Thrust yourself into the world of Monster Girl Hunt, a world where modesty is a rarely used word and monsters roam the woods. Explore this top down world, battle in high quality turn based encounters where the ultimate goal is to strip your opponent. Help these monsters win and you they will reward you animated erotic encounters.
Thread Updated: 2020-04-24
Release Date: 2020-04-24
Developer: Tiny Devil Studio Patreon SubscribeStar
Censored: No
Version: 0.1.9
OS: Windows
Language: English
2D Game, 2DCG, Male protagonist, Humor, Monster girl, Big tits, Big ass, Oral sex, Titfuck, Handjob, Flashing, RPG, Interspecies sex, Combat, Turn based combat, Exhibitionism, Vaginal sex, Anal sex, Urination, voyeurism
v0.1.9 – Released on 2020-04-24
Thanks to the help of the patrons bug testing, I was able to get about 95% of the code done. I can now put a larger focus on art, story, events etc., without worrying about getting large chunks of code done, on top of everything else. I’ll get you guys more of the naughty stuff with in the next two updates.~ Backup your save! ~ Backup your save! ~ Backup your save!~
Backing up your save has never been more important! A lot of changes have been made. I actually recommend starting fresh though.
Save location is C:UsersYourUserNameHereAppDataLocalLowTiny Devil Studio Monster Girl Hunt
Monster Storage. The barn has been rebuilt and Breeds Ranch is ready for you to store your monsters! Talk to the farm hand. Help Menu redesign with new information explaining the new systems. Hotkeys – M = map, J = journal, I = inventory Shift key is sprint and faster diagonal movement has been fixed Mission menu can now show side and finished missions alongside the main mission. Monster Archive has location data now! After seeing a monster for the first time, you will be able to locate where they normally are on the map. Inventory, Items, Item drops, and vendors. Sell “Trade-In” items Accelerating clothing unlocks, they should only take about two battles to unlock if you don’t switch monsters. Map code now tracks your location when indoors and is a bit more accurate overall. Monster menu has a new attack button, click it to view the attacks of that monster and their stats. Changes to the menu map UI Small dialogue rewrites needed for barn and “west of here” lines. 1 side mission that you probably won’t even notice you did. It’s tutorial stuff. Alter a bit of the story to make more sense with the changes. The butler now acts as a vendor Farmer breeds gives you a few items during the main mission. If you’re past that part, you will still get those rewards. The third fast travel point has been disabled until release 0.2.0. A lot of UI work A lot of bug fixes A lot of quality of life stuff
Battle System Change Log
Monsters now have an Arousal level now. Don’t let your monsters get too flustered or they’ll strip down and flick the bean mid battle. Check the Help Menu in game for more info! New stamina stat. Damage attacks now take a certain amount of stamina. Rest or swap monsters when this gets low! New speed stat dictates who goes first in battle and evade chance. Monster Stat variation. Monsters should feel a bit more unique now. This will need some balance work, just let me know. Some monster’s will just be better than others. Stats on your existing monsters are rebalanced on first launch to match the new stat variation. Attacks have had some alterations done. They come in 4 flavors now: Healing, Damage, Arousal, and Mixed(Damage + Arousal). You can see these icons in battle now. Attack evolution. New attacks can now be gained or evolved every 5 levels. These are done at random. Love XP is now rewarded based on the % of damage a monster did during battle. Popups are better managed now. UI Redesign and new ui elements for the new battle system changes. New battle effects and new images to accompany them. Better battle AI. Don’t worry, they aren’t geniuses, but they won’t spam heal themselves anymore. Enemy monsters can only use healing moves if their health is below 20%. Npc battles! These are voluntary battles, just be mindful of the new battle icon above npcs heads. Once you engage, there’s no running away! Currently 3 battles and many more to come. Battle backgrounds. Pretty much what it sounds like, backgrounds will swap out depending on the area you are in. New capture system! A small rewrite to the story was needed for this. It’s nothing huge. You get all the items you would have if you played past it. Item use in battle. Heal and capture items. Attack overlay images. A bunch of “behind the scenes” code that you won’t notice. Some other random stuff you might notice. v0.1.4 – Released on 2020-04-04
Always back up your save! Save located in C:UsersYourUserNameHereAppDataLocalLowTiny Devil StudioMonster Girl Hunt New Monster Archive, check the journal. 4 new events. 1 cow, 3 slime. Can now zoom and drag events. Event hotkeys. A = back, d = forward, h = hide text. Rearranged event’s to "flow" better. If you are coming from an old save, you will have new events already unlocked and some previously unlocked events will be locked again. It’s just a consequence of the reorder. Bug fixes like clothing display, clothing unlocks, experience, player name displaying wrong, etc. Small changes to things like event speeds and spelling/grammar.
