Newlife is an erotic text-based female-perspective RPG. In this game you’ll usually play as a man who’s accidentally transformed into a woman – make a new life for yourself, be seduced by charming (or sleazy) men and generally have a fun sexy time. Alternatively, you can select the female start, begin as a woman and play the whole game without changing gender at all.
Thread Updated: 2020-04-27
Release Date: 2020-04-27
Developer: Splendid Ostrich Patreon – Blog – Discord – Wiki
Censored: No
Version: 0.6.2
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English
Text-based, Female protagonist, Male protagonist, Gender bender, Vaginal sex, Oral sex, Submission, Anal sex, Pregnancy, Transformation, Dating sim, Sexual harassment
v0.6.2 changelogv0.6.0
Major changes & additions:Added a new socialisation scene that can appear if you have a baby and a female friend who isn’t a mother and is not pregnant The PC can now ask her partner to start trying for a baby via the important talk date action at home. Your boyfriend or husband may also make the request of you while you’re in your flat.
Minor changes:The jerk-friend event can now fire at neutral liking towards the bf (but not disliked), and no longer has a love requirement. Changed the timing on the NPC pregnancy reveal scene so it should fire at the end of the week where she gets pregnant, before the player is shown the “x has become pregnant” message in the week summary. Reworked the logic around pregnancy revelation to make it a bit more likely the PC gets dumped on telling her bf that he got her pregnant. In particular, having a child already no longer blocks these breakups.
Bugfixes:Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saint Destiny, NoName, OrangeJuice and dotSEA for reporting some of these.
Major changes & additions:
Added a new scene that will fire the first time a female friend gets pregnant. Minor changes:
Increased the likelihood for impregnators to attempt to sabotage the PC’s pills. Added liking changes to the cooking class scene female path. You should now be able to befriend the female NPC from the class without needing to meet her out clubbing. The post-transformation scene with the genderbent jerk-friend (the one where you can get your bf to fuck her) will now give you the opportunity to befriend her, if you have free friendship slots. Changes for user-submitted content:
Added persistent character flags that can be set by writers. These are intended for writers who need to store information across in-game weeks but who don’t intend to submit their scenes for inclusion in the game and therefore were previously limited by the test gameflags. See “Persistent Character Flags” in the context object reference for details. Making a porn film that’s good enough to appear in the sleazy cinema will now add a new trait to the player-character: PORN_STAR. Added tables of contents to the reference documentation, as suggested by Lost Trouting. Added a very simple “divorce” custom scene to the documentation folder. This may be helpful as a quick template without all the long descriptions of the main example scene. Bugfixes:
Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Stochastic, TaeTae, MadCat and Jacob N for reporting some of these. Fixed a bug with the genderbent jerk friend scene where being nice to her was ending the scene without the opportunity to get her fucked. v0.5.6b
Major changes & additions:
Improvements to lactation: See the Minor Changes section for details.
Minor changes:The PC will now continue lactating for a while after giving birth. New trait: Milky. This makes the PC lactate all the time, regardless of pregnancies. Lactation can be disabled in the options screen. New stat: facials received. Added lactation content for sex scenes and makeout-actions. Lactating characters get an alternative “make coffee” action when curing hangovers the next morning where the coffee isn’t black. One new lactation-themed socialisation event. Added line-breaks to the “cheats in secret mode” tooltip in the options screen – thanks to Corvus for reporting that they were missing. Updated the wedding-vow-discussion scene to handle the PC owing her fiance a favour, something which currently only happens if he paid for her wedding dress. Added a few passages requested over PM on Patreon to the final scenes in the recent impregnator-friend scene chain.
Changes for user-submitted content:
Added a removeTrait method to NPCs.
Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saint Destiny, Sync, Catpocalypse, OrangeJuice. NewFace, Classique75 and Saur for reporting some of these, as well as an anonymous person who was very helpful with a long list of issues over PM on patreon. Updated street-prostitution payments to be consistent with the text. The “pay a party-girl’s bar tab” path in the befriending scene will now correctly make her a friend. Thanks to Unknown for reporting this bug.
Minor changes:Doubled the cooldowns between refusing a promotion and it being offered again.Added a “not now” choice to the initial street prostitution random event. This is similar to “refuse” but it allows the event to fire again later in the game.Bugfixes:Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saint Destiny and Silne Veras for reporting some of these.Fixed a bug reported by Brobort, Saur and Saint Destiny where the repeatable street-prostitution activity was not appearing.Fixed a bug reported by Saur where the street prostitution scene was set in the player’s home(!)Fixed a bug reported by TSPCFS where the “send a photo to your boss” dare could be made multiple times.Fixed an error reported by Sight with the “take control” action in the braless shopping scene.
