Your father remarried into a white family years ago, but died tragically before he could see you become a man. Your family is becoming increasingly estranged. Will you bring you family closer together? Or tear it apart?
Thread Updated: 2020-05-18
Release Date: 2020-04-21
Developer: pema123 – Patreon – Discord
Censored: No
Version: 0.0.8
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Black MC, Interracial, Sissification, Bimbofication, Incest, Real porn, Corruption
Added new orientation quest as an introduction for new character Marissa (Kyler Quinn)
There are 2 "neutral" endings currently, once I implement the trust path, there will 3 more neutral endings plus a path
Added brother training quest part 2
Added brother cosplay
Fixed some visual issues and bugsv0.0.7
– Removed real-time time progression
– Added new saves menu to make saving not a hassle
– Fixed tooltips not showing up
– Added spacing to actions, splitting them in categories
– Added college, which will be the way you get introduced to the next character to serve as the MCs "main" girlfriendv0.0.6
New content for Claire, completing her first story Added Tik Tok app to the phone for some fun : ) Added patreon link to phone (Thanks bigeiffel for the inspiration)! Images of characters now change the more corrupt they become Fixes for the general saving issues that would persist across versions, new versions should not typically break old saves anymore This should also fixes generic issues where out of context options were shown, or garbled ones Fix will work going forward, so every save is once again broken
Images and videos can now be shown in the phone There are events in the game which progress the story without you acting this allows for texts to be triggered sometime in the future Can now click on images or videos to show a larger version Disabled options are a thing again When buying things, they now correctly disappear You can now sleep until morning.
Added quest tab for hints and charcter schedules Added phone to main game page (not much interaction with it) Mostly done with the first brother training quests New character:Claire. You meet her by progressing with brother Relationships are now dynamic and can be added or modified beyond juts simple values Breakfast is back! (and still useless) Can spy on characters in the shower in the morning Can now work overtime Full changelog in the dl
Added tons of new porn and visuals Can now buy things from mall Lots of UI improvements Can now train brother after giving him a pep talk and buying him a gym membership Can now hypno-porn brother with VR Can now buy spy cams for both siblings Bug-fix: back and forwards now work properly 0.0.1
Initial build Starting quests for brother and sister
Developer Notes:
This game is about being dominant, you WILL NOT be: cucked, sissified, or made into a woman Some quests require characters to not be home, or the inverse Cheats: Open developer console (F12 in chrome) type: = 1000000 press enter, then execute any action (e.g. go to living room) congrats you now have a lot of money other cheats are left as an exercise for the reader
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