Forest of the Blue Skin [vA1.20/vB1.04] [Zell23]

Forest of the Blue Skin [vA1.20/vB1.04] [Zell23] Forest of the Blue Skin [vA1.20/vB1.04] [Zell23] Forest of the Blue Skin [vA1.20/vB1.04] [Zell23]
Forest of the Blue Skin or FOBS is an action platforming hentai game currently in development by a guy named Zell23
While the story at the center of the village, to capture the monster and bring to the village." Such as making it to flow.More info:
Monster Girl Information:
Anything you might want to know about the monster vixens encountered in the game.- All monsters either damage or grapple you when you touch them with very few exceptions.
– Some monsters will rush over to rape you when you lie down on the ground, so be sure to get up quickly.
– Most monster girls in the game is able to be captured to appear as a friendly npc at your house, the main reason for this is to have sex with them without loosing any health in the process for as many times you like and having some control over how the scene plays out.
– When a monster girl is able to be captured they will show a speech bubble containing a "!", once this happens you only need to go to them and press the down arrow key. If you do this a sound will play out and the monster will disappear indicating a successful capture.
-In the list below I have sorted all monsters according to which area they appear in primary but be aware that some appear in multiple areas.
Thread updated: 2019-10-17
Release Date: 2019-10-16
Developer: Zell23 WebsiteGuide
Censored: No
Version: A1.20/B1.04
OS: Windows
Language: English
2DCG, 2D game, Animated, Side-Scroller, Fantasy, Male protagonist, Bestiality, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Monster girl, Rape, Female domination, Possession, Big ass, Big tits, Combat, Lactation, Mind control, Teasing, Titfuck
All machine-translated from japanesev1.02b
Contents added or changed in B
● volcano map additional
● new monster 7 body additional
◇ Oururedi ◇ hot Golem ◇ will-o’-the-wisp ◇ cockatrice ◇ Hug Bug ◇ Flame centaur ◇ Salamander (all capture Allowed)
an infinite Shibosei three bodies added(Oururedi-will-o’-the-wisp, cockatrice copy Doll (panel))
1 panels add (copy doll body)
● design change of ejaculation gauge (can be selected in the title) and directed by additionalv1.19a
Contents added or changed in A
● combat recalls"Yamabiko"and"Kappa"addedContents added or changed in both A and B
Warp stone is available around the base (such as capture base) (don’t know what it means, but probably added quick travel around the map with the warp stone instead of the portals)
"W Power loss due to W key ": Hold down W key for 0.3 seconds Change to the specification to be triggered(in addition to motion addition)
→ The purpose is to prevent accidental detonation of the physical strength decrease key and masturbation jerking continuous fire due to continuous hitting.B_ver1.01
● <new monster five bodies (including guest monster) additional copy Doll poltergeist-Gura, Ogui Guro
-guest character "Reputirian" ( cochlea like additional)
● additional panel
-Oh Motomein Guro
● <adding multiple by infinite Shibosei>
– Gura
● installation of a simple recovery items "cure bottle"

to the shortcut from the ● base "land of golden," "Horror House" add
● capture bases (golden land of ) Add the wild rabbit in (no effect on the complete flag)
● some pixel correction of monsterA_ver1.18

5 new monsters in Beta
a new tool that can be used in both Beta and Alpha (your Beta save can be shared with the Alpha save
shortcut from the ● base "sea", "wilderness 2"
add a change of performance-sound effect of some monster
● Adjustment of physical strength of some monsters, change and correction of capture conditions, change and correction of gimmickscommon to A and B_ver
● Introduce a complete flag in the capture area · warp area of the base

→ A flag will be displayed when collecting all captureable monsters or local shortcut portals in each area.
● If you use the easy recovery item "cure bottle"
→ you can recover LIFE a little. It can only be used in situations where the player can act freely. It can be used without selecting skills, and it will be replenished automatically when you touch the save point.
※ We can acquire only in "B_ver" now. Save data of "A_ver" and "B_ver" are compatible, so if you want to use them with "A_ver", please play "A_ver" with save data after acquisition in B.
● Setting up the Maru Mi signboard I have installed it in the vicinity of the character that will launch a Maru Mi attack.
-Fixed a bug that the game is over at the base-
Fixed a bug that the bug may be missed-

Adjustment speed of some skills
· power adjustment- As navigation of "ナ ビ save" comes out in front of save point
● Monster Bug FixesFixed zombies moving at high speed,
fixed sound effects and changes –
Fixed bugs that cut out the tail of the lizard from the left-
Fixed the 3rd direction of H-animation in the base stone mimics
-Fixed the snow eater
Fixed the bug image appeared in the place where you captured-
Skill modification details -Slash attack initial rise speed
Game Controls:
Can also use Xbox controller with itDefault Keyboard Controls:
*These controls can be changed by clicking "Settings" and then "Keyboard Settings" on the top of the window. This is only viable if you are not in full-screen mode*Right/Left Arrow: Movement, Struggle out of grabs.
Up Arrow: Enter Door/Portal/Pathway, Use Save-point, Stand up if lying down.
Down Arrow: Capture stunned monster, Initiate sexy time with captured monster at your house.
A: Attack.
X: Jump.
W: Set your health to 1 and your semen meter to 95%. This also makes you instantly ejaculate if you are currently being grappled by a monster.
Space: Open the collectibles menu. This is also the only way to pause the game.
F4: Toggle Full screen.
ESC: Quit the game. (instantly)
Version Difference:
Because of size limitations of the engine the game is made on, the game is made with different version types, the newest type has the newest content (but you have to play the prior version type for abilities, etc.).