Major changes & additions:
New party-girl path to the events added in the last release, with a new final scene where you convince her to get bred by challenging her to dares.
Added the street-prostitution scenes written by Secondarian. The first will appear as a once-per-game free-time random event which is more likely if you’re dressed provocatively. If you choose to prostitute yourself in this scene then a new weekend activity will open up that lets you do so repeatedly.Minor changes:
Renamed the “say goodnight” option in the pregnancy discussion scene to “get an early night” to make it clearer that it doesn’t mean your husband will be leaving the flat.
Added a couple of new greeting lines for impregnator men on dates.
Added blue, white and pink striped socks.
The shop-selection dropdown is now hidden in wardrobe-mode.
The HOTEL_PROSTITUTION_CLIENT NPC-trait is now deprecated as the same pool of NPCs is used for both hotel and street prostitution. Use the new PROSTITUTION_CLIENT trait for these custom NPCs instead. Old NPCs with HOTEL_PROSTITUTION_CLIENT will still work as the game will automatically give them the new trait.
Failing to convince the impregnation-target to go off the pill no longer blocks the seduction route to sabotaging her contraception, even if she brushed you off without even talking to you. It’s a bit unrealistic that the PC can bed a woman but not get her to talk to her over coffee, but I found the earlier implementation excessively frustrating in testing.Bugfixes:
Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saint Destiny, NoName, SlenderOstrich, Sync, MadCat and Saur for reporting some of these.
Fixed an error that could cause the description for a pregnant NPC to use the wrong pregnancy status.
Fixed (I think) an issue reported by MadCat where the pregnancy discussion with your partner could trigger even if the player informed him of her pregnancy the week before.
Updated the conditions for cheating-guilt in the anal scene to be consistent with other sex scenes. Thanks to Katie for pointing this out.
You can no longer kick your husband out at the end of a house-party: it’s his home too! Thanks to NoName for reporting this (as well as lots and lots of text issues!)
Fixed an issue reported by Sight where the Cunning checkbox is misaligned in the male chargen screen.
Fixed a bug where the colour for men’s ruffle shirts was sometimes chosen incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that could allow invalid NPC character types to be chosen for the new breeding scene-chain.
Fixed a bug reported by MadCat where the “always accept sex” vow wasn’t checked in the electro-couch scene.
Fixed a bug where sabotaging the impregnation-target’s pills didn’t allow you to move to the final scene.
The impregnation target can no longer be chosen as the woman with whom you catch your partner cheating if he’s the guy you’re helping impregnate her.
Changelog:Major changes & additions:
A new event chain consisting of 3 required and 1 optional events where you help a friend or partner get a girl pregnant. For now this can only trigger with an innocent NPC as the “target” but I intend to revisit these scenes in later updates to add more variety.Minor changes:
To resolve an issue reported by stochastic, telling your partner that you’re pregnant from cheating will now stop him believing you’re a virgin (unless you still are) even in situations that previously wouldn’t have updated this.
A new trait for custom female NPCs: DONT_TAKE_PILL which stops her using contraception.Changes for user-submitted content:
Added a getGirlOrWoman() method to female NPCs.
Added the PILLS_SABOTAGED npc trait – add this to a female NPC to disable her contraception via trickery.
Added the setOnPill(boolean) method to female NPCs. Use this to get a female NPC to start or stop taking the pill. You can additionally add the DONT_TAKE_PILL trait to stop her going on the pill in the future.Bugfixes:
Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Rafflesia, Sync, Saint Destiny and Saur for reporting some of these.
Fixed a bug reported by JulianR.Amazing where the game would error when asking your partner not to leave after informing him of a cheating pregnancy if the PC’s charm skill was zero or negative.
Fixed a character-creation bug reported by Sight where the PC’s female body-type was sometimes being set incorrectly when picking one based on her male version.
The player will now be properly paid for prostituting herself at a hotel – thanks to Secondarian and Rigel for reporting this issue and tracking down the cause.