v0.1.3d – Released on 2020-03-27
BACK UP YOUR SAVE. I did some save script work to ensure you can continue from an old save, but if I missed anything I don’t want your save files corrupted. Let me know if this is happening, send me your backed up save file and I will get a bug fix turned out asap. I cant fix broken saves though! Save located in C:UsersYourUserNameHereAppDataLocalLowTiny Devil StudioMonster Girl Hunt
2 new events! Check out love levels in the monster menu to see who needs your attention. 3 new outfits, one for each monster. They are hidden and you are need to have that monster with you though, so catch some monsters, talk to people, rummage through their belongings. Social norms be damned! New Animation system in! Dialogue, advance, back up, etc. You can now select which monster follows you in the over world. Change them in the monster menu. Last viewed monster clothing in monster menu will be what your monster wears in conversation (Note – Report any instances where this doesn’t work. It should work, but there were some edge cases I had to catch and there may be more. I’m only human.) Added existing battle clothing unlocks as their own after battle events, added new dialogue for these events, and reduced time required to unlock them. Map and fast travel added in the pause menu. Chunk loading code in place for future map expansions. Can now heal monsters at your bed. Not really all that useful at the moment as you auto heal until the item update. New Mission Structure – This allows for side missions and better flexibility. Watch for side missions in the future. Journal UI and code changes. New sections includes missions(further updates coming), monster archive(placeholder), unlocked images (non love related stuff), help (needs updated images). Many minor corrections v0.1.2c – Released on 2020-03-13
Fixed window resizing bug. Fixed issue where using downed monster if a fight was possible. Various grammar and spelling issues. Dialogue now has your first monster introducing herself earlier since it conflicted with the battle system revealing her name before she did. Fixed issue where missions could trigger while inspecting objects. Can now click on npcs to continue mission as well as getting close to them Fixed bug where it was possible to click on interactable objects while in loading screen Issues with after battle notifications should be fixed v0.1.2 & v0.1.2b – Released on 2020-03-13
Windows 7 support! Save location has been changed because of this. You need to move save data to continue. Details at bottom.
New slime event. New hidden event. Lets play find the creeper! Events will start in world instead of require player to navigate to correct menus to find them – Done. Intractable objects, mouse over icons, and Images to go with it (Adds a bit more flavor to the world). Cue when mousing over something that is intractable. Menu and other UI tweaks – new journal tab. Collider / hit box adjustments. A lot of adjustments. Conversation code expansion. Small movement speed increase. Squashed a handful of bugs. Game only auto saves after you exit battle now, so don’t forget to save your game often. Altered some dialogue. Tutorial images. All monsters that appeared in battle now get normal xp divided between them equally. All monsters that appeared in battle now get 20% love xp unless incapacitated. Small reduction in love xp required to level up love as well. Worked out some other battle system kinks, like shorter intro and quicker effects, health restored after successful escape, etc. Monster capture chance in now additive. 20% to 35% to 50% etc. Once a monster is captured, this resets. Can now talk to monster girl following you.
Save File Migration – Moving it with code would break Windows 7 games, sorry about that.
Previously saved to DocumentsMyGamesTiny Devil StudioMonster Girl Hunt. Now saves in C:UsersYourUserNameHereAppDataLocalLowTiny Devil StudioMonster Girl Hunt. Move your saveData.dat and playerPreferences.dat file to new save location if you wish to continue your game. v0.1.1 – Released on 2020-03-07
Addressed some concerns and issues. Also added a few small things.
Corrected version naming conventions Removed unnecessary scene (pre-boot scene used to test scene transition, nothing important) Replaced null images with transparent sprite (May help to prevent crashing) Added default font shader (May help to prevent crashing) Remove planning tiles that lacked shaders (Should help to prevent crashing) Fixed 2 UI "Uniqueness Violations" New credits screen Some UI Changes Fixed excess love adding up (not going to take what you have already earned though) Added monster naming. Some restriction may apply! Added Release option (your keeping that dumb ass cow though, shes to stupid to survive on her own) Doubled capture rate Cleaned up a few scripts Corrected typos
v0.1.0 – Released on 2020-03-06
3 monster girls
3 events per monster girl
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