You could interpret the version type like episodes or something similar.The characters you catch won’t transfer onto the newer version, just the abilities. There is the exception that the release of version B didn’t have that much content yet so he added only some of the prior version’s characters there.
From left to right the doors are captured monsters(CG), shortcuts,
"start" after "start" each door leads to a different area, sometimes there is the background slightly darker or the bottom changes (blue grass). You have to capture all enemies (one of each specimen), each enemy has a different technic for example you have to hit the slime enemy 3 times and then she has a "!" and you can capture her by pressing "down" arrow key
. To trigger sex either you go to the "CG" portal and press "down" on a monster or you let the enemy walk into you/jump on you/ or sometimes something else. With "space" you can see your abilities which you get from captured monsters.Monster skills
Green boost: Passive. Faster movement speed. Obtained from tribal girl Slime wall: Up arrow key + A. Summons a slime wall that stops most things. Obtained from slime girl Dash: Down arrow key + A. Performs a short dash in the direction your character is facing. Bypasses most girls and thin barriers. Obtained from kappa girl Voice bazooka: Up arrow key + A. Shouts a Dragonborn impression. Obtained from yamabiko girl Double jump: A key in the air. Self-explanatory. Obtained from brown bunny girl Hammer: Hold up arrow key + A. Powerful hammer swing. Can destroy certain blocks. Obtained from kobold girl Art of change: Down arrow key + A, hold A to stay in rock form. Hides yourself from girls’ sight. Obtained from kitsune girl Wild slash: Passive. Doubles your attack’s range. Obtained from red cat girl
: Anything you might need to know about their behavior such as movement patterns or attacks.
Grapple: How the monster grabs you in order to start raping you.
Traits: Shows any traits the monster might have, list of possible traits below.
Capture: What you need to do in order to capture the monster. If it says "Unavailable" means that its not yet possible to capture this monster.
Endless Rape: If the monster has a special animation when raping you after being defeated, also states if the animation is present before or during the "Game Over" screen.
Emblem: Tells you where to get this monster’s emblem which is an item that unlocks an additional h-scene with this monster. If they have one.Trait List:
If the trait is marked with an * it is something the monster only gains if certain conditions are met like during an capture attempt or is low on health.Dangerous: The monster is capable of inflicting heavy damage with either their attacks or during their rape move.
Instant Death: The monster is able to instantly defeat you no matter how much health you had beforehand.
Tough: The monster has more than health than usual, making her harder to defeat.
Resistant: The monster is immune to normal attacks but can take damage from one or more abilities.
Invulnerable: The monster is immune to all forms of damage.
Strong Grip: The monster has a very strong grip so it is much harder to escape from her once grappled.
Iron Grip: The monster has an extremely strong grip making escape impossible once grappled.
Flyer: The monster is able to fly around freely. (hovering does not count)
Quick: The monster is able to move around faster than you unless you use abilities.
Dasher: The monster is able to preform a quick dash move, this usually leads to you being grappled if you are in the way.
Teleporter: The monster is able to teleport around or otherwise disappearing and then reappearing someplace else.
Shooter: The monster is capable of firing some kind of ranged attack.
Mind Controller: The monster is able to influence your character in one way or another making you do things against your will.
Knockdown: The monster is able to knock your character down to the ground. (other than a grapple move)
Opportunist: The monster has a habit of rushing over to rape you when you lie on the ground. (Happening to walk over you when you lie down does not count)The Forest
The lush green forest which is reached by first entering the portal to the far right of your house then going to the next portal to the right.
Slime GirlBehavior: This girl has two forms, blob and humanoid. As a blob she only goes back and forth but after being hit once she transforms into her humanoid form. Once in her humanoid form she starts to chase you while shooting out balls of slime around her.
Grapple: If you touch her while she is in her humanoid form.
Traits: Shooter*
Capture: Keep attacking her until she stands up stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Located in the Waterfront Forest through a secret passage next to the Caterpillar Girls.Forest NymphBehavior: Remains stationary while throwing rocks at you. Hitting her a few times will cause her to fall down looking like she is dead but she is only trying to deceive you.
Grapple: If you touch her when she lies down.
Traits: Shooter
Capture: Let her rape you until you ejaculate, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Located in the Tree House in a secret passage behind a Forest Nymph.Ant GirlBehavior: Walks back and forth, doing nothing special.
Grapple: Sometimes when she touches you.
Traits: None
Capture: Let another monster close to the Ant Girl grab you, this will cause her to start masturbating. Now you need to escape the grapple and attack the masturbating Ant Girl, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneKappaBehavior: Remains still until you get close enough, then she will lunge towards you.
Grapple: If hit by her lunge attack.
Traits: Quick
Capture: Dodge her lunge attack and hit her in the back, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Located in the Mummy room in the Mansion.White RabbitBehavior: Walks back and forth, doing nothing special.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: None
Capture: Let another monster close to the White Rabbit rape you until you ejaculate. When you get up you need to get grabbed again close to the White Rabbit but this time you can escape as she is already stunned by this point.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Found behind the area where the Mizutoras are at the Waterfront Forest, you need the Double Jump ability to get there.Monkey GirlBehavior: Rushes towards you and tries to smack you down with her spin attack. If hit by her attack you will be sent flying and need to get up before she comes over to rape you.
Grapple: If she touches you when you are lying down.
Traits: Tough, Knockdown, Opportunist
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Found in the Mansion where the Drop Traps are, double jump up the passage that there is no Drop Trap present (it is also marked with a heart). The Tree House
A large structure among the treetops which can be reached by first going through the forest then climb up the tree where the white rabbits are and entering the doorway at the top.