Major changes & additions:
Added support for female NPC pregnancy including updates to the text in scenes where pregnant female NPCs can appear. The week summary will inform you when an NPC is pregnant and again when she gives birth. Minor changes:
Added a few more lines to some actions in the cheating-partner sex scene. Added a new conversation outcome when chatting with female NPCs at the club. Using Ivy’s help in a job interview will now guarantee success, even for characters with bad traits. New befriending paths for a pregnant party-girl friend that don’t rely on her drinking. Updated the OfficeHarass scene with an improved version from Stochastic. New befriend paths for pregnant party-girl NPCs that don’t involve her drinking. House-party guests will now gradually drink over the course of the evening even if you aren’t serving them drinks, although they won’t drink enough to get hammered without the PC involved. Added some alternative text to one of the nightclub actions with a focus on lines for genderbent characters. The gender-bent jerk friend is now always available to be your bridesmaid if she exists and you’re marrying the man she tried to get you to cheat on. Added some new text to the wedding intro to recognise when the PC has chosen the gender-bent jerk friend as her bridesmaid. Added a trait to make the PC more attracted to older men, as requested by Brobort. Reduced some of the unnecessary spacing in the week summary. Changes for user-submitted content:
Added the getFigureDesc method requested by Secondarian to the PC context object. Added the inseminateNpc(maleNpc, femaleNpc, int) method to the $scene context object. I know it’s a little unintuitive to have it on $scene instead of the FemaleNpc, but it made the most sense during implementation with how the context objects are structured internally. Updated the documentation to include the PORN_ACTOR and COOKING_TEACHER traits in the enum reference, thanks to Stochastic for bringing up this oversight. New methods for female NPC objects: getPregnancyStage(), getStomachDesc(), isLactating(), isLatePreg(). In addition, the isPregnant() method can now return true. Bugfixes:
Fixes to text issues. Thanks to OrangeJuice, Saur, MadCat and SgtReznov for reporting some of these. Fixed a bug reported by CagedSissy and NewFace where the text after the pregnancy talk had a bad condition that led to the wrong passage being shown. Fixed an oversight where catching a woman having sex with your husband wasn’t removing her virginity if you just leave them to it instead of watching. Fixed an issue in the npc+npc sex scene that could lead to multiple passages of text being shown at once instead of just one. Fixed an issue reported by NewFace where your partner could show up to ask about your pregnancy even if you’d told him about it the week before. Added alternative text to the noisy baby scene’s intro for unemployed/housewife PCs to resolve an issue raised by stochastic where it mentions getting up for work the next day. Fixed an obscure bug reported by JulianR.Amazing that might have allowed the porn actor to be befriendable.
Major changes & additions:
Added a new random event, commissioned from Elizabeth King. This is a once-per-game scene that can happen on the weekend timeslot if you aren’t wearing a bra. Added the datingApp scene submitted by Secondarian. This can appear if the PC has the personal-computer item and is single. It’s an event in the date-night timeslot so will only show up if that isn’t taken up by a guaranteed event like the nightclub or a date. This event creates a new NPC and gives you the chance to date them. If you do, they’re permanently added to the NPCs in your game. Otherwise, they’re removed. Added Lost Trouting’s minidate scenes that can appear randomly at the weekend timeslot when you’re in a relationship. Minor changes:Slightly increased knowledge gain from dating, as requested by Morion. Reworded the creepily-vague start to the date scene when going to a bar and skipping preparation where your date just takes you to “a place nearby”. Thanks to ChaosBlade for pointing this out. Updated shyness cure and lowlives alley scenes with new versions provided by Rigel that use newer methods for setting arousal. Changes for user-submitted content:Adjusted the conditions for letting your partner name children to match the text a bit better. Added a haveOrgasmFromPc method to male NPCs. This is the same as haveOrgasm but also increases their enjoyment based on their attraction to the PC. A scene can now be defined with no actions by completely removing the actions: section in the yml. This will need to either finish the scene or transition elsewhere in the intro section. It usually isn’t ideal to have no actions though, because it generally means that the scene has almost no content. Bugfixes:Fixes to text issues. Thanks to OrangeJuice, NoName, Saur, ChaosBlade and ArsenalJacob for reporting some of these. Fixed an issue reported by NoName where the “be contrite” option in the newer pregnancy announcement scene was missing text. Added text to the “falling in love” scene’s “You’re so happy” action for when you aren’t in a relationship together. Thanks to NoName for reporting this! Fixed some more issues with letting your partner choose a baby’s name when he isn’t the biological father. Thanks to NoName for highlighting these. Fixed a major bug reported by Jjrider, NoName and Vamatt99218 where an error setting up the scene where your partner visits to talk about your pregnancy meant it was not firing correctly.
