored version.
-Fixed a bit of code that was causing the wrong bed time scenes from playing out at the correct times. Most notably this was making the Eve Seduction event chain difficult to trigger as it was not always appearing in the correct time slot.
-Fixed a bug in one of Anna’s interactive bed time scenes that was causing it to not apply relationship modifiers as the scene plays out.
-Worked my way through a fairly substantial pile of spelling/grammar/bug/error/improvement reports that have been piling up for months..
-Grim8P has been hard at work on updating the wiki with content, he’s been working through things at a breakneck pace that’s, . . . . impressive to say the least. At the same time they’ve been reporting any issues they find in the code or spelling/grammar stuff. Been working through their reports as they appear.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Also updated with writers, and others who have helped out along the way. Last updated 5/02/18 A11
-Fixed a broken image in the intro.
-Fixed several spelling, grammar, and spacing issues in the game.
-Wrote and coded a 5k word scene for Anna that can happen in most any room in the mansion that has a window during work hours.
-Wrote and coded a 1.1k word scene for Anna that takes place in the gym in the evenings.
-Wrote and coded a 2.4k word scene that takes place during bed time with Anna that only triggers at very positive relationship values.
-Wrote and coded a .3k word scene for Anna what can appear in any of the guest rooms in the mansion during work hours.
-Wrote .3k words of content for the next Diary entry related to Anna and Eve.
-Wrote .7k words of content in the form of a new Personal Conversation with Anna.
-Added time progression to a bunch of stuff that was missing it.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are A10b
-Added the next segment of Eve’s seduction path to include feeling her up and giving hand jobs.
-Added a new interactive scene involving both girls that can play out in the kitchen in the hour before meals if you have middling or good relationship stats with both girls.
-Added a new scene for Eve that can play out at any relationship level in many of the rooms in the mansion so long as she is assigned to work inside of the house.
-Updated the Special Thanks area for the project with Patrons who are pledged at appropriate levels. Last updated 3/2/18
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