Forest Nymphs and Ant Girls also appear in this area check "The Forest" to get their information.Mushroom GirlBehavior: Remains still until she is attacked, she will then spray out entrancing spores which will seduce you if you are hit.
Grapple: If you touch her while she wiggles her ass.
Traits: Shooter, Mind Controller
Capture: Spray semen on her 3 times in a row using the Masturbation power-up, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneTree DwellerBehavior: She appears to troll you badly as she dodges every attack while laughing and bouncing her tits. She is able to dive and reappear anywhere within an area she is in.
Grapple: Sometimes if she touches you. (usually when you masturbate)
Traits: Teleporter
Capture: You need to masturbate next to her using the Masturbation power-up until she dives down (She will blush and hearts appear around her). After she has disappeared from view you need to quickly jump away before she grabs you and then you need to hit her in the back with the sword when she looks confused. Do this 3 times and she will be stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneSlug GirlBehavior: Crawls around slowly when you are not close enough, if you are she will charge towards you.
Grapple: If you are hit by her charge attack.
Traits: Instant Death*
Capture: When she charges towards you you need to use your Dash power-up to dash into her. This will cause you to end up inside her, now you need to quickly escape. If you managed to escape she will be stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Found in a secret passage just above where you break rocks to get to one of the crystals to activate in the Temple Ruins. Waterfront Forest
A clearing in the forest next to a body of water which can be reached by jumping up to the flowery platform at the beginning of the forest area and then pressing the up arrow.
NOTE: This area can only be reached with the Double Jump ability.
MizutoraBehavior: Remains still until you get close, at which point she will charge towards you like a wave. This monster has a voracious appetite so if she grabs you she will attempt to eat you. If you do not escape in time or if you are too low on health she will devour you, instantly killing you.
Grapple: Sometimes if she touches you.
Traits: Instant Death
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneKamaitachiBehavior: Stands still periodically shoots green wind blades towards you. She will sometimes dash towards you when you hit her. She is only briefly vulnerable to attacks after she has launched her attack.
Grapple: If hit by her dash attack.
Traits: Shooter, Dasher, Invulnerable*
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneIrvankBehavior: Stands still and when you get to close she will swipe her tail at you which deals a ton of damage. She is immune to normal attacks and therefore must be attacked with the Wild Slash ability.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Dangerous, Resistant, Knockdown
Capture: Dodge her attacks and hit her right after, repeat until she starts to pant. Now you need to shoot semen on her and this will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: Found where the Mouse Girl is, first you need to beat the trap room at the Lizard Girl and press the button to open the area.Water NymphBehavior: Sits still and sings notes towards you when you are close. The notes will seduce you.
Grapple: If you touch her while seduced.
Traits: Shooter, Mind Controller
Capture: Ejaculate on her then stand next to her and start jerking off, after some time she will start to lick up the semen and then hold out her arms. When she does that cum on her again and she will become stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneCaterpillarBehavior: Crawls back and forth, if you hit her she will get angry and crawl faster towards you.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Dangerous
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneYakoNOTE: This monster is in a hidden location, there is a flowery platform above the Water Nymphs that will lead to her.
Behavior: As soon as you are within range she will start to attack. At first she will use a charge up move that will hurt you and knock you down if you are close and then she will start dashing around 5 times before stopping to rest which will leave her vulnerable. After being hit she will repeat the same pattern until being hit around 5 times she will then switch her pattern up a bit and adding a block move. But all you need to do is to avoid her until she stops to rest.
Grapple: If she knocks you down with her charge attack she will jump at you grappling you.
Traits: Dangerous, Tough, Quick, Blocker, Knockback, Invulnerable*
Capture: Defeat her. You do not really capture her however as she only appears in her own house after she is beaten but you will be able to interact with her the same way as the others you have captured.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: None The Swamp
A murky and damp swamp which can be reached by going through the forest and finding a platform which has purple growths on it and pressing the up arrow.
NOTE: This area can only be reached if you have the Double Jump or Dash ability.
ZombieBehavior: Shuffles around slowly and pukes green projectiles towards you when you are close enough. If you are hit by these projectiles you will be blinded for a few seconds, while blinded any nearby zombies will rush towards you trying to rape you. Always gets up after being beat down.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Invulnerable, Shooter, Opportunist
Capture: Let her blind you with her puke attack and then before she grabs you you need to use your shout ability on her, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes (Group Rape)
Emblem: NoneSwamp LizardBehavior: Remains in the swampy water until you are close enough, at which point she will jump out either grabbing you or spitting acid towards you.
Grapple: If hit by her when she jumps out of the water.
Traits: Shooter
Capture: Attack her 3 times but make sure the last hit is in her back, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneHungry OniBehavior: Walks back and forth but if you spray semen on her she will quickly dash towards you.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Dasher*
Capture: Attack her twice so she has 1 health left then spray semen on her to initiate her dash attack, now you need to quickly put up a couple of slime walls between you and her. If done correctly she will hit the walls and bounce back stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneWhite HunterBehavior: Crawls around and randomly shoots out white slime balls that creates puddles on the ground. If you touch one of these puddles you will get stuck and any nearby White Hunters will rush towards you and grab you.
Grapple: If she touches you while stuck in one of the puddles.
Traits: Shooter, Opportunist
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneCockroach GirlBehavior: Quickly crawls back and forth and will quickly grab you if you fall down the pit they are in.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Invulnerable, Strong Grip, Quick
Capture: Avoid falling into any of the pits filled with Cockroach Girls and reach the end. There you will find a secret passage that leads to a single standing Cockroach, to capture her just start to masturbate and she will become stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: None The Barrens
A rocky and barren area which can be reached by going to the far right portal in the house area then going to the left portal after that.
