You play as Raven, a heroine trying to help the people in need. You fight monster, lose and get raped, win and you get exp.Updated: 18/12/2018
Version: 2018.12.18
Censorship: None
Developer: zxc
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: RPG Maker, Game over rape, Female MC, Transformation, Whore
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on "Game.exe" to start playing.
: 2018.12.18 ———–new add—————
the end image———————————–i still will redraw some old imageand start fix all bugraven still need find a way back in next game
: 2018.11.18 ———–new add—————
demon nun (1)alien map adjustalien researcher sex———–$Sprites——————————redraw————–demon boss
: 2018.10.31 ———–new add—————
alien cocoonalien kiss skilldemon elf npc (3)———–$Sprites—————-$boss kuromaru$demon-npc-fallen$alien (2)$alien cocoon————–redraw————–alien bossalien boss sexHalf-demon (1)
: 2018.10.21 ———–new add—————
———–$Sprites——————————redraw————–alien bossalien boss suit 1alien boss suit 2alien boss suit 3
: 2018.10.04 ———–new add—————
alien attack skillalien tail implantalien lost pregnant variant———–$Sprites——————————redraw————–
: 2018.09.17 ———–new add—————
alien battle lost image———–$Sprites——————————redraw————–alien battle change
: 2018.08.15 ———–new add—————alien fallen soldieralien part battle lost map(unfinishlatex 改造事件(7)———–$Sprites—————-$Raven 戰敗alien$alien cum cocoon$alien wall (1)————–redraw————–alien victim for researcheralien soldieralien fat (2)
: 2018.07.31 ———–new add—————
———–$Sprites—————-$Demon boss$Demonic Gemini Fruit adjust————–redraw————–demon boss corruption finish
: 2018.07.24 ———–new add—————
———–$Sprites——————————redraw————–demon boss corruption adjustadjust alien map—————other—————–fix plant boss map stairplease just Moving up and down———–new add—————
———–$Sprites——————————redraw————–demon boss corruption adjustadjust alien map—————other—————–fix plant boss map stairplease just Moving up and down
: 2018.06.15 ———–new add—————
q-bee town addback
$Honey farm
QBEE ‘S FARM adjustfix demon cum add back
: 2018.06.01 fix some old bug———–new add—————Grass Wasp (1) add backfinsih demon part map but boss is unfinishdemon clone adjust———–$Sprites—————-$demon clonefallen elf npc————–redraw————–latex copy raven
: 2018.05.16 fix some old bug———–new add—————demon elf npc———–$Sprites—————-demon battle lost image
: 2018.5.2 ———–new add—————counters GIRL slime———–$Sprites—————-$Raven lost demon————–redraw————–demon battle changedemon part map adjust
: 2018.4.16 remove bug part———–new add—————mix bug seedbed———–$Sprites—————-$mix bug seedbed$Raven lost tentacles$Raven lost slime$Raven lost bug$bug boss————–redraw————–slimenun slavebug battle change$Raven bug loststar firebug bossslime seedbed battle lost parttentacles seedbed battle lost partplant seedbed battle lost part
: 2018.3.29 ———–new add—————–trap plant (1)plant map remake (some)latex map adjustMonster Drop Girl image latex part (test)latex battle fall (you will not die now)adjust Menu image———–$Sprites—————-$raven tentacles boss$latex battle fall————–redraw—————plant Splitcher (1)bug seed bedplant bossnun bulenurse brownsucksutwhip girll (1)Q-BEElatex eye ball part
: 2018.3.15 add $plant vore
add $Budding Plant Girladd $plant mix suitBudding Plant Girl 2 adjustadd plant mix suitadd latex futa attackadjust slime attack image
: 2018.3.2 add plant mix seedbed
add plant mix seedbed Spritesfix slime attack skill bug
: 2018.1.16 add tentacles servant
add slime mix seedbed
add slime mix suit
redraw tentacles twins
add tentacles twins Animation
add futa Masturbation skill
add counter girl
add item turn on/off Standing painted
at Portal map to get
: 2016-2017 Builds 2017.10.17
first battle redraw
redraw tentacles Lamia (1)
add cum feind 3
redraw pregnan girl (2)
adjust nun slave part
first part map adjust
add new Shadow effect
skill remake
tentacles part adjust
$vacuum wall
unfinish prison on hospital
Monster researcher show her boobs2017.10.30
add pumpkin girl
add pumpkin futa girl
add Toppled Diva Sprites
add suck suit Sprites
redraw suck suit
redraw pumpkin monster2017.10.17
add Centwhore
add Centwhore Sprites
add Aurora de Gauss
add raven copy demon seedbed
adjust demon part map2017.10.3
add robot status
add more space Illithid
space Illithid part map remake2017.9.15
add Brain slaves (1)
add demon milk cow (1)
add robot dog (1)
add bimbo robot (2)
adjust demon part map
add tentacles part skill
add robot part battle lost end2017.8.31
re make demon map part
add battle change
add Upgrade hunter (2)
add Upgrade soldier
add Upgrade researcher
adjust Animation2017.8.15
re draw Half-demon (1)
re draw Purple Demon (1)
add demon Sprites
add voice on skill
re make demon part map2017.7.30
add >>> first part <<< monster 5 skill
attack mouth /chest/anal/pussy/face
add Upgrade alien
adjust reduce all monster Attack power and HP2017.7.15
Google Drive2017.6.30
use tentacles item become futa
Upgrade alien (unfinish)
space Illithid
alien boss part
alien transform (on seedbed part)
adjust tentacles part map
re make menu
Private Tillicum re draw
qbee map adjust2017.6.17
fix bug
hospital fallen exit
alien boss part 2
add Upgrade
add Upgrade Animation
add Upgrade status
add bug seedbed
add demon seedbed
add Upgrade
plant huge re draw2017.5.31
add alien boss part 1
add Holly Witch
add Mimic end
add Sprites
Leech Lady (1)
Parasites (1)—–> bee girl
$Private Tillicum (1)
good news
i find UNITY teammate !
