Hemolami/Lacanishu Collection [Hemolami]

Hemolami/Lacanishu Collection [Hemolami] Hemolami/Lacanishu Collection [Hemolami] Hemolami/Lacanishu Collection [Hemolami]
Overview:​This is the artist known as Hemolami or formerly Lacanishu. This is a female artist from Australia. I tried to scrape Lacanishu’s art as best as I can and have one folder for Lacanishu and another for Hemolami. If you find more images and/or packs, please upload. Updated: 2016
Developer/Publisher: Lacanishu/Hemolami
Hemolami – DeviantArt | Gumroad Lacanishu – GumroadCensorship: None
Language: English
Resolution: Medium to Large
Pages: Hemolami = 25 | Lacanishu = 188
Genre: Illustrations, Parody, Drawn art, bondage, sexInstallation:
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Open with desired image software or convert to .cbr for CBR readers
Hemolami =
Witch Mercy’s Wheelgame
Miscellaneous imagesLacanishu =
Story packs for Heartseeker Ashe, Sona, Yuni, and Li Ming
Pack 3 Dark Knight – Syvanas, Ashe, and Li Ming Stories
Miscellaneous images