Wild CatBehavior: Slowly shuffles back and forth but quickly jumps towards you when you are close. They also counter jump when hit.
Grapple: If you are hit by her counter jump attack.
Traits: Quick
Capture: You will need to make her grapple you when you are very close to ejaculate (her showing the "…" bubble indicates you have done it right). Then let her make you ejaculate again this will cause her to become stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Rewarded after beating the Shadow Demon in the Temple Garden.Cat GuardianBehavior: Remains stationary and charges yellow energy orbs that flies in a straight line towards you. They counter dash towards you when hit.
Grapple: If hit by their counter dash.
Traits: Shooter, Dasher, Opportunist
Capture: When they are charging their energy ball, attack the ball until it explodes. This will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneYamabikoBehavior: Remains stationary shooting "Boo!" projectiles that deal damage. They will switch to shooting hearts when low on health, which will seduce you instead of dealing damage. Might dash backwards sometimes when hit.
Grapple: If you touch her while she has her ass out.
Traits: Shooter, Mind Controller*, Dasher
Capture: Get hit by her hearts but escape before you are able to reach her, now while she still has her ass bare you need to attack her. This should stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: When you have defeated the Black Wolf in the Temple Garden a portal opens up to the right which takes you to the emblem.Brown RabbitBehavior: Quickly runs back and forth, jumping at you when you are close. If you hit her she will counter dash towards you.
Grapple: If you are hit by her counter dash.
Traits: Quick, Dasher
Capture: Hit her in the back 3 times, you will need the sprint power-up in order to catch up to her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: Found in the Snow Mountains where the Honey Ants are. The path to this place is opened after defeating all Honey Ants. The Temple Ruins
An ancient temple now in ruins which is reached by going past the Yamabiko in the Barrens.
NOTE: You need the Dash ability to reach this area.
Rocket GolemBehavior: Very slowly shuffles back and forth, will charge up a shot when they spot you shooting stone missiles that travel in a straight line.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Resistant, Shooter
Capture: You will need to use the Wild Slash ability and rapidly slash her in the face, after a bit she will fire her rocket and blow herself up which stuns her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneCat ThiefBehavior: Remains stationary when out of range but they will charge stab towards you when you are close.
Grapple: If you touch her when she is lying on the ground and a heart is above her head.
Traits: Dangerous
Capture: First you need to beat her down until she falls on the floor, then you need to masturbate next to her so a heart appears above her head. Now all you need to do is to touch her to initiate sex. If you survive the whole thing she will become stunned. (You need to be at full health pretty much)
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: Located in the Mansion 2nd Floor, You get this as a prize after beating the Ass Room.KitsuneBehavior: She starts out looking like a rock, only showing herself if you touch her or hit her. Once she is revealed she remains stationary unless attacked. If you attack her she will dodge the attack and disappear, later reappearing above your head looking like a large boulder falling down towards you.
Grapple: If hit by her boulder drop attack.
Traits: Teleporter
Capture: Dodge her boulder drop attack and hit her a couple of times while she still looks like a boulder. You will know you have done right when dizzy indicators appear above the boulder. Now you need to hit her with the Hammer ability to stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneClay GolemBehavior: Slowly shuffles around, only attacking you if you attack her. If you do she will send mud underground to later appear at your feet grabbing you.
Grapple: If you are hit by her mud attack and she reaches you before you escape.
Traits: Resistant, Shooter
Capture: Spray semen on her then quickly hit her twice with the shout ability.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneKoboldBehavior: Stands still, jumping at you slamming her hammer down when you are close enough.
Grapple: Only when you have sprayed semen on her 3 times then masturbate next to her.
Traits: Quick
Capture: Spray semen on her 3 times (she will no longer show the "…" speech bubble) and then masturbate next to her. When she grabs you let her rape you until you ejaculate, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneImpBehavior: Slowly hovering back and forth, will shoot a homing magical ball towards you that knocks you away if you attack her.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Shooter, Knockdown
Capture: Attack her 3 times so she falls on the ground, now you quickly need to spray semen on her before she disappears. This should stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: Found in a secret passage right before the portal that leads to the Ranch.Red GhostBehavior: Hovers towards the right, sometimes turning around. If she spots you she will drop down and attack you, if her attack hits there is no way to get away. In order to avoid being spotted by her you need the transform ability.
Grapple: Ghostly arms that grapple you when she spots you.
Traits: Invulnerable, Iron Grip, Instant Death
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: No (Has Game-Over screen only)
Emblem: None The Temple Garden
An overgrown garden inside the temple which is reached by going through the temple after opening a passageway.
NOTE: You need to activate 3 crystals inside the Temple Ruins and pass the Red Ghost before you can enter this area.
The Slug Girl also appears in this area, see "The Treehouse" to find the information about her.FairyBehavior: Slowly hovers back and forth, if you attack her she will shoot a slow moving homing energy orb that will speed up if you jump. If that hits you you will be grappled by plants and the fairy will proceed to rape you.
Grapple: If you are hit by her energy orb.
Traits: Shooter
Capture: Hit her once so she shoots her energy orb, now avoid the orb and hit the fairy.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneBlack WolfBehavior: She starts out sleeping in a shed, wake her up using the shout ability. When she is awake she will quickly lunge towards you multiple times before pausing for a few seconds and then starts to lunge again.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Resistant, Quick, Dangerous
Capture: Avoid her until she pauses her attacks, now you need to hit her with the hammer. Do this 3 times and she should become stunned.
