Leaf on Fire is a Poke parody game following Leaf as she embarks on the journey to become the greatest trainer the world has ever seen. On the way she will face weird situations and will have to give all the love her little creatures deserve, so they can grow strong and healthy.
Thread Updated: 2019-08-01
Release Date: 2019-07-14
Developer: Thunder One
Censored: No
Version: 0.2
OS: Win, Mac, Linux
Language: English
3DCG, Animated, Female Protagonist, Parody, RPG, Combat, Voyeurism, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Bestiality, Rough Play, X-Ray
Big bad bat Pool fun time Added a few more trainers Added some more moves When training you can now learn moves from previous evolutions Some other bug fixes and small improvements
An armadillo? Extra spiky, though
TMs added (Just the two from the gyms for now). If you load an old save, you will get them if you defeated the gyms already (They are not items though, see below)
Complete remake of the Training Screen: You can now remove moves or add any move that the Punkmon could learn until their current level, including TMs available to them
Fixed scrolling in all screens which were rolling back instead
Some other bug fixes and small improvements
New background (Cerulean gym)
Improved map system (backend, hardly noticeable)
Some other bug fixes and small improvements
An armadillo
Added Cerulean City (new bg style, tell me what you think)
Extra items moved from Pewter to Cerulean
Some other bug fixes and small improvements
The horny boi can now become stronger (and hornier) Bunch of changes to the exploration system (see below) You can no longer "find nothing" You can challenge trainers for rematches Trainers now only Changed file structure to make patches more efficient in the future Bug fixes and small improvements
The fearsome sparrow New characters (Prepare for trouble!) New event (And make it double!) You can now throw away unwanted Punkmon Inventory and Computer screens can now be scrolled Some other bug fixes and small improvements
A carp Leaf can choose how she wants to get scammed for said carp New character: The scammer Trainers’ Punkmon can now have custom movesets Added a bunch more moves Pewter Mart now sells bigger balls Not catchable Punkmon don’t show on Punkdex anymore Some other bug fixes and small improvements
The pink ball with twirly hair (The moon-related one) can now evolve and engage in inappropriate behavior People now lose shit everywhere (finders keepers, losers weepers) Leaf is now more animated in the 2nd Oak scene Punkdex now registers seen Punkmon Punkmon are no longer made out of styrofoam Brock is no longer chaste You are no longer forced to travel if you look at the map Some other bug fixes and small improvements
New Punkmon with 3 hscenes Reputation System (Just the core for now) Sound Added to a couple more scenes Updated some Punkmon info Some bug fixes
New Punkmon with 3 hscenes New location: Mt. Moon Some new trainers Sound Added to a couple more scenes Some bug fixes
New Punkmon with 4 hscenes Added sound to a few more scenes Core of the save compatibility system (should work for 0.1.2 files) Improved writting on some areas Some bug fixes
New Punkmon with 4 hscenes Punkdex added (it works as a hscene galery) Bunch of new moves coded Bunch of new items (status removal and very cheap Rare Candy) Re-rendered the first Leaf solo scene (It was pretty low quality compared to the rest of the scenes) Some bug fixes
New Punkmon with 4 hscenes Punkdex added (it works as a hscene galery) Bunch of new moves coded Bunch of new items (status removal and very cheap Rare Candy) Re-rendered the first Leaf solo scene (It was pretty low quality compared to the rest of the scenes) Some bug fixes
New Punkmon with hscenes Recoded the trainers to allow more flexibility Fixed Pikachu scenes nor working Some other fixes
New Punkmon with hscenes Punkmon storage system New place – Pewter gym New character – Brock Pewter gym hscene (You have to lose) Some story/dialogue involving the gym Some improved scenes Fixed capture rates (It was using the evolved form capture rate, making it harder) Some other fixes
New Punkmon New Hscenes for him New Combat UI New Location – Pewter City Couple new trainer battles Bunch of moves added
New Punkmon – Metapod. New Scenes – 2 Metapod Scenes. New Locations with unique BGs – Punkcenter, Route 2 and Viridian Forest. New Character – Nurse from the Punkcenter. New Battles – 2nd Blue battle on Route 22 and 2 possible random trainer encounters on Viridian Forest (Bug Catchers). Bunch of new moves working properly Re-rendered both the Leaf solo and Leaf X Oak scene. Re-worked the 3d model used for x-ray scenes. Fixed a bug with Mac version not being able to see any scenes. A bunch of other small bug fixing and adjustments.
New Punkmon – Rattata New Scenes – 4 Rattata Scenes + 1 Leaf x Mom teasing scene New Route 22 BG New Screens – Player info and Punkmon info General GUI changes: window frame, font, health bars Added types and type effectiveness Added learnsets and moves (not all move effects work yet) Added Ivs, Evs, and Natures, all visible through Punkmon Info screen for now Wild areas navigation reworked. They now have multiple areas to go through and random encounters Creatures now called Punkmon
New Punkmon- Mankey New H-scenes – 5 Mankey Scenes New Locations – Viridian, Pokémart and Route 22(using route 01 bg for now) New mom model – I might still tweak her bit New Pallet BG – More aerial pov like viridian, allowing better view of the city Trainer Battles – For now just the first rival battle, but the system is done Money added – You now win and lose money in battles and you can purchase items (just balls for now) Caterpie inserted in the Love System. All h-scenes can be avoided now Love system tweaked to allow replaying scenes Package delivery quest done – not very relevant for now, but will allow the progression through route 2
New capturable 5 New h-scenes New Leaf model Re-rendered Lab BJ scene Introduction to x-ray renders Party Management Capture system Combat system Love system Most scenes are optional now Bunch of re-renders, adjustments and fixes
3 New locations 2 New characters 1 New H-scene Re-rendered some characters, locations and scenes Bunch of new or improved dialogue Bunch of general adjustments and improvements
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