Major changes & additions:Updated the job framework to support job-switching. The PC now starts unemployed, has to interview for her sales job, and can quit to become unemployed again or to be a full-time housewife.
Minor changes:As suggested by NoName, the PC no longer has the option to let her partner name a new baby if he knows it was conceived from cheating. Bitchy characters can name a newborn son after his real father, if she’s in a relationship, her partner isn’t the biological father, and it isn’t a cuckoo baby. This causes a substantial hit to her partner’s liking towards her. Increased the base score for PIV auto-sex as well as the bonus for being with an attractive man as several people had reported that it was too hard to reach orgasm in quicksex. Made some improvements to add more variation to the male-dominant-sex-scene NPC sex-talk action, as requested by Wisdom on Discord. Increased the liking penalty for unfriending someone. Following some comments by -Artemis-, gave a bonus to the chance a likes-to-share boyfriend will be ok with the PC getting pregnant by another man, but only when he’s ok with becoming a dad. Changed infidelity confessions to use th “severe” text if the PC got pregnant from cheating. This should resolve an issue reported by saint-destiny where the more extreme cheating has timed-out so the pc confesses to just doing a bit of kissing… and getting pregnant. Slightly increased the post-orgasm arousal for hard-to-please characters so it’s less likely to drop down below the ready-for-sex level.
Changes for user-submitted content:Added methods to directly set arousal to various levels, as requested by Eulexia: e.g. setArousalComfort() Added isNakedExceptLegwear() methods to the PC and female-npc, as requested by Eulexia. Added an optional transitionInfo parameter getReadyForDate to the TOWN_DATE transition. This can be set to true to start the date at the “getting ready” section.
Bugfixes:Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saur, Classique75, ChaosBlade, madcat and Saint Destiny for reporting some of these. Fixed an oversight with the “a breakup would be hard on your kids” text where it wasn’t counting cuckoo babies. Fixed a bug reported by Secondarian where cuckoo babies weren’t counting towards “have x children” vows. Fixed an issue reported by NoName where the text for your partner discovering a cuckoo baby when you give birth assumed you were at home, when it’s possible that you’re in the hospital instead. Fixed a bug reported by Pen where an invalid condition could cause the cooking scene to error. Fixed a bug where the officeHarass scene was using the weight modifier from lowlivesAlleySex. Fixed an error reported by Saur where flirting with the cooking instructor could lead to both “invite home” actions being available when they’re intended to be mutually exclusive.
Major changes & additions:
Added a new scene that lets you reveal your pregnancy to your partner even when he isn’t the father. It’s now possible to lie to your bf and pretend he’s the father, although only if he did have sex with you around the time of conception. The PC can get caught when giving birth if the real father’s race is different from both hers and her partner’s. Added a new work scene (well, technically 2 scenes) that can occur if there’s a repairman with a thick cock in the game – it doesn’t matter whether or not you’ve met him before. Instead of the PC’s bf sometimes dumping her if she doesn’t tell him he’s the father, there’s now a short new scene in the third-trimester where he’ll show up and ask to talk about it. This lets the larger scenes be used for this with their detailed handling of his reaction. Added the “Walk Home Alone” scene submitted by Lost Trouting. This will sometimes appear when the PC leaves the club by herself. Minor changes:
Increased the knowledge increase from dating, as suggested by Morion. Added updated versions of the spyOnSex and lowlivesAlleySex scenes provided by Rigel that use the haveSexWith method. Added a few minor variant text passages here and there. Changes for user-submitted content:
Following a request by Lost Trouting, added a properties file in the official_content folder with weight multipliers for certain random events. Change the values in this file to affect how often an event will appear. Added a variant inseminatePlayer(int,boolean) method to connect with new pregnancy mechanics that track whether the PC got pregnant while cheating. The old inseminatePlayer(int) method still exists and uses a default of true for the boolean. Added a new method to check if an NPC believes him and the PC have a baby together, whether or not this is true.
Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saur, MKB, Madcat, Stochastic, symptom1818, ArsenalJacob and Rafflesia for reporting some of these. The sex-shop date will always dress both characters on exiting now. Thanks to Max Mustermann for reporting this. Fixed an issue reported by Blargan where the cooking class could error for cute characters cooking with an NPC who likes cute women. Fixed an issue that probably won’t have been noticeable to players where the bringHome transition to the custom scene wasn’t processing relationship modifiers for NPCs other than the one in the next scene. Fixed a problem reported by Jams and Teddy where lying about being unprotected was still leading to some dialogue that referred to the PC being on the pill.