Endless Rape: No (Has Game-Over screen only)
Emblem: You get it as a reward for beating the Puppeteer.Brown HarpyBehavior: She flies above your head not doing much, but if you attack her she will hover down trying to tackle you.
Grapple: If she hits you with her tackle attack.
Traits: Flier, Quick
Capture: When she is going to tackle you, use your Dash ability towards her at the same time. This will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneCyclops WitchBehavior: She stands still and will attempt to cast a charm spell on you which has a very long range and is impossible to avoid unless you use the transform ability. She will also use her magic to push you back if you attempt to hit her.
Grapple: If she hits you with her charm spell.
Traits: Resistant, Mind Controller, Knockback, Dangerous
Capture: Avoid her charm spell with the transform ability then before she regains her stance spray semen in her face which will cause her to be blinded. Now all you need to do is attack her and she will be stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneShadow DemonNOTE: This monster is in a hidden location, there is a pillar right before the area where the Cyclops Witch are that leads to her.
Behavior: She will be stationary and teleport to a new location when hit. Her arms comes out of portals that moves that will grapple you if they hit you.
Grapple: If her arms hits you.
Traits: Teleporter, Quick, Iron Grip
Capture: Hit her 4 times, if you get grappled you need to start over.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: None The Beach
A beautiful sunny beach which is reached by going through the Barrens past the Cat Guardians.
ScyllaBehavior: Remains stationary, sometimes jumping straight up. If she grapples you she will instantly devour you, so if you do not escape in time you are dead no matter your current health.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Invulnerable, Instant Death
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneKiller SharkBehavior: She floats around sometimes shooting bubbles at you which traps you.
Grapple: If you get trapped in her bubble.
Traits: Shooter
Capture: Make sure that two sharks are close to each other using the shout ability then spray semen on one of them and let the other one capture you with the bubble so she rapes you. This will cause the one you jizzed on to masturbate, ready for capture. The best way to do this is by standing between the two sharks.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneDevil CoralNOTE: This monster is in a hidden location, there is a secret passage in the cave where the Scyllas are that leads to them.
Behavior: She floats around slowly and if she gets hit she will charge up a spike attack. If you damage her enough she will start to flash and rush towards you.
Grapple: If you touch her while she is flashing.
Traits: Tough
Capture: Cause her to start flashing then shoot semen on her, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneStone MimicNOTE: This monster is in a hidden location, there is a special platform close to the Devil Corals that leads to them.
Behavior: Stands still looking like a rock. Sometimes popping up from it trying to grapple you, if grapples and you do not escape in time she will eat you.
Grapple: If you touch her when she pops out.
Traits: Instant Death
Capture: Cum on her face when she pops out of the rock.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: None The Ranch
A large open plains with a nice little ranch built upon it which is reached by going through a secret passage at the beginning of the barrens area.
NOTE: You need the Hammer and the Dash abilities in order to enter this area.
Cow GirlBehavior: She sits still and when you get close she will wave her magic wand around shooting out music notes that will seduce you when hit.
Grapple: If you get hit by her music note and then get close to her.
Traits: Shooter, Mind Controller
Capture: Use the shout ability to get rid of her music notes over and over until she gets mad, then you ejaculate on her. This will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NonePipe FoxBehavior: She starts out looking like a green pipe and hitting her will send the pipe flying. When she gets out she will quickly charge around the area.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Quick, Tough
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneRed HarpyBehavior: Flies around in the skies sometimes diving towards you, after doing that she then charges towards you close to the ground.
Grapple: If she hits you with the charge attack.
Traits: Flier, Quick, Opportunist
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: Yes (Group Rape)
Emblem: NoneLittle OniNOTE: This monster is in a hidden location, there is a secret passage in the area just after the Red Harpies where the save point is which leads to them.
Behavior: Stands still but charges towards you swinging her club when you get close. She may do a faster charge attack after getting hit which grapples you instead of hurting you.
Grapple: If she hits you with the faster charge attack.
Traits: Quick, Tough
Capture: Hit her about 5 times so she starts doing her fast charge attacks then put up a slime wall and let her run into it. This should cause her to get stuck and when she is just spray semen on her and she will be stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneMouse GirlBehavior: Walks towards you and if you try to attack her or touch her she will grapple you in a very hard to escape wrestling hold.
Grapple: Touch her or get hit by her counter move.
Traits: Strong Grip, Tough
Capture: She is only able to be attacked if she stands still (not in a counter stance). So you need to keep attacking her while she is like that and she will be stunned eventually.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneLizard GirlNOTE: This monster is in a hidden location above the area where the Red Harpies are. You need to double jump to reach it.
Behavior: She sleeps on a bed at first, cum on her to open another room and proceed to a trap room.
Grapple: If you are hit by the arrows in the trap room.
Traits: Invulnerable, Iron Grip*
Capture: Avoid all arrows in the trap room (there is a safe spot where no arrows will hit). Once you return to the Lizard Girl she is now awake so all you need to do is cum on her to stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: None The Mansion
A dark and mysterious mansion which can be reached by opening a portal in your house using the Dream Key.
Doll GirlBehavior: Runs around and if you are close they will jump like lunatics towards you, sometimes doing a charged jump.
Grapple: If hit by her charged jump.
Traits: Quick, Tough, Opportunist
Capture: Defeat all of the doll girls. The last one you defeat will be stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes (Group Rape)
Emblem: NoneLittle GhoulBehavior: Walks back and forth but when you are close she will quickly slash her claws towards you, even following you up in the air if you jump.
Grapple: If she touches you when you are masturbating.
