The story follows Paul Rutter, a university lecturer who inherits an ancient tome left behind by his parents, and with it, discovers the power of enchantment. He uses this power to different effect, resulting in hilarious, dangerous, or erotic moments. He soon learns that he is also able to build positive relations with the people he encounter, even going as far as to influence their lives. However, Paul may not be alone with this power…
Note: This game is previously known as "Subtle Influence": [Unity] – [VN] – [Abandoned] – Subtle Influence [v0.15] [Candee]
This game is developed by a new team.Updated:18/10/2017
Developer/Publisher: Hamelin Entertaiment
Censorship: No
Version: Demo
Language: English
Genre: Mind Control, influence, Magic, Incest, corruptionChange-Log:
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