Major changes & additions:Your performance in the porn-shoot is now stored and can appear as a film you watch at the porno cinema. Added content to the porn-shoot, mostly focusing on “regret” lines for characters with the refined, shy, romantic traits or who feel guilty about cheating on their partner. Extensively updated the cooking class male interactions to add new paths when cooking with a male partner that offer more variety and alternative routes through the scene. Minor changes:Added some alt-text for shy characters to the cooking class scene, following a report by LiveJoker that the game was forcing them down inappropriate paths. Combined with the wider interaction variety I think the problem should now be fixed: if it re-occurs please report it again along with a copy-paste of the offending text. TownDate: Added a thin+braless section to the upper-body description when the PC looks at herself in the mirror (assuming none of the other special clothing-flag sections are shown instead) PornShoot: Added an alternative ejaculation section for when one of your friends is the porn-star. In order to fix an issue reported by Saur where the club scene ends on the same turn that the PC is getting prompted for her behaviour towards a new NPC, the “flirt” and “meet someone’s eyes” actions have been changed to no longer take up any of the evening’s time. Changes for user-submitted content:Added boolean isOutfitCute, isOutfitSexy, isOutfitElegant and isOutfitCasual methods to the PC object that check if the PC’s clothes are sufficiently far along the relevant axis: see the documentation for details. Added a getHadAnalSex method to the Npc objects which returns true if they’ve had anal sex with the PC. Added getHadBabyWithPc and isPcPregnantBy methods to male NPC character objects: see the documentation for details. These allow you to check if the PC has known children/pregnancy by the NPC. The ‘test custom scenes’ activity is now also available as a weekend action, as requested by Stochastic. This means it’s now available even if the weekday activity is blocked due to childcare. Added an isClothesDisarrayed method to female NPCs, also as requested by Stochastic. Bugfixes:Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saur, Brobort and Sync for reporting some of these. Fixed a bug where the porn-shoot scene would error on using a professional porn-actor if the NPC existed before the scene started. Fixed a bug where information wasn’t being correctly passed between the porn-shoot and porn-sex scenes which meant that the video was always considered terrible. Thanks to Cristia and Bagashi for highlighting that there might be issues in the porn-quality code. Fixed some places where the fashion bonus to clothing stats wasn’t being applied. Fixed a bug with custom scenes where having a returnToParent condition would block scene transitions in that action even if the condition evaluated to false. It’ll now block them only if the condition is true (the priority goes finished, then returnToParent, then scene transitions) Fixed a bug where repeat porno-shoot opportunities weren’t appearing because the countdown wasn’t being processed correctly.
Major changes & additions:Added the porno-shoot scenes that were chosen as the PMW vote. This can start as a random event if you have a partner or male friend who has the sleazy trait. Minor changes:Custom male NPCs can have the new PORN_ACTOR trait that means they’ll be chosen as your co-star if the guy organising the shoot doesn’t do it himself. Added a large love penalty (for the PC) to the paths where you’re discovered cheating and admit that you have stronger feelings for the man you were unfaithful with than for your partner. The bar scene will no longer allow double-conversations in one turn if both the PC and the NPC choose their respective “have a conversation” actions. I also blocked the conversation action for taciturn NPCs. Improved text-spacing in the bar scene. Added a new NPC action to the bar (where a sleazy man eyes up the PC instead of talking). Restricted non-custom gym jerk character-creation to make it more likely they find the PC attractive, following a suggestion by Morion that there always be at some men who fancy the PC. Horse already has similar rules, so this means almost any game should have at least one jerk and one good-guy who has the hots for the player-character. Added new options for blocked male & female names. This lets you stop NPCs being given a name you don’t like or that reminds you uncomfortably of someone you know in real-life. Name lists are set when starting a new game so changes to these options won’t affect games in-progress. Changes for user-submitted content:None this release Bugfixes:Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Lev, Pgiac6 and Saur for reporting some of these. Improved the logic for the “guilty about cheating” text in the repairman scene, as suggested by Katie. Fixed a bug reported by Katie where love and crush limits weren’t being worked out correctly. Fixed a bug reported by Morion where the trying-for-baby status wasn’t being properly passed into the scene where the PC reacts to discovering a pregnancy. Fixed an issue reported by NoName where arousal levels weren’t being changed on scene-transition from the cunnilingus scene, potentially leading to your partner immediately having an orgasm. Fixed some issues in the town-date scene reported by pgiac6 where certain actions weren’t properly handling the situation where the PC has removed some clothing after getting a drink spilled on her.
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