Traits: Quick, Tough
Capture: Masturbate close to her using the power-up and let her grab you and rape you until you ejaculate. Now do this again with the same Ghoul, when she is done she will become stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes, but only after insertion
Emblem: NoneDrop TrapBehavior: Remains unseen in the ceiling until you are close enough, then she will drop down trying to grapple you.
Grapple: If you are hit by her when she drops down.
Traits: Invulnerable, Strong Grip, Quick, Dangerous
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneGas TrapBehavior: Looks like a purple block that will spew out gas that entrances you.
Grapple: If you are entranced and touch her.
Traits: Shooter, Invulnerable, Strong Grip, Dangerous, Mind Controller
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneMummy GirlBehavior: She will be completely still and unable to be interacted with the first time you see them. However should you encounter one that moves towards you it is already to late.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Invulnerable, Iron Grip, Instant Death
Capture: In the room where they are there should be 5 mummy statues, spray semen on each one of them before going to the bottom of the room. If this is done correctly you should her a jingle sound and does not lock you in. In place of the normally moving mummy will now be a stunned mummy that you can capture.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NonePuppeteerBehavior: Controls 3 puppets from the background, when she does this she is unable to be attacked. Once you have beaten all 3 puppets she will come down herself trying to shoot strings on you and trap you.
Grapple: If she hits you with the strings.
Traits: Iron Grip, Shooter
Capture: You need to hit her 3 times to defeat her and in order to get a chance to hit her you need to beat her Puppets before she comes down herself.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneRabbit PuppetBehavior: Controlled by the Puppeteer, walks irregularly towards you.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: None
Capture: Beat the Puppeteer.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneBear PuppetBehavior: Controlled by the Puppeteer, walks towards you and jumps when hit.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Quick
Capture: Beat the Puppeteer.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneCat PuppetBehavior: Controlled by the Puppeteer, walks around and charges towards you when hit. Can sometimes show her vagina and if you attack her when she does she will counter attack and grapple you.
Grapple: If she touches you or if she counter attacks.
Traits: Quick
Capture: Beat the Puppeteer.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: None The Mansion 2nd Floor
The second floor of the mansion has a brighter theme but just as crazy which can be reached by going through the Mansion.
NOTE: You need to beat all of the Doll Girls in the Mansion in order to open up a path which leads to this area.
Lantern GirlBehavior: She will float about appearing transparent and untouchable. Sometimes she will loose her transparency and shoot out pink goo that you can get stuck in. She will also sometimes counter charge towards you when hit.
Grapple: If she touches you using her charge attack. (She always uses this when you get stuck in the goo)
Traits: Quick, Shooter
Capture: Hit her twice so she only has 1 health left then when you get the chance you need to ejaculate on her and then quickly hit her again. This should stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NonePink SlimeBehavior: Slowly crawls around but sometimes she will shoot out large bouncing balls that will hurt you on contact. She sometimes starts to move around faster.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Shooter
Capture: Unavailable
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneBig BatBehavior: She stands still until you are close enough, at which point she will disappear and appear behind you trying to charge-grab you.
Grapple: If she hits you with her charge dash attack.
Traits: Teleporter, Dasher, Tough
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneSleepy SheepBehavior: She will start out sleeping, not doing anything. She is protected by a shield so trying to attack her wont damage her but it will eventually cause her to use her seduction move on you.
Grapple: If she hits you with her seduction attack.
Traits: Invulnerable, Mind Controller*
Capture: Let her hit you with her seduction attack and cum in her then after that you must masturbate and ejaculate on her. This will cause her to use her seduction move once again, cum in her one last time so she becomes stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneGargoyle GirlBehavior: She remains unmoving for the most part. She will only move to finish you when you fail the Gargoyle puzzle.
Grapple: If you fail the Gargoyle Puzzle.
Traits: Invulnerable, Instant Death*
Capture: Complete the Gargoyle Puzzle.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneMad EaterBehavior: Remains hidden until you walk where she is. At which point she will instantly gobble you up.
Grapple: If you touch her spot.
Traits: Dangerous
Capture: Let her grapple you and then escape as soon as you can. Now hit her twice with the shout ability before she disappears, this will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneWall AssesBehavior: They just wiggle on the spot.
Grapple: If you touch them after being gassed.
Traits: Invulnerable, Iron Grip*
Capture: After getting the memory game right 3 times you can jump up through a hole in the ceiling which will lead to a button which then makes all the asses stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneEvil BunnyBehavior: She stands in an unreachable area while you play the game in her room. She only teleports in when you get grabbed by the stone table.
Grapple: If the stone table hits you.
Traits: Iron Grip*, Dangerous
Capture: When the game shows her face and the stone table try to capture you, hit the stone table 3 times so cracks appear. Now let the table grab you, after that you can escape so the bunny becomes stunned.
Endless Rape: No (Has Game-Over screen only)
Emblem: This emblem is found behind the door inside the Evil Bunny’s room which can only be reached once you have defeated her. The Underground Tunnels
These dark and mysterious tunnels can be reached by going past the White Hunters in the swamp and then using the Dash ability to get trough the hole in the wall.
NOTE: You need the Kappa Dash ability to reach this area.
Mind JackerBehavior: She slowly crawls around on the ground not doing much unless you hit her. If you do she will leap towards you a few times before stopping and going back to normal. If you do not escape in time after getting grappled you will be instantly defeated unless you have done something else before.
Grapple: If she hits you with her leap attack.
Traits: Mind Controller, Instant Death, Dangerous
Capture: You will need to find a secret room inside the Tunnels (only reached by using the Dash ability) that has a blue button. This button will seal the small tunnels the Mind Jackers use, once this is done just get grappled by one and let her take control of you. This will cause her to jack you off once and then she falls off you stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneRed CapBehavior: Stands still and throws knives at you when in range.