i think we will have demo soon!
discord chat2017.5.15
redraw slime boss
redraw Slime bubble prison (1)
redraw Parasite Sentry
Sakura plant part
add healing girl image
add Budding Plant Girl Sprites
add Uranus Gaper (2) Sprites2017.4.30
add slime soldier Sprites
add slime Adventurer Sprites
add 2 slime Sprites
add Gel Pod Sprites
add alien seed wall
add alien npc
finish Sakura tentacles part
you can see Sakura and starfire at hospital
after you save them2017.4.15
adjust cum feind
adjust Creeping Corruptor
add Creeping Corruptor Sprites
adjust Busty Orchid (1)
adjust Tentacle Tower
adjust tentacles pregnan
add Sakura tentacles part
add slime soldier Sprites
fix text2017.3.31
add alien seedbed
add hunter fall
new Demon mask Sprites
new Demonic Gemini Fruit Sprites
fix alien part Portal
add alien transform2017.3.15
adjust plant boss fight part
add plant abductor Sprites
add vore plant Sprites
add Venus Infestor Sprites2017.3.2
add green hair soldier
add fallen green hair soldier
add fallen researcher
add fat alien
add fallen fat alien
add transform girl on hospital (first girl)2017.2.15
first map adjust
add more Sprites on first map
adjust first map Sprites
redarw latex ball girl
redraw slug girl
add fallen brown nurse
move Magician and warrior on hospital
add Researchers
add BIMBO ALIEN2017.1.30
add fallen warrior part
add Busty Orchid
start alien part
fix text2017.1.20
demon boss part finish
add Uranus Gaper
add Mrs.Beelazabub
redraw tentacles pregnan
fix text2016.12.30
demon boss part 2
add vore plant
Demon slaves
Brown Warrior
fix demon boss staus (it was bug staus)2016.12.15
Grass Wasp
plant milk pod
demon boss part 1
add hug boobs Animation
add raven hug boobs status
add counter GIRL
add black hair girl2016.11.30
Demon Mask
Latex Hunter
nun slave
Slime Symbiote
latex eyeball
redraw bug fight change
fix text
add latex copy raven game over Animation
add tentacles twin game over Animation
add raven latex eyeball status
you can transform Q-bee become slime (finally………!2016.11.15
add new Sprites
-latex part
-tentacles part
add Toppled Diva
redarw Tongue pod and vore wall
add raven Devil parasitic futa status
fix text2016.10.30
add Halloween satus
add Halloween monster
add copy latex raven
add Onadrone QBEE
fix text2016.10.15
add suck suit satus
add some demon
fix some text
re draw seedbed2016.9.30
fix some text (in file)
add suck Animation
you can make nurse Fallen now
adjust some item price2016.9.15
fix some text
fix some fight
add bule and Purple Demon
add nurse talk (UNFINISH
add demon bad end Animation2016.9.5
add Nurse Animation
add bee queen
add demon part
add demon fight
add 2 demon
you can see how much girl you save now2016.8.25
fix a lot text
add nurse
add starfire fight
add Slerm
add Slerm status
adjust qbee script
redraw plant seed bed and Sweet Belle2016.8.5
looks patreon can’t upload over 100 MB now :O
use google again
add some bug enemies
add bug futa status
add starfire but you can’t fight her now
adjust some text2016.7.27
Balance enemies2016.7.25
fix road2016.7.25
fix latex Lamia
add some bug enemy
add bug milk cow status2016.7.5
fix plant boss map2016.7.5
add plant boss
add plant mimic
add some plant enemy2016.6.25
add new beginning comicnew
plant enemy2016.6.15
fix plant parasitic status2016.6.15
add new plant enemy
add new tentacles Animation
add new slug girl
move girl in hospital (at city right)
add plant parasitic status2016.6.6
looks update fall
update again
try to use RAR for game2016.6.5
fix people Animation
fix game Opening
fix talk with soldier2016.6.5
slime boss
slime mimic
big dick with slime
plant enemy
plant map
plant battle fight
plant loss battle2016.5.26
vore pod2016.5.25
LV up point
battle HP change
map change
some slime enemy
change latex boss
add new Animation
you can pass all when you lv 20
use equipment and skill
if have bug please report2016.5.17
new map
latex boss
tentacles boss
Strange Hawker
many enemy
futa and milk status
you can pass all when you lv 15
use equipment and skill
if have bug please report2016.5.10
we have a Medium boss fight now
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