Grapple: If she hits you with her electric knives.
Traits: Shooter
Capture: You will need to smack away her knives she throws at you with your sword 3 times in a row, she will then throw 3 electric knives smack those away as well. Once she starts to charge up to throw a bunch of knives at once you just need to hit her to stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NonePuyo DevilBehavior: She lazily bobs around on her black slime ball but when you are within range she will quickly throw it towards you.
Grapple: If she hits you with her black slime ball.
Traits: Dangerous, Shooter
Capture: Cum on her and then start to masturbate in front of her until you cum again. This will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneLily AlrauneBehavior: She just stands still not even hurting you if you touch her unless you attack her. Once you hit her she and all other Lily Alraunes in the room will start spewing out pheromone gas that will entrance you when hit.
Grapple: If you are hit by the gas and then reach her.
Traits: Strong Grip, Shooter, Mind Controller, Dangerous
Capture: You will need to get her to start spewing out her pheromone gas. Now you need to spray her with semen in order to stun her. This can be tricky because the gas will block the shots but it is doable.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneHound-DogBehavior: She remains inside a cage never directly attacking the player. If you masturbate in front of her long enough though you will be forced to fuck her in the ass.
Grapple: If you masturbate in front of her cage to long.
Traits: Invulnerable, Iron Grip
Capture: You will need to complete the puzzle in the room where the Hound-Dogs are present. It involves masturbating in front of them just enough for the green lights to turn on.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneFrankenBehavior: Starts out sleeping in a cage until you hit a button next to her. Once she is released she will run very fast towards you to grab you.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Invulnerable, Quick, Iron Grip, Instant Death
Capture: First you need to release her from her prison once and get away from her (using sprint works). Then after escaping you can return but this time do not press the button but rather go into the room behind her cage. After you have defeated the purple slime in the room there is a button that you can press and when that is done you can go back to the Franken and press the button but this time she will be stunned instead.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NonePurple SlimeBehavior: She will attack you by summoning blobs of slime at your position, she will sometimes appear herself instead of the blob.
Grapple: If she hits you with her blob attack.
Traits: Teleporter, Shooter
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: None The Snowy Mountains
These cold and glistening mountains can only be reached by going through the Underground Tunnels and unlocking the door that leads to this place.
Snow OniBehavior: She will mostly stand still but will punch at you when you are close. She will block all attacks unless attacked from behind (right after she punches).
Grapple: When she is hit she will sometimes dash towards you which will grapple you if you are in the way.
Traits: Blocker, Dasher
Capture: Use the shout ability to temporarily stun her and then cum on her in order to stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneYetiBehavior: She will swipe at you with her paws which sends you flying, sometimes she will dive under the snow only to reappear somewhere else.
Grapple: If you are hit by her when she reappears from the snow.
Traits: Tough, Knockback, Teleporter
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneSnow EaterBehavior: She will pop in and out of the snow at will and will be invulnerable unless attacked from behind, which is only possible when she has borrowed her tail into the snow in order to attack you.
Grapple: If you are hit by her tail.
Traits: Invulnerable*, Teleporter, Instant Death
Capture: Attack her tail when it pops out from the snow with the Wild Slash ability.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneHoney AntBehavior: She will casually walk around close to honey cocoons. She will only attempt to rape you if you get smeared with honey by the cocoons.
Grapple: If you get splashed by the honey cocoons.
Traits: Strong Grip, Opportunist
Capture: Defeat all of the Honey Ants in their cave and a path will open up to a lone Honey and which stands till. Cum on this one and she will be stunned.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneSnow BunnyBehavior: She will run around with not a care in the world and will not even hurt you when you touch her however if hearts appear around her she will start to chase you down and grapple you if she gets to you.
Grapple: If you touch her when hearts are around her.
Traits: Quick, Opportunist
Capture: Let one of them rape you until you ejaculate. Then keep still on the ground until you get mounted again, let her finish raping you so that she will be stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes (Group Rape)
Emblem: None The Golden Plains
A vast field of golden-colored grass and leaves who also have a bunch of powerful monsters sneaking about. You basicly start in this area when starting B-version.
NOTE: This area is exclusive to the B-version of FOBS
MinotaurBehavior: She will walk towards you if you are to far away and if you are close enough she will start charging one of her 3 types of spinning attacks. The first she becomes invulnerable when charging but will only spin in place when unleashed. The second she will spin forwards for a moderate distance before stopping. The third she will spin while also launching herself up into the air.
Grapple: If she catches you lying down.
Traits: Tough, Dangerous, Knockdown, Blocker
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneGouroBehavior: She will be stationary at first summoning waves but after some time she will start to ride one of the waves towards you for a bit before jumping off and repeating her pattern. If she catches you she will damage you over time until you escape or swallows you when you get no health left.
Grapple: If she touches you while riding a wave.
Traits: Tough, Dangerous
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: The emblem is found after beating her once if you go to the left instead of the right when going to the reptilian. She will be in there so all you need to do is cum on her and let her rape you after you will be presented with an emblem.ReptilianBehavior: She will slowly walk towards you and swipe her tail when you are close enough that knocks you back. From time to time she will start to shoot hearts towards you that seduces you on hit.
Grapple: If you get hit by a heart and she catches you.
Traits: Tough, Dangerous, Iron Grip, Knockback, Mind Controller
Capture: Defeat her, however she will only appear in her house not next to the other monsters.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: None.Owl LadyBehavior: She remains hidden in the trees and if you are close enough she will jump down and start shooting out hearts in all directions which will seduce you before jumping back up into the trees.
Grapple: If you touch her when seduced.
Traits: Flier, Mind Controller, Dangerous, Iron Grip, Shooter
Capture: Defeat all three Owl Ladies and then all the way to the right you should see an area where you can double jump into. In there you will find a lone Owl Lady ready for capture.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: None. The Horror House
A dark and deadly house full of all kinds of horrors. This area is found to the right when going trough the portal from the starting area.
NOTE: This area is exclusive to the B-version of FOBS
Slime DollBehavior: The small pink slime will start out separated from the doll not doing anything unless you attack the slime. If you do the slime will quickly enter a nearby doll and after that starts to slowly shuffle towards you in order to rape you.
Grapple: If you touch her when she is inside the doll.
Traits: Dangerous
Capture: Splash semen on the pink slime before it enters a doll body and then let that doll slime rape you until you ejaculate. This will stun her.
Endless Rape: Yes, but only in-game.
Emblem: NoneNightmareBehavior: She is mostly stationary and shoots out hearts towards you which will seduce you. She will also randomly teleport to a different location within the room.
Grapple: If you touch her while seduced.
Traits: Teleporter, Mind Controller
Capture: Attack her until she starts to pant and look frustrated, now when she fires a heart towards you use your slime wall to block it and send it flying back in her face. This will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneAberrationBehavior: If you see her moving it is already to late. She will slowly catch up to you and finish you off. Complete her puzzle in order to pass.
Grapple: If you fail her puzzle.
Traits: Invulnerable, Iron Grip, Instant Death, Quick
Capture: Complete her puzzle.
Endless Rape: Yes, both.
Emblem: NoneGhoulerBehavior: Walks slowly towards you if you are close but can sometimes be temporarily confused by the shout ability. She is invulnerable but is able to stun them for a while after hitting them enough, similar to the Zombies. More Ghoulers appear in the room you face them in as time passes so you need to fend them off until a door opens.
Grapple: If she touches you.
Traits: Invulnerable, Opportunist, Dangerous.
Capture: After you have turned on the light switch they will be able to be captured.
Endless Rape: Yes, both. (Group Rape)
Emblem: NonePoltergeistBehavior: She will be invisible before you turn the light on and will not do anything to you unless you splat cum on her, if you do she will throw a magical sex toy that will jack you off. After the light is turned on she visible and attack-able.
Grapple: If you get hit by the sex toy.
Traits: Invulnerable*, Shooter
Capture: Turn on the light switch then hit her once so she stops reading, after that you need to masturbate close to her which will cause her to attempt to throw her toy at you. Dodge that and now you can safely jizz on her which will stun her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneCopy DollBehavior: Remains a statue until you cum on her, if you do she will start moving and at first try to trick you. Regardless if she gets you or not she will start to move around quickly and sometimes stop to throw a bunch of knives at you.
Grapple: If she tricks you or defeats you.
Traits: Quick, Dangerous
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: No, but she does continue for more than once before decking out on the floor like the MC.
Emblem: This emblem is found in the Volcano, behind the moving rock in the area with the Hug-Bugs. The Volcano
A vast cavernous area inside a volcano, this scorched place hosts many dangerous monsters. This area is reached by going to the top right portal in the Golden Plains.
NOTE: This area is exclusive to the B-version of FOBS
Hot GolemBehavior: Slowly shuffles along the ground but if you attack her or touch her she will become angry and smack the ground a couple of times. After that small fissures will appear at your feet that spray out pink gas that will seduce you if hit.
Grapple: If you touch her when seduced.
Traits: Mind Controller, Iron Grip
Capture: Spray semen in her face when she is angry.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneCockatriceBehavior: Walks slowly around and if you are close or attack her she will start trying to petrify you with her gaze. This can be prevented by using either slime walls or transform. She may start sprinting for a few seconds after being hit.
Grapple: If she touches you when petrified.
Traits: Dangerous, Tough.
Capture: Avoid her petrifying gaze and attack her back until she starts to charge her petrify gaze longer than usual. When she is done she will start to rapidly attack with the gaze attack, avoid this and she will be stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneFlame CentaurBehavior: A friendly monster that do not actively attack you and you can’t attack her either. She will act as a mount to get past the area filled with gas after being fed with an apple.
Grapple: If you get gassed while riding on her back.
Traits: Invulnerable
Capture: After you have passed the Oni quiz there will be an entrance to a cave. In there there is a horny flame centaur that you can have sex with and when that’s done you can capture her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneHug-BugBehavior: Remains underground until you get close to her hole which causes her to emerge for a few seconds.
Grapple: If you touch her.
Traits: Iron Grip, Dangerous.
Capture: Spray semen on her and then hit her once, she will then retreat underground only to later appear with only her head that has a visable bandage on it. Now if you spray on her again she will become stunned.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: NoneSalamanderBehavior: She will jump around frequently before stopping and attacking you with either a large fireball that moves in a straight and explodes on contact or release a bunch of smaller fireballs that slowly moves after you that explodes a second after touching you. While charging her attack she is protected by a shield.
Grapple: If she catches you lying down.
Traits: Dangerous, Tough, Blocker, Quick, Opportunist
Capture: Defeat her.
Endless Rape: No
Emblem: NoneFire OniBehavior: She is invisible until you touch her flame which will render you unable to do anything except answer her quiz questions. If you answer her questions wrong to many times she will finish you off quickly.
Grapple: If you touch her flame.
Traits: Invulnerable, Instant Death*, Iron Grip
Capture: Complete her quiz.
Endless Rape: Yes